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Would You...


...sacrifice your life for someone else's?

In what circumstances would you consider it?

Just trying to re-introduce some depth in here...
Well, if it came down to between your life and mine, you wouldn't fare well in that regard...or to translate into ebonics: "you be fucked."

For those dear to me...yes.
Depends upon whom we're talking about. For some people, there wouldn't even be a moment of decision--I'd just do whatever was necessary to save them on instinct.

For a complete stranger? Who's to say? I have no idea how I would react in such a situation, never having been faced with it. Probably not, though.
Who knows? Until I'm faced with that situation, I can't be sure how I would react. I think it would depend on a lot of things, not necessarily conscious factors but rather unconscious ones. To save the life of a child, yeah, I think I would give mine. For my loved ones, almost definitely. I mean, hey, my grandfather is 94 years old and if he suddenly needed a heart transplant I don't think I'd offer mine. But then I seriously doubt he'd want me to. My 6-yr-old niece, on the other hand... I'd probably do it for her.
I'd do so for probably anybody without thinking twice. I'm a very empathetic person, almost patheticaly so. :D
See, 6? "Build it, and they will come". People are extremely eager to participate in a serious thread. We just have to get more of 'em out there. ;)

Everyone's answers have been very enlightening. I was more than a little surprised at CU's post. Just goes to show what I always say...everyone has at least some good in them. ;)

Blazer Boy, you sound like you have a big heart. Be careful you don't get it stomped on by wearing your empathy on your sleeve. ;)

6, I'd fully expect you to do a lightning quick logical assessment of the situation, and come up with a solution that has the maximum positive results. ;)

Sardy....not your parents or siblings? I applaud your willingness to sacrifice yourself for your wife and kids, tho. Good man. :)

Morrhigan...good points all. I'd give up my life for a child without hesitation, as would you. It sounds like you wouldn't base your choice on emotion, but would weigh the pros and cons and come up with a logical solution. Kinda like 6.... a "thinking" sacrifice. ;) one? No family, or closer than family friends? Really think about this one. :)

As for me? I'd give up my life without hesitation for certain members of my family, certain friends, and all children.
I figure, if it's their time it's their time. If God didn't want em dead he wouldn't kill em.
So, Mandi, you believe everyone's fate is predetermined. That is, no matter what actions we take, the outcome (in this case, death) is already set in stone?
The inevitability of death is indeed a deterrent for self sacrifice.

However, I'm going to step out on a limb and put it out there that you haven't had children yet. I think you'd be surprised at your choice if it ever came down to your life, or your child's.
Morrhigan...good points all. I'd give up my life for a child without hesitation, as would you. It sounds like you wouldn't base your choice on emotion, but would weigh the pros and cons and come up with a logical solution. Kinda like 6.... a "thinking" sacrifice.

Oh, emotion would certainly be a part of it. I would take how I felt into consideration along with the other factors. But in a lot of cases where someone gives their life to save another, there is no time to think at all. That's what I meant by subconscious factors. The decision would be made at a subconscious level, too fast for the conscious mind to analyze in the moment. Knowing myself as I do, I'm pretty sure I would leap forward to save a child, or close family (I include Hambil in that, btw). In such cases, logic isn't a factor until the dust settles and those still living can try to logically analyze why the person who made the sacrifice did what s/he did.
Just to address a subpoint briefly -- a mind properly trained can respond logically, even when not doing so consciously. You can train yourself to react to spontaneous situations rationally, without having to stop what you're doing. It's the difference between doing math in your head and having to drop everything and count on your fingers.
I can count to 21 if I'm naked!

I would give up my life for my son's without question. Same for my wife. If it was another child, I may have to think about it. That may sound cold, but I wouldn't want my son growing up without both parents.