Troll Kingdom

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Occasionally, I'll have this dream where I wake up in the middle of a random street in a random Asian country surrounded by random Chinamen babbling at me in a language I don't understand. I assume they're saying, "Are you okay?", but who knows. The place is always overcrowded with people and vehicles and smells like fish and pollution.

Is it something like that?
Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
Occasionally, I'll have this dream where I wake up in the middle of a random street in a random Asian country surrounded by random Chinamen babbling at me in a language I don't understand. I assume they're saying, "Are you okay?", but who knows. The place is always overcrowded with people and vehicles and smells like fish and pollution.

Is it something like that?

Depending on where you go its totally like that. I was laughing as I read this. I got lost in Shanghai by myself with no real way to get back to the apartment I was staying at...that was pretty crazy.

Asia is so foreign to's like nothing i've ever seen.

Some things that are different:
-They spit all over the place and its no big deal, they even have this noise they make when they do it...chinese believe they have to expel their spit every two seconds to stay healthy or something.

-Pushing and shoving without so much as an acknowledgement is not rude here.

-Western toilets are rare.

-Pizza is a delicacy.

-Dairy products like cheese and butter are incredibly scarce but chinese yogurt is really good.

-People SERIOUSLY can't drive. You don't need driving expperience to get a liscence here, you just need to pay money...even if you did know how to drive...nobody else follows the rules so why bother? When in doubt, they they honk a lot.

-Shanghai is great

-Beijing is not

-Beds are not comfortable

That's about all I can think of for right now! :D
Here's some pics...all of Shanghai. The random chicken one i took at KFC, they're all about KFC here :/

IMG_3505.jpg photobucket isn't cooperating with me here...the random chicken picture is all you get for now...more later, lol

What kind of flowers are you wearing under that wife beater? :bigass: Damn you look fine. How's China treating you? They are oppressive little fucks over there one would hope? How's the pollution, clearly it's not ruining the creamyness of your skin hopefully?


Hey. Yeah...the pollution is going to be a huge issue once the 2008 Olympics roll into town...lately there's been a dry spell with regards to new environmental disasters for the bleeding hearts to moan about...maybe that's why Paul McCartney has taken it upon himself to fly all the way to my home country and harp about baby seals...
Anywho...every time a chinese person tries to rip gweilo off (meaning me) I just laugh because when a flock of self important americans (and others, canadians included) show up for the Olympics...well, they'll be in for a shock.

As for the communism thing...I think that's China's best kept secret. It's like their own inside joke...there is no such thing as communism in China. In fact, its the most capitalistic place i've ever visited in my life. Watch out, US. The communist party thing is just a front, really...any chinese person will openly agree, as long as big brother isn't listening, haha

Much love...i'm gonna go watch one of my pirated cheap dvds...peace everybody
Holy shit Tiff dude if that is truely your picture than may I say I am every near being in love!!!! No just kidding dude I aint no stalker but fuck you are a babe in most every way there is.

If you ever find yourself in Altoona PA then you should look me up, we can hang and I'll show you around the place. Not much to see it is pretty much a shithole but you can have fun if you know how. We got a sstrip club here so you would feel at home but probaly the bitches there would take one look at you and say 'no fucken way' and give you attitude because they're not hot like you are. So maybe we'll stay away when you come visit come to think o f it.

It looks like you live in China now so too bad, that's pretty fucken far away from Altoon Pee-Ay as you can fucken get HA HA HAHAAHA But if should you find your way here I will be most glad to say hey. You can ask Miss Manners, she was here months back and we met at the food court and I didn't even try touching her even though she's pretty hot.

Anyway I'm babblen like a fag so I will stop now. Short and sweet you are hot!!!!!
Hey Tiff....

So nice to hear from you!!! Glad your taking it all in while your there....thats what its all about when you are in another country.

Thanks for the pictures cutie pie!!