Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
Occasionally, I'll have this dream where I wake up in the middle of a random street in a random Asian country surrounded by random Chinamen babbling at me in a language I don't understand. I assume they're saying, "Are you okay?", but who knows. The place is always overcrowded with people and vehicles and smells like fish and pollution.
Is it something like that?
Depending on where you go its totally like that. I was laughing as I read this. I got lost in Shanghai by myself with no real way to get back to the apartment I was staying at...that was pretty crazy.
Asia is so foreign to's like nothing i've ever seen.
Some things that are different:
-They spit all over the place and its no big deal, they even have this noise they make when they do it...chinese believe they have to expel their spit every two seconds to stay healthy or something.
-Pushing and shoving without so much as an acknowledgement is not rude here.
-Western toilets are rare.
-Pizza is a delicacy.
-Dairy products like cheese and butter are incredibly scarce but chinese yogurt is really good.
-People SERIOUSLY can't drive. You don't need driving expperience to get a liscence here, you just need to pay money...even if you did know how to drive...nobody else follows the rules so why bother? When in doubt, they they honk a lot.
-Shanghai is great
-Beijing is not
-Beds are not comfortable
That's about all I can think of for right now!