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Writing or typing?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I find that my writing flows more when I'm actually writing it down on paper, rather than looking at a keyboard for hours. Does anyone else do that?
Sardonica said:
I couldn't live without the ability to "backspace", reword, and edit as I go...

Neither could I. I'd die in fact... well maybe not literally, but it wouldn't be pretty.

I also have notebooks filled with ideas, outlines, doodles and such for story ideas. I also keep a note pad by my bed with a pen, because I'll sometimes wake up with an idea, or something in a dream triggers an idea for a story. If I write it down right away, I don't lose it when I go back to sleep.
The first stories I wrote I did in a typing class as I just needed to increase my speed and the set routines were really dull.

There used to be another kid in class who would read the story as soon as it came off the typewriter.

I think that first version of the story came out at about 15 pages.

The next word proccessed version came out around 150.
Typing. it's quicker, neater, and I can stare of into the distance and think, instead of trying to figure out why my pen has stopped working, AGAIN!
And I look at a keyboard wondering what the hell I'm supposed to do with all those frelling letters! ;)
I use both. The computer is great for the reasons Sardy gave - I type way faster than I write.

That said, there's something organic about handwriting. I started out that way when I was just a kid, and have notebooks full of crap I wrote all through college. So sometimes when I get stuck staring at the computer with no words coming, I'll get out a blank book and go back to handwriting. I like to carry one around with me, too, in case I want to jot down some ideas while I'm out and about. There's something very satisfying about curling up in one of the big cozy chairs at Starbuck's and outlining a story while sipping a latte.
I've kept journals from the time I was about 10. But I've taken to doing my journaling on the computer now. I used to hate it when I heard that people didn't "write" anymore-but now I am so used to the computer, that when I have to write for some reason-I actually get cramps in my hand. I think I should write more often.
I type for a couple reasons......I type faster than I write, when I do write I can barely read it, and my hand cramps.
I write in a notebook that costs no more than a buck. Or a legal pad.

then when I type it up in m.s. word i fix it up a bit. I rarely ever do a revised edition on a comic script though. As long as the artist or myself when I'm the artists know what's going on, my main worry is the dialogue. That's my selling point and the characterization.

BUT! but when i get ready to put together some submissions packages in the coming months, I may have to finally figure out a format and get a little more technical and clearer in newer drafts. It seems like more work, but that's what I gotta do to make it look professional.

Anyone use a program for format? I tried to d.l. one that was supposedly free, but then they wanted surveys and shit.
For ideas and outlines for stories I use notebooks. I can easily fill an entire 50 page college ruled notebook with ideas about where I want the story to go and ways to get there.

For writing the story, I'll use my computer. I find that I lose less if I'm typing it out then by just leaving it in a notebook where I could lose it, get it wet, burn it (dont ask), etc.
Typing is better for me. I like it mainly because its easier for me to go back and correct mistakes.