Troll Kingdom

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You Guys Need to take the: "Clint Van Zandt ~ How to spot a Sociopath with 5 minutes

especially was like she lost her mind or something. My theory on the whole thing is she was having sex with both of them and was having such a great time she thought I was the bad guy and they were the good guys.
B]OK..........I went over this with you last year but I guess none of you were paying attention to anything I said (exception~Sardy), you were the pack of wolves~hence the pack O Wolves theory.[/B]

Eric said:
Look, it's been a really long time. Looking back, it's obvious that what I did struck a large nerve with you, and has obviously caused you enduring pain as you are still being ate up with this.

For the record, I posted Deb's husbands PUBLIC work address on MY message board. I found it via his companies website. Although I didn't do anything illegal, it was immoral and done with bad intentions in mind.

Yes Eric, it was immoral and done with bad intentions. You and your brother recruiting minions both on and offline to do your dirty work and create a "pack mentality", spread hate............was also immoral. I really, really, really both have you have learned a valuable lesson. How much did Tim give you to put the keylogger on my computer, harass me online, hijack my email?? right in the middle of my divorce??? when Tim knew my paralegal sister who is better than most lawyers around here..........would be emailing me information, advice, would be dissin' on his sorry ass. What else did he put you up to??? I knew what you guys were up to because his lawyer would make his moves accordingly. Both of us figured it out in no time~~especially my sister~~she didn't trust Tim, his dad ..........thought they were capable of something DIRTY.

Eric said:
Looking around this forum, it's clear that spiritual conversations aren't welcomed, so I certainly won't offend the members here. But I will say that since those days, I've had a dramatic change in my life and I am now an ordained minister.

Evangelical ordained ministers scare the crap out of me............that is why I was horrified when I finally trolled your brother freaked me out when you popped up.

Eric said:
Yes, I'm still a correctional officer as well.

a "well-connected" correctional officer. Hey!!!!!! I have a do all the prisoners get stuff like cell phones, weapons, drugs, booze??? They go through the mail before giving to inmates, they strip-search people who visit prisoners, *SHUDDERS* so how are they getting all that junk?? all that junk inside your trunk???

Eric said:
No, I am not Brian, as I have insisted for many years now. Incidently, Brian hasn't had regular internet access for over a year now, so unfortunately Deb, I'm afraid that what I did so long ago has trapped you into thinking that you are still "talking" with me or my brother.

Wow!! Brian hasn't had internet access for over a year???? There was a guy on this board that I would have SWORN was your brother!!!!!!! Then again, it could be one of the conspiracy theories I pull out my ass! YOu know me...........

Eric said:
To be honest, I hadn't even thought about you for a long time, until I opened my email this evening and was given the link to your post.

Yeah.............about the email, who sent it to you?? IceAngel sent me a *pm* after it was posted here (and subsequently removed) saying she thought it was awful of you to out "T" like that. I wonder to myself sometimes.......Who is T???? is T more than one person??

Eric said:
Coincidently, you are still preaching the same sermon as you were two years ago, and once again it is still only half true. Neither one of us "hacked" into your computer or ever had the desire to do so. And how did I "hack" into a message board that belonged to my anyway? Just curious mind you.

Which part is half-true??? Ok, I may not know for a "tried" to hack a message board, maybe it was as easy as guessing the password~~like you guessed the password to my email account. Or so you say.

I bet Tim gave you the password to my email didn't he?? Afterall, he is the one who set it up for me.

Preaching the same sermon???? honey............I leave the preaching to you. I troll.

Eric said:
In any event Deb, you have my heartfelt apologies for posting your husband's information on my board. I did it to make you mad and looking back that was very childish of me. I am very sorry. I realize that you are going to continue this "crusade" regardless of how sincere an apology I offer, just know that I won't be a participant. I will gladly talk to you in an attempt to get you past this, but I have no desire to argue or flame with you. It's just no longer a desire of mine. Please feel free to ask me anything you feel like you need to know in order to move on with your life.

I'm sorry to hear about your failed marriage. Divorce or seperation is always an unfortunate result. I trust you are holding up okay. I'll check back here every now and again to see what you have to say. I really do hope you can move past this, as it seems that everbody else already has.

Please to not check on me. I have told you and your brother over and over and over that I do not want to be around you, I think both of you are trouble, I especially think you can cause a lot of trouble on the internet, I have asked you to leave me alone.

After posting this and taking grief from everyone on this board I was served a criminal summons, I was given 10 days to turn myself in.........I waited until the 9th day because I was scared to go down there cause I didn't know if they were going to throw me in the slammer or what.............I was accused of online harassment here at TrollKingdom and subsequently arrested.
This pissed me off at missmanners more than anyone because SHE had full control of this at that time and I begged HER to do something about what was going on. I believe now, as I believe back then that missmanners played a big role in this charge being brought against me.
I cannot wait to find out your real life identity. My reward, in the end, is that I will know the key players on this board and their real identity's. It is only fair since you know EVERY detail about me.
JillianBacardi said:
How much did Tim give you to put the keylogger on my computer, harass me online, hijack my email?? right in the middle of my divorce??? when Tim knew my paralegal sister who is better than most lawyers around here..........would be emailing me information, advice, would be dissin' on his sorry ass. What else did he put you up to??? I knew what you guys were up to because his lawyer would make his moves accordingly. Both of us figured it out in no time~~especially my sister~~she didn't trust Tim, his dad ..........thought they were capable of something DIRTY.

His dad wired him 9K to hire a lawyer. His lawyer cost $'s not like he had to set up house~~Becky got a good settlement when she divorced her husband and since they set up house right away from that nice settlement.............where did the other $7K go and what did he do with it???? When I counterfiled adultery charges........they turned up the heat.

I just trolled all of you. Guess what??? when my sister and I figured out you were hijacking my email............we let you. We started talking about all the married women he had fucked during our marriage and all the pics, evidence..........P.I.
His lawyer started getting his panties in a wad and he started demanding all this stuff from me, including who my P.I. is, all the evidence. We put him off and put him off and put him off and ignored him. Then his panties started wadding up so bad he want to depose me.
Then all of a sudden I had a criminal charge filed against me.
Then all of a sudden his lawyer did an about-face and ran to the courthouse to set a court date. He didn't even give me a chance to send him my pics/evidence or give a deposition.

It didn't matter because Tim had to answer my interrogatories and he confessed that he and his married girlfriend at work had been having sex with each other. It really grossed me out *SHUDDERS* when he named Beck.

psssssstttttt....................hey Eric!! tell Tim I didn't need to hire no stinkin' PI~~didn't do it the first time, didn't do it this time. Don't fuck with the "H" sisters cause we will whip you ass and troll you at the same time. pics/smooch.gif

We are good like that.