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YouTube Mania!


Okay, yeah...this thread is an indulgence. But, wtf, right? ;)

This is the thread where you can post all those interesting YouTube videos you discover. Whatever you think is entertaining, can go in here.

I'll start:

The Empire Strikes Quack

Video from the 10th Anniversary Star Wars Convention... hilarious combination of the Star Wars films and Looney Tunes! Duck Dodgers meets Darth Vader! Edited by Daren Dochterman and Chuck Michael...

Enjoy! :D
See, if I were so inclined, YouTube is a virgin trolling mecca. A lot of videobloggers might as well hold up a sign to the camera reading "TROLL ME!" :D

However, I mainly watch the music/dance/movie videos.

I'm just starting to watch the v-bloggers.
Yeah, I'm just barely into the bloggers, but they're all truly begging to get made fun of and frustrated.
Careful, tho. They do IP ban, if necessary. And they have it so your IP address shows up in the lower right of your posts, visible only to you and the moderators. The rest of the membership can't see it.

But, yeah...this one has gotten me out of retirement...for the time being. :D
Mandi said:
God that bitch is a fucking whiner....and I posted a comment telling her so

"Yeah, I've got this rash."

and my favorite

"I'm setting up a PayPal account for donations"

Like she's a fucking telathon!
I've already registered, and I'm currently inquiring as to why anyone would want to buy a used pair of FilthyWhore's underwear. In an innocent, just searching for information way, of course. ;)

Damn...I'm going straight to hell for this... :D msn or chat.

But I've done very little, so far. Just one thread in the Introductions forum, inquiring as to the nature of the board.

And these two posts about FilthyWhore's offer to buy her panties:

Friday said:
Excuse me for asking. I'm new here. But what would someone want with a used pair of underwear? Wouldn't they smell used? I mean, there's a reason even the cleanest person takes a bath everyday.

I don't get it.

A reply:

hurrcane said:
haha..for real? you dont get it? lemme just say the buyers would surely have been mighty disappointed if they smelled factory fresh, but as long as they were you honestly not get this?? i mean its really weird but kinda obvious.
My last post to date:

Friday said:
I'm sorry. No, I don't understand. Why would someone want to buy a used pair of underwear when they smell of another person? I know at the end of the day before I take my bath I don't smell so good down there.