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2008 US President candidates

Need to upate the list again now that the Iowa Caucus is past. That was kind of an interesting turn of events with Obama and Huckabee coming out as the front runners. Have to say Huckabee worries me more than Obama.
Issues I'm interested in:
Seniors and Social Security
Strengthening the Middle Class
Providing Affordable and Accessible Health Care
Promoting Energy Independence and Fighting Global Warming
Restoring America's Standing in the World
Comprehensive Government Reform
Strengthening Our Democracy
Reforming Our Immigration System

My initial reaction to Huckabee comes from the Evangelicals being so crazy about him. That scares me.

I'll get back to you on how they stack up to my issues after I've done some research.
Have you seen the porno Obama made?

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Huckabee's a dumbass. First, he thinks we should give everyone guns...not to protect us from criminals, but to protect us from the government. That shit is not gonna pass with the major cities. Second, he's endorsed and is in politcal ads with Chuck Norris. You cannot take serious a guy that has attached to his name 'underneath his beard isn't his chin...but another fist'. Third, he's too fucking ugly to be president. He isn't as ugly as Thompson or Rudy. But, he's damn near close to them. McCann's looking like he should be behind the register at BK, he's so old. I think he's almost 80.

Obama is hen pecked. If I want his wife President, I'd vote for her, not for Obama and then, have her end up running the damn thing. She can't even shut the fuck up about socks being on the floor of their home on the campaign trail. It was then I knew I can't vote for him. There's a difference between showing the people you're just like them and saying 'I want you to vote for my husband for president, so he can take care of the country; but look at how much a slob he is at home. He won't even pick up dirty socks and put them in the hamper...but I want you to vote for my honey, Barrack-y, because he can get people to do what needs to be done, even though he won't pick up his dirty, smelly socks and be a bad example for our children; he's so fucked up with tiny shit like this, that he must be able to run a fucking country the size of the US. What's so hard to do that?'. Hillary is excessively politically calculating and she's got a big ass chip on her shoulder because of her sense of entitlement. I don't give a fuck if the one I vote for is someone I can have a beer with. That's not the job of a president. I'll kick his ass, if I find him drinking next to the red phone. Richardson has the resume, but he doesn't have the support and I don't think he'd make the general election. And if anyone thinks a republican is gonna win in '08, they're nuts.

Edwards is the guy.
I say it's so and I'm doing a spell. I'm calling on spirits, both good and evil, to do what needs to be done in reality to make John Edwards the next president. And I don't mean the dead talking guy with the retarded face. I mean the bloke with the $400 dollar haircuts, ex-lawyer pretty boy.
Your list sucks man ass gaywad

Here is the list I made of the possible candidates in November of 2005 revised:


[strike]Birch Evans "Evan" Bayh III (U.S. Senator from Indiana)[/strike]
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (U.S. Senator from Delaware)
[strike]Barbara Levy Boxer (U.S. Senator from California)[/strike]
Wesley Kanne Clark (Retired 4 star general)
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (U.S. Senator from New York)
Johnny Reid "John" Edwards (former U.S. Senator from North Carolina)
[strike]Russell Dana Feingold (U.S. Senator from Wisconsin)[/strike]
Albert Arnold Gore Jr. (former VP)
[strike]John Forbes Kerry (U.S. Senator from Massachusetts)[/strike]
Barack Obama (U.S. Senator from Illinois)
William Blaine "Bill" Richardson (Governor of New Mexico)
[strike]Brian Schweitzer (Governor of Montana)[/strike]
[strike]Eliot Spitzer (New York State Attorney General)[/strike]
[strike]Mark Robert Warner (Governor of Virginia)[/strike]


Christopher Dodd (U.S. Senator from Connecticut)
Mike Gravel (Former U.S. Senator from Alaska)
Dennis Kucinich (U.S. Representative from Ohio)


[strike]George Felix Allen (U.S. Senator from Virginia)[/strike]
Samuel Dale Brownback (U.S. Senator from Kansas)
[strike]John Ellis "Jeb" Bush (Governor of Florida)[/strike]
[strike]Bill Frist, M.D. (Senate Majority Leader, U.S. Senator from Tennessee)[/strike]
Newton Leroy Gingrich (Former Speaker of the House)
Mike Huckabee (Governor of Arkansas)
John Sidney McCain III (U.S. Senator from Arizona)
[strike]George Elmer Pataki (Governor of New York)[/strike]
[strike]Mike Pence (Congressman from Indiana)[/strike]
Willard Mitt Romney (Governor of Massachusetts)


Rudy Giuliani (Former Mayor of New York City)
Duncan Hunter (U.S. Representative from California)
Alan Keyes (Former Ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council)
Ron Paul (U.S. Representative from Texas)
Tom Tancredo (U.S. Representative from Colorado)
Fred Thompson (Former U.S. Senator from Tennessee)

Libertarian Party:

[strike]Michael J. Badnarik[/strike]


Daniel Imperato of Florida
Mike Jingozian of Oregon
Bob Jackson of Michigan
Steve Kubby of California
Alden Link of New York
George Phillies of Massachusetts
Christine Smith of Colorado
Wayne Allyn Root of Nevada
Ron Paul (U.S. Representative from Texas)
Ed Thompson (former Tomah, Wisconsin mayor and 2002 Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate)


[strike]Jesse Ventura[/strike]


Blake Ashby of Missouri
Don Cordell of California
Joe Schriner of Ohio
Jon A Greenspon of California
Brad Lord-Leutwyler of Nevada
Charles T. Maxham of New Jersey
James H. Mccall of Ohio
David J. Masters of North Carolina
Donald K. Allen of Ohio
Steve Adams of Kentucky
David Koch of Utah
John Taylor Bowles of South Carolina
Bob W. Hargis of Oklahoma
Thomas J. Kozee Jr. of Ohio
Michael Bloomberg (New York City mayor)
Ralph Nader of Connecticut
Sam Nunn (Former Senator, D-Georgia)

What will be my ONE deal breaking or making issue for a candidate in 2008?

Taxes (including internet taxation)
Health Care
Moral Values
Foreign Policies
Social Security
Gay Marriage