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87% Vote to Impeach!

Perjury is perjury. Both have lied. It's not fair for one to get away with lying, but not the other. We look to the President for guidance, he represents the US with his image. I am disgusted. And to think I actually voted for him. Next time I'll do more research than simply agreeing with my father's choice, as I have been realizing we differ in opinion on many issues.
But OTOH, I didn't really like Kerry OR Bush. Meh.
I wasn't trying to troll you and you know it. I just knew that would be one of the first responses. "Bush didn't lie".

And you didn't make a good enough argument to give you a well-reasoned response. Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, you are still spouting the "Party Line".

Aren't you even a *little* bit suspicious at this late date over the pre-war events? Not even a little? You trust this man enough to blindly believe whatever he says? I think it is always smart to question authority, especially the authority of the most powerful nation in the world. It's our duty to question it.
Big Dick McGee said:
President Bush did NOT lie to start a war.

President Bush to Tony Blair: "The US was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours. If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach"

He examined intelligence, after
He was determined to go to war.

our fucking country was attacked by towel-headed asshats

At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive

See here's how it works: PUSA gets intelligence of WMD's. His cabinet, the House and the Senate get the same intelligence. PUSA proposes starting a military action against Iraq. The House and Senate vote on the military action, thereby approving it. FACT: There are Democrats as well as Republicans in the Legislative branch, and many, many Dems voted for the military action. John Kerry voted for it. So did "Hillary in '08" Clinton. See, in the REAL world, the PUSA doesn't operate in a vacuum, making sinister decisions on his own.
Except Bush intented to go to war whether anyone liked it or not. The decision came from the top-down.
Oh, and I can get more if my source comes under fire as a smokescreen. Lefty conspiracy kooks? What's today's term?

Can I get one of these?
I refuse to debate strippers on the off chance that they may give me the verbal and logical smackdown. That'd be like getting beat in basketball by a girl!
Big Dick McGee said:
I refuse to debate strippers on the off chance that they may give me the verbal and logical smackdown. That'd be like getting beat in basketball by a girl!

You do realize that just making that statement makes you look like a pussy. An insecure pussy at that.

I'm just sayin.... ;)
The dems have a lot bigger things to worry about than claim, counter-claiming with repubs. They need to focus more on the image of the party if they want a snowball's chance in hell at winning in '08. More likely though, the dems will ride the gravy train provided by repubs and hope that Americans are stupid enough to believe their propaganda. Didn't work in '04, we thought they'd learned their lesson but then they went and made Howard "YEARRRRRRGH" Dean head of the party and it was clear they hadn't.
Laker_Girl said:
Didn't work in '04, we thought they'd learned their lesson but then they went and made Howard "YEARRRRRRGH" Dean head of the party and it was clear they hadn't.
