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A gay marriage proposal...

So you're the one who threw out the line of crap about "how does it affect you" -- how does this clerk's unwillingness to endorse gay marriage affect you?

'Cause it doesn't. Unless you wanna be a complete hypocrite and claim that it does because of some utterly fictive bullshit kinship you have in common with teh gheyz.

It doesn't affect me personally at all. And I never said it did.

However, there's a moral issue of equality here. And that affects us all as a society. It's morally wrong to deny something to a specific group of people because you don't agree with their lifestyle, sexual preferences or orientation.

Remember, the same arguments have been used in the past by the right to deny marriage to interracial couples and to make some sexual practices between consenting adults, illegal. But, you'd know that if you had ever gotten laid before.
I think it's important for us to all take a moment to remember that Satan actually laughs when gay people get married. Do you really want to be a part of making Satan happy?

If gay marriage makes Satan happy, he's probably ecstatic over the murders, rapes, religious wars, famine, torture and other atrocities that humanity is committing on a daily basis. If we spent a bit more time worrying about the real issues I just mentioned and less time worrying about what two consulting adults are doing in their pursuit of happiness, we might just become a better society.
If gay marriage makes Satan happy, he's probably ecstatic over the murders, rapes, religious wars, famine, torture and other atrocities that humanity is committing on a daily basis.

How does that reasoning work? Are you saying that you think gay marriage is morally wrong, that it's on the same spectrum as those other things? :unsure:
Whoops. I misspoke.

What I meant to say was -

I think it's important for us to all take a moment to remember that some people really think Satan laughs when gay people get married.
If there was such a personage, I would approve of doing things to make him happy. Not like they have Game Stop down there, so it's probably Ol' Scratch's only source of entertainment.
It probably goes without saying but if there was a Satan, and I'm hopeful that there is, he would, by definition, be ecstatic over the murders, rapes, religious wars, famine, torture and other atrocities that humanity is committing on a daily basis.
No doubt. I'm just befuddled as to why it would enter Sarek's mind to lump gay marriage in with those things, unless he sees it as something that goes in the same toybox.
That all depends on whether or not we're calling gay marriage, or anything else, a sin. Scripturally speaking, all sin is equal and punishable by death. Lying is the same as raping a baby is the same as stealing a candy bar and so on and so forth.
In the strange moral relativism of absolute holiness we're admonished to let he who is without sin to cast first and seeing as how I'm no angel, I say go for it.
That good old Nearly Indecipherable Version. Sprays the Lard. Sprays Cheeses. Step for'ard, brother, 'n' testicle! Howlin' loofah!
No doubt. I'm just befuddled as to why it would enter Sarek's mind to lump gay marriage in with those things, unless he sees it as something that goes in the same toybox.

I didn't. I said "IF gay marriage makes him smile, than the other much more serious issues must make him ecstatic." It was sarcasm in the fact that I doubt Satan would take much notice of the gay marriage issue when you consider all the other real shitty things we do to each other in the name of religion.
You know if, just once, I won an argument with a liberal

Everyone should have goals, but maybe you should pick one a bit more obtainable?

Snark aside, I don't find your question that relevant. The issue comes down to gender discrimination. If two people that could otherwise marry can't simply due to gender then that is gender discrimination.

However, b/c I'm such a nice guy I'll play your game. Saying that in the past homosexuals had marriage equality b/c they could marry anyone of the opposite sex is like saying saying someone living in single party state has political freedom b/c they are free to vote for any party member that they like.
Thank you. That is actually a fairly clever argument. And it has a nifty label, "gender discrimination" that makes it somehow sound dirty. I'd hate to discriminate against someone because of their gender. I mean that would be like telling a man he has no say in whether his baby gets aborted.

But that's another discussion for another time. Instead I'll ask where you draw the line on fairness and equality. If same-sex marriage is legal, why discriminate against blood relatives who want to marry. After all, it isn't like identical twins can get create inbred offspring.

For that matter, if abortion is legal, there's really no reason to ban heterosexual incestuous marriages. I mean if you want to be fair and protect people's rights, yes?