Troll Kingdom

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A proposal

S. SaDiablo said:
If I willingly leave TK and do not post again (no duals, nothing) will you accept a truce?

What I'm offering is one less twat in exchange for you leaving my friends (everyone else on that list) alone.

Don't be such a bloody drama queen, and just get on with it.
S. SaDiablo said:
Laugh all you'd like. I am serious.

Back off and I'm gone.

Umm, I don't mean to throw a wrench in your logic, but are you saying that if they lighten up, you will leave?

So that if they are Complete Twats, you will stay?
Messenger said:
Me leaving you, and any others who follow your lead in posting there, alone.

Let them post wherever they'd like, without this kind of onslaught (everyday trolling and flaming is fine)...and we have a deal.

This has nothing to do with anything. I just found it on Google.
S. SaDiablo said:
Let them post wherever they'd like, without this kind of onslaught (everyday trolling and flaming is fine)...and we have a deal.
They can post wherever they like, but they'll be met with the full force of my ebilness if it's more 'which TKer would you like to cuddle' crap.
Listen, you can all think I'm stupid or overreacting. I don't care. I have my reasons and I don't feel the need to explain them to any of you.

I know you're planning something. You'd be stupid not to be. Call it off, Messenger. That's all I ask.
S. SaDiablo said:
I know you're planning something. You'd be stupid not to be. Call it off, Messenger. That's all I ask.

Ok... I'm convinced. The sarcastic and irreverent tone in that statement tells me that this is INDEED a troll.

I withdraw from this thread, a little wiser and more complete. I am Neil.
S. SaDiablo said:
If I willingly leave TK and do not post again (no duals, nothing) will you accept a truce?

What I'm offering is one less twat in exchange for you leaving my friends (everyone else on that list) alone.

The Dialectizer has its benefits, at times.

Eff'n ah willin'ly leave TK an' does not post agin (no jools, nothin') will yo' accepp a trooce?

Whut in tarnation ah's offerin' is one less twat in exchange fo' yo' leavin' mah friends (ev'ryone else on thet list) alone.

If ah' willin'ly leave TK and do not post again (no duals, nodin') gots'ta ya' accept some truce?

Whut I'm offerin' be one less twat in 'shange fo' ya' leavin' mah' homeys (everyone else on dat list) alone.

If I willingly leave TK and do not post again (no duals, nuffink) will yer accept a truce?

Wot I'm bloody well offerin' is one less twat in exchange for yer leavin' me chinas (evry geezer else on that list) alone.

Elmer Fudd
If I wiwwingwy weave TK and do not post again (no duaws, nothing) wiww you accept a twuce?

What I'm offewing is one wess twat in exchange fow you weaving my fwiends (evewyone ewse on that wist) awone.
(Note: The Dialectizer translates Diablo's name as 'S. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! SaDiabwo' in Fudd speak)

Swedish Chef
Iff I veellingly leefe-a TK und du nut pust egeeen (nu dooels, nutheeng) veell yuoo eccept a trooce-a?

Vhet I'm ooffffereeng is oone-a less tvet in ixchunge-a fur yuoo leefeeng my freeends (iferyune-a ilse-a oon thet leest) elune-a.

If I willigg lee TK 'n do not post again (no duals, duuhhhh, nodigg) will you accept a truce, duh...uh...? What I'm offehigg is one less twat in exchange f' you leabigg my friends (ebehyone else on dat list) alone.

Pig Latin
Ifyay Iyay illinglyway eavelay tKay andyay oday otnay ostpay againyay (onay ualsday, othingnay) illway youay acceptyay ayay ucetray? Atwhay I'myay offeringyay isyay oneyay esslay attway inyay exchangeyay orfay youay eavinglay ymay iendsfray (everyoneyay elseyay onyay atthay istlay) aloneyay.

IDF I WIL;INGLY LEAVE TK AND DO nOt POST AGA1N (NO DDUALS, NOTHING) WLIL Y0U ACCEO TA TRUCE!?!?? loll whaT i'm iffar1ng is omne leSs twat In echange rfoypu leavimng My d0d0s (everyone else on that list) alone, I wi7l aahck u becauz y0u ares uxk

Knock Yourselves Out