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Agree or Disagree?

I agree, you should not ask. If they want to volunteer that info that's a whole nother can of beans.

If you don't want to know, state so up front.
Sadistic Bastard said:
Sorry, you might be surprised at how many would take your statment and run with it...

No apology is necessary, SB. I respect you... and perhaps my levity was not warranted in this instance. Sadi has created an engaging thread and I was feeling very flippant and obnoxious this afternoon.

To those who know me, would know that I would never do that, a "revenge fuck"... but TK does not usually afford that kind of intimate knowledge of one's character.

I play this way at home, too. And the wife, even, doesn't always "get" my sense of humor. (Which can frustrate me from time to time, as I imagine it frustrates her.) For me, though, it's like trying on different hats, different masks, to see how they feel, how they fit, making comments that are completely contrary to my core - to provoke... or maybe, perhaps, they're more true than I'd like to believe.

I say these things because I NEVER say these things. If that makes any sense.

And, no, I would not be surprised at how many would take my statement and run with it. What people are capable of rarely surprises me anymore.
And now, back to the question. . .

It is no one's business how many sexual partners you may have had in the past. You would be unwise to answer that question truthfully and, so, you should keep your past history to yourself. No good can come from talking about it.
It's when your partner starts comparing you (unfavorably) to a past partner (or partners) that a relationship can get rocky really fast.
Nothing's "wrong", but that kind of difference will certainly lend itself to additional stresses on the relationship... but could also be mutually rewarding to all involved!

Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson!
that depends on your age. If you are seriously underage, yes. If you are overage, and both are consenting adults, then it is none of my beeswax.
There can be imbalance issues with vast age differences...however...

Once one is over 25 or so, I'd say the difference doesn't matter. I've had a lover that was 20+ years my senior...and she was wonderful. In general I prefer older women...but as I age a few younger than I have the same attractive characteristics (wisdom, experience, a few "scars" to make them interesting and add mental/emotional depth).
I don't know

I think I sort of agree

but then I might disagree

sort of like delirium from the sandman comics

have you ever read it?

ive read it

its golden!

its great I mean the artwork, story line

the whole anthropomorphic description of primal forces and human


its awesome and thats all i can say about it

what was

the topic?

ah yes it was about agreeing or disagreeing

i think that people in their hearts want the same things

and those who disagree

shouldbe pushed out and

forced to form a leper colony

no, men just look vaguely silly down there, regardless of if they are shaven or not. Of course, if they're shaven I can have a lot more fun before getting fed up with hair in my mouth, so its to their advantage to shave.
Dragging back to my old Latin classes...(sigh)

"Love incites All", or close to that. Dammit...not sure if my translation is good.

Assuming that my translation isn't entirely off:
No, love is not universally cherished. Love is often frightening as it is a Risk...
Neil said:
I play this way at home, too. And the wife, even, doesn't always "get" my sense of humor. (Which can frustrate me from time to time, as I imagine it frustrates her.) For me, though, it's like trying on different hats, different masks, to see how they feel, how they fit, making comments that are completely contrary to my core - to provoke... or maybe, perhaps, they're more true than I'd like to believe.

I say these things because I NEVER say these things. If that makes any sense.

And, no, I would not be surprised at how many would take my statement and run with it. What people are capable of rarely surprises me anymore.

I could have posted this.
Sadistic Bastard said:
Dragging back to my old Latin classes...(sigh)

"Love incites All", or close to that. Dammit...not sure if my translation is good.

Assuming that my translation isn't entirely off:
No, love is not universally cherished. Love is often frightening as it is a Risk...

Close. "Love conquers all." Ever read the Canterbury Tales? ;)
I missed a lot, but....

Having a partner twice your age or older is wrong. Agree or disagree?

I disagree. I can rarely stand to be around people my own age as it is, actually dating/being with someone that age can be tiring. My last bf before my husband was 28 while I was 20. It was the biggest age difference I had experienced with a partner. And I found that he STILL wasn't mature enough. And I find that younger men tend to treat you as an inferior even if the age difference is only a year. Maybe it's a phase? I dunno, I hated it out of a mate. My husband is 37 and I'm 21 and I feel it's just right. He has an insane amount in common with me and he's JUST mature enough!

Men find the completely bare look (down there) most arousing. Agree or disagree?

I've found that most men prefer their women to look like a woman, and not pre pubescent girls. I'm not knocking women who do this either, but I have heard the "girl" comment from men, not me.