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Was I right about her: Well I was getting sick of all the girls being the promo girl type with implants and she DOES have an annoying laugh and say "oh my God" a lot...

Aisleyne was disliked from the start by many of her fellow housemates for reasons that never really became clear. I would guess that the bitchy girls dislike her because she WASN'T bitch at all herself and wouldn't take their crap. Grace in particular seemed to project her own horrible qualities onto Aisleyne during nomination. There was also the way she dressed which probably made them think she "loved herself" but really I don't think she cared how she looked (she'd go around without make-up with spot cream all over her face) and she actually had quit low self esteem underneath it all. Then there was the time she went a bit evil after getting nominated by everything she said to Lea was true and she apologised to Nikki (genuinely) 3995 times. She was also there to comfort people when they were upset and stuff too and of course stood up for Susie after the "dashing" of water.

Then she went into the house next door and changed.

Was she being fake when she mostly dropped her ghetto speak? Nah, I think she just let her guard down. Of course, she let it down so far that she became an emotional wreck in the last few weeks. Again, low self esteem. She did really annoy me when she was crying all the time and refusing to nominate (but ended up doing it anyway of course). BUT on the whole she was one of the nicer, more-caring people in there and genuinely learned about herself and changed more than most. And she did cartwheels in her underwear.

Was she a good housemate: Yes. Would have been worthy of winning.

Best moments: When Sezer said "we got rid of the people we don't like" and she said "what, bullied them?" on her first night and totally spoiled the cretin's gameplan.
Standing up for Susie right away after the DASHING.
"Oh you better know yourself if you're talking about me, little girl."
Going into the House Next Door.
Crying for FOUR YEARS after evicting Jonathan.
Her face when Glyn said "Grace is the nicest girl I've ever met."
Her embarrassment at seeing her audition tape.
If this is what you write about a reality TV nobody after 3 months, I can't wait to see your 15 page dissertation on each of the characters of Lost.
These threads seem pathetic looking back at them, BUT AT THE TIME ALL THIS STUFF WAS IMPORTANT AND IT WILL BE AGAIN THIS SUMMER