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Alito sworn in as Supreme Court Justice

Big Dick McGee said:
No idea. I've never known anyone who's had an abortion. It must not be too hard, after all they decide to go through with it.

I do, my former roommate and her now husband made a deal, I'll marry you if you get an abortion. She did and didn't think twice. She used abortion as a means of birth control and as a bargining chip. That's real life, real world people making that wreckless decision. The couple had been living together for 4 years, owned the house we lived in, she didn't have to work, he made excellent money and there wasn't a reason in the world they couldn't have had their baby except the he was scared. Eight years later, they're still married and have a daughter and my ex roommate a fucking mess because now she realizes what she did and also resents the hell out of her husband because of it. They almost divorced once and will no doubt be divorcing in the not so distant future. That right there is the other problem, there is not nearly enough counseling regarding consequences prior to vacuuming out your baby and some, if not most, women end up all screwed up.
Friday said:
What would you say to a woman who wants to have an abortion because she was raped, and it resulted in a pregnancy? And what if this woman is poor, and couldn't afford to cross state lines if Roe V Wade were handed back to the states?

Please, can we stop with this scenario? First of all, I would bet a million dollars that the number of abortions that are performed because the woman was raped is significantly insignificant. BUT, to answer your question, as long as the woman filed charges, abortion in that case could fall under a medical exception. I'm not saying I'd agree with her choice, but I would understand that the consequence of being pregnant was not her fault.

Abstinence is taught as a moral option. If girls are raised in the type of environment that encourages it, then the odds are far less that they will engage in irresponsible sex. It's not the access to abortion that encourages pre marital sex, it's the prevailing morals in one's immediate environment.

Actually, quite the opposite has been found to be true. When abstinence is presented as the only option, girls are far more likely to engage in premarital sex.

But here's the problem, you and your fellow Liberals view abstinence as a "moral option". Why not view it as a viable medical option? I mean, any Doctor will tell you that there's only been one instance in human history where a woman has become pregnant without having sex. I doubt it's gonna happen again any time soon.

I am not disputing this. But remember...250 deaths a year due to illegal abortions is a small number, but it's 250 more than is acceptable in my eyes.

250 deaths vs. hundreds of thousands? It's a fair trade-off in my opinion. You're allowing your common sense to be clouded by the fact that this is purely a women's issue. Guess what? Some of those murdered babies are girls! Shocking, I know!
And so the battle wages.

Listen I am Pro-Choice but am personally against abortion. The reason I am Pro-Choice is because I want to retain the choice for myself. I don't want the State forcing me to have children or not have them. It's my body.

My personal take on men having any input into this at ALL, is this.. unless and until you take the same kind of responsibility for YOUR sexual behavior you have no say so in the result. Yes, Yes I know father's have equal rights and I'm all for that. But in most cases, you're not going to find men taking the same kind of care with their sexual behavior, why??? because they don't get pregnant.

Is this an old line of argument. It sure is. You know why it's old, because it's true. So until you men put those damn condoms on yourself and act responsibly, you get no say in what occurs in my body as a result of sex.

Now on the other hand, do I think women should 'think' before they spread their legs? You better believe I do. I do not have a bleeding heart for the women who had abortions and then 'suffer' because of that chocie. Suck it up honey. It's a natural consequence of that choice. Some of you would give those women a crying towel because they chose to get an abortion, but don't extend the same towel to those who were silly enough to be reckless, have sex, and get pregnant. They are both choices, freely made, and those women have to live with the consequences of their actions.

I'm sick to death of both sides of this argument looking to the state to protect women from their own feeble decisions. If you fuck take precautions or live with the consequences. If you want a fool proof way of avoiding pregnancy [without abortions] don't have sex [that goes for both men and women I might add]. If you fuck and get pregnant, make a choice and live with the consequences. End of story.

What I don't want to see is the State [federal or state] telling me what I can or cannot do with my body. They can regulate the conditions.. [place, 24 hour rule, time frame, etc.. ] but other than that, leave me alone. I have to live with the consequence of every other decision I make in life. Stay the hell out of telling me what to do with my body.

BTW, the question of when does life begin is simple, it begins at conception. It is a living organism, it is just not capable of survival outside the womb. That is the key here, not capable of survival out of the womb. Until it is capable of life outside the womb, it is attached to a woman's body. AND HERE ME LOUD AND CLEAR, the state is not going to tell me what to do with my body. Pure and simple.

Now personally I have a BIG problem with abortion. I'm lucky though, I lived my life so I NEVER had to face that decision. I have moral reservations about it. But those are MY reservations. I don't believe I can dictate to another woman what she should believe, feel or do. NOR should the state.
How is fighting for the option of abortion not endorsing the idea?? I mean, if I were to endorse making driving drunk an individual "choice", aren't I endorsing the idea of driving drunk?

If I endorse your free speech right to state your political beliefs, does that mean I agree with your political beliefs?