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Arrested Development season 4 (Netflix)

I really appreciated that they brought this song back.


(I've seen them all now I have things to say.)
Despite the overall lack of comedy enjoyment I felt I liked the way they did the season as one elongated episode. Great concept for TV. It's been done in movies. like Citizen Kane and Pulp Fiction, but never successfully on the small screen.

7/10 for originality in storytelling.
A running joke in season 4 has Bluths pouring out yellow mustard and parmesan cheese, mixing them together, eating the result, and then spitting it out in remorse.

On Arrested Development, Martin Mull plays "Gene Parmesan."
In Clue: The Movie, Martin Mull plays "Colonel Mustard."

Clue was a combination of murder mystery and absurd comedy. So is the new Arrested Development.

I'm bumping this thread becuase I always hassle people to give post opinions on things, but I realised that I don't actually do it myself becuase I'm really bad at expressing myself (look at how I used "myself" twice in that sentence.)

I liked this season. It got better as it went on. I thought GM punching Michael right as he said "we're like twins" was a perfect and quite upsetting ending. The George Senior episodes were pretty bad though.

So yeah bascially go anywhere on the internet for a better analysis of season four than this post.
Despite the overall lack of comedy enjoyment I felt I liked the way they did the season as one elongated episode. Great concept for TV. It's been done in movies. like Citizen Kane and Pulp Fiction, but never successfully on the small screen.

7/10 for originality in storytelling.
Arrested Development is the Citizen Kane of TV series.
Finally finished it and maybe it's because it's so fresh in my mind but I think it's my favourite season. The change in format did a good job of shaking things up so it wasn't simply a long awaited season of more of the same. Initially a little baffling, once I saw what they were doing I really enjoyed the complexity of the plot. And I don't know what people are talking about when they say its less funny. There might not be as many signposted laugh out loud one liners, but its littered with subtle gags in a way you just don't get with any other comedies.
I'd probably say season two is my favourite, but I enjoyed season four a lot (though they could have cut down some of the repetition a tad) and I'm EXCITED about more to come.

Did you find GM punching Michael upsetting?
I didn't find it upsetting, but I did kind of go "what?! That's how it ends?!" At the time it didn't feel like the story was complete, but on reflection I suppose there wasn't anything left unanswered. Maybe I just felt a little unfulfilled by it because it ended on a GM episode, rather than a finale which just went back to the ensemble format. That might've been more fitting. I mean, Tobias and Lindsay basically ceased to exist for the last couple of episodes. Tobias had one really quick scene in Buster's episode, but it was a (admittedly hilarious) rehash of his other attempts to make people join his F******** F*** musical.

So they're definitely doing more?
Netflix wants it. It's now going to come down to scripts being written and everyone's schedules being coordinated. So, probably in another 5 years. :eek:

(Nah maybe sooner)
They were planning to do a movie (but maybe it'll be a movie on Netflix?) I guess it'll be about Buster on trial for Lucille 2's murder.

I was kind of expecting the finale to have everyone too, but I think they were very limited with some of the cast members (Buster really didn't appear much at all outside of his episode.)
We lost interest in the middle of the Netflix version of this series. It just wasn't as funny. Rumor has it Fox will be developing it soon. Let's hope the writing is better, and let's hope they don't pick up where Netflix left off or I'll have to watch the rest of the episodes we got bored with.

New "Arrested Development" episodes coming, producer says - CBS News

yes, that's a CBS story, but on my local Fox morning show today, they said Fox would be bringing it back.