Troll Kingdom

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Attention ASVS

It's almost amusing how he trots out a list of pity favors / 'shut him up' bribes as if those are accomplishments.

Almost. The amusement is overshadowed by the pathos, though.

Here's a truth for ya, niggerfoot: If you had genuine accomplishments to brag on, you wouldn't have to brag. We'd all like you, and you wouldn't have to drag that silly shit out and wave it at us.

Besides that, all of those "accomplishments" are things that puff up your retarded ape ego. You have nothing to brag on that brought anything to the board. If you ever do something that increases board traffic -- like, for example, causing another board's membership to "invade" here -- let us know.

Ah, right, you won't have to let us know -- we'll all see it without you flapping those sausage lips.
^^^You do realize I referred to you as Troll Kingdoms biggest joke, whose being doing this for 20 years, and haven't accomplished nothing at TK or ASVS EVER...What was your handle at ASVS?...Where you even a member when I ran those two forums?...Face it, 45,945 messages off nothing but idle chatter at TK without anything to show for it...Okay, you've had 4,5 name changes<<<Whopptie whooooooo.

You know what's really-really SAD about you The Question, (The Highwayman, The Saint, John, Daniel)...You haven't done nothing at ASVS or Toll Kingdom but be member...I had Forums at ASVS (BLACKFOOT SPORTS FORUM and The Brigg) and was a Global Moderator...At Troll Kingdom I had (Wax My Hummer)...After 20+ years, you'll be forever known as the #1 Venooker, jack dancer and his greatest supporter...Dark/Dork Pickle was No. 2...Neil/Morbo #3...Dirk Funk/Tyralak #4...DevilMan/Steve and Yahooe/Kevin P tied at #5.
I'm going to show Dirk Funk/Tyralak and Charlemagne/Khas that BLACKFOOT still exist at ASVS.


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Content Count: 17
Joined: February 6, 2010
Last Visited: October 7, 2010

Tyralak, obviously supports.... New Age Posting
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By: Gank Master, September 24, 2010 in The Neutral Zone

For valued services tendered I'm rewarded by Blackfoot
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By Gank Master, September 28, 2010 in The Neutral Zone

Read'em and weep squares.
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Content Count: 17
Joined: February 6, 2010
Last Visited: October 7, 2010

Tyralak, obviously supports.... New Age Posting
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By: Gank Master, September 24, 2010 in The Neutral Zone

For valued services tendered I'm rewarded by Blackfoot
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By Gank Master, September 28, 2010 in The Neutral Zone

Read'em and weep squares.
How about I not read them and be not surprised at your sheer fucking hubris and bias. We know Gank Master was one of your duals, how stupid are you?

Same way as these shit spam threads have for years. He spams each page til he gets a new page, then he repeats his posts from the previous page.

Meanwhile his "reaction score" says everything you need to know about how others view his posts. MINUS 966 currently. His other account is over MINUS 1000!

Simple, permanent ownership :bigass:

Props to Syn. She sure has been beating the shit out of him since she came back.

Great JOB Synaesthesia!
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Content Count: 17
Joined: February 6, 2010
Last Visited: October 7, 2010

Tyralak, obviously supports.... New Age Posting

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By: Gank Master, September 24, 2010 in The Neutral Zone

For valued services tendered I'm rewarded by Blackfoot
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By Gank Master, September 28, 2010 in The Neutral Zone

Read'em and weep squares.

How about I not read them and be not surprised at your sheer fucking hubris and bias. We know Gank Master was one of your duals, how stupid are you?

Gank Master has more messages than you at ASVS... Your first account was banned. Your recent account was reestablished by Venooker who was made global mod because he, Dirk Funk/Khas and Charlemagne/Khas feared I'd eventually get The BLACKFOOT restored...That was the troll, because I turned down my reinstatement to ASVS...No, I don't want to be a member of a completely DEAD board that I killed...RIP ASVS...Loktar is another member who has over 40,000+ messages in nearly 20 years of service at Troll Kingdom who doesn't amount to a pile of shit. His claim to fame is being known as a... "Pinata/Penis Whacker". :bigass:

The way he peacocks around here, you'd think he'd orchestrated a massive influx of, say, strippers, onto the board.

I have every right to peacock or as you will BRAG with the feeling of satisfaction and pleasure because of something I've achieved or been a part of.

Here's a lil something- something I've accomplished since I've been a member of Troll Kingdom.

Fan Boy Forum - Global Moderator (Joined: 6/5/03), as Blackfoot.
Team Mullet HQ - Global Moderator (Joined: 9/18/03), as BLACKFOOT.
The BullPen - Joined: 9/19/03), as BLACKFOOT. I was a Global Moderator.
The Kingdom - (Joined: 9/24/03), as BLACKFOOT...I trolled jack's Kingdom board and caused Steve Bissetter to leave which led to the board being shut down. jack never forgiven me
Troll Kingdom - Moderator of Wax My Hummer (Joined: Jun 17, 2006).
ASVS - Moderated 2 forums - (BLACKFOOTS Sports Forum and The Briggs)
Spin-Flippery - Co-Moderated The Sports Forum with Donavan and Derschocka. :bigass: