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There was a BOTS. Did you watch it? It was pretty bad. Too many video packages and Luaren shit when they could have been talking to the housemates. Aaron still got treated badly. Even if they didn't like him they surely should have recognised he had positive qualities too and focused on those and the reasons he actually won. Pete Burns and Nikki were pretty horrible. It's a theatre of cruelty.
On the plus side, Maisy looked really hot and danced at the end!
I saw it. Yeah, Emma was the only one who gave Aaron a break and tried to make him feel like he wasn't a shit for daring to win the show. It was very anti-climactic and awkward after all these weeks of soap opera drama.
You'll have to tell me if Celebrity BB is worth watching once it starts, LOL.
Surely everyone's used to it by now! Plus I need to get the "hassle Menty into watching..." thread going again (after the "hassle Menty into viewing TK" thread gets going, of course.)