Neighbor drama redux: 10pm, some dickhead teenager or something goes roaring down the street, offending several houses full of neighbors who were standing around in various driveways. So what is their reasoned response to this egregious disturbance of the peace? They shout strings of loud random swears down the street as they sort of half chase the departing car, then loudly call someone (cops) on the celphone, from the sidewalk, to complain and tell them which way the offenders went.
Worse yet, the asshole who decided cops were necessary and elected himself to notify authorities is NOT a neighbor, didn't know the street names, and consequently spent half the conversation shouting questions back to the others on the porch.
Save me from a world full of imbeciles. "Dey went down dis fuckin street here. Ey what's the name of dis fuckin street? Walnut? No da other fuckin street! Down there! Gardenia? Dey went down fuckin Gardenia den!"
I don't need cable. I got the Jersey Shore right here...