Troll Kingdom

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Bye bye Borgs...

BlazerBoy said:

Thank you for the compliment, but I'm far from an impeccable mod. T'Bonz has a very difficult job, and though all decisions ultimately lie with her, the entire staff attempts to help her make good sound decisions for the entire board. I respect her a great deal. I'd say more, but this isn't the appropriate thread to do so, and I fear I'll only incur more antiTrekBBS sentiment in a thread about WF. My apologies for imposing.

You know, while I'm hesitant to agree with Wordin, he's right.

All one has to do is stroll through the leaked BR threads (damned amusing reading those....and why the hell hasn't there been another leak, aren't we due?), and you observe a pattern of "hey, what I'm doing is serious-as-a-heart-attack important" discussions from many of your "staff".

Most telling is the verbiage you chose, "very difficult job." I seem to recall hearing, with varying repetition hinging on the level of drama going on over yonder, that it is not, in fact, a job at all.

For anyone.

No one collects a salary.

No one punches a clock.

No one collects benefits. (Well, except Christian. Ask him how he likes his Xbox 360 for me next time you run into him, will ya?)

So, from a fiscal point of view, the level of significance which a normal person should assign to the title, "Member of the TrekBBS Administrative Staff" should rank somewhere between a high of taking out the trash and a low of emptying one's cat box (or pooper-scooping up after your dog, if you're not a cat lover).

The presumptive, often condescending and smugly, subtley denegrating "we know better than thou" behavior which many of you folks wield is the exact same behavior which provokes behavior that results in warnings, suspensions and permabans from the rank and file. You might as well rotate a banner in amongst those gawd awful UGO adverts which says, "We're uptight, so there's good trolling here."

It's just basic human nature. The more rules you make, the more individuals you will see breaking them, or attempting to (cause rules were made to be broken, don't ya know, and there's nothing quite so satisfying as breaking one and getting away with it.)

So, unless you're all in the BR brewing up a cure for cancer, running covert ops to halt terrorism, or perfecting a clean fuel source which will free us from the bonds of oil consuming transportation, you need to unclench, eat more fibre, do some yoga, or just get out and get some sun and fresh air.

At the end of the day TrekBBS is (or should be) a leisure activity. Why do you need a police force? Moreover, why would you be a member of that police force if you aren't being paid?

It's not an attack on you, Dev, or on Bonz. It's an attack on TBBS culture .

(And if you are, in fact, perfecting a clean fuel source, I apologize.)
Boo Borgs... Boo............

When I was about to get fired from Slipstream Underground I just pretended not to know the score. Then when they thought I was clueless to their backstabbing I banned every single member and locked the board down for good.

You should have asked me for advice.
And you damn sure should have unbanned me first.

Borgs wants to play the hero like 'yeah that asshole staff sucks!' But I can't help but remember that Borgs is one of the key people shouting at the top of his lungs 'Screw the rules, ban Parallaxis!'

I'm not sure we can let you off the hook so easy Borgs.
Peter Octavian said:
You know, while I'm hesitant to agree with Wordin, he's right.

All one has to do is stroll through the leaked BR threads (damned amusing reading those....and why the hell hasn't there been another leak, aren't we due?), and you observe a pattern of "hey, what I'm doing is serious-as-a-heart-attack important" discussions from many of your "staff".

You are very right on a lot of that. However, that was the old BR. In fact, it was also the older staff, as well. Both of which are pretty much gone. TrekBBS has entered its 5th iteration, and is probably on the cusp of its 6th. A large majority of the more devisive mods, or those who ran afoul of feeling their moderator or administrator badges was a mark of supeirority have resigned, been fired, or a mixture of both. Anyone remember Fullman? The atmostsphere within the BR today is very quiet, and a lot more laid back. Spam pervades nearly every thread, and the majority of threads are about forum changes and the occasional blip like dealing with suicide threads. We don't cure cancer, but we also don't roll about with our black armbands with the UGO swastika emblazened on them anymore either. T'Bonz is very receptive to allowing permabanned people return, and the atmosphere on the board in general has improved markedly since the departure of Lisa. Thats my honest to god opinion, the same as you would hear from me here or over there.
Look at it this way. If T'Bonz were the President, in a Geena Davis sorta way, and you were a convicted killer on death row, and had the chance of an audience with her to ask for clemency, would you not speak and act in such a way that would at least make her consider granting your request? Makes pretty good sense to me.
Parallaxis said:
Boo Borgs... Boo............

When I was about to get fired from Slipstream Underground I just pretended not to know the score. Then when they thought I was clueless to their backstabbing I banned every single member and locked the board down for good.

You should have asked me for advice.
And you damn sure should have unbanned me first.

Borgs wants to play the hero like 'yeah that asshole staff sucks!' But I can't help but remember that Borgs is one of the key people shouting at the top of his lungs 'Screw the rules, ban Parallaxis!'

I'm not sure we can let you off the hook so easy Borgs.

LOL, except we'd already copied all the threads and were installing a new board on a new domain. The timing was priceless on that caper.
Tamar_Garish said:
Personal information such as names, e-mail addresses and IP numbers get removed before release. The threads already scanned for personal stuff was soon as the rest is double checked it too will be released.

It is an early wasn't due until Feb 18th so the work isn't finished yet. We are not going to accidently give our someone's ISP address or something just to assuage conspiracy theorists.
Just a little friendly inquiry.

Are the rest of the A51 threads ready yet? Or do you guys need more time to make sure all the "For Your Eyes Only" information is edited?

That's okay. No rush. :)
I have no clue....Elwood goes through them personally and maybe Chris. The rest of us have nothing to do with that chore. It takes awhile because Elwood has something called "a job and a life"...perhaps you should become aquainted with the practice?

You really think we should just post people's real names, IP information, and private e-mail accounts?

My guess is the rest of the release will happen when it was regularly scheduled for..Feb 18th, I think...but I am not certain of the date..I don't keep track of it.
Tamar_Garish said:
I have no clue....Elwood goes through them personally and maybe Chris. The rest of us have nothing to do with that chore. It takes awhile because Elwood has something called "a job and a life"...perhaps you should become aquainted with the practice?
Why the hostility? Just asking for a little clarification, is all. A job and a life I have, my friend. Thanks for the interest, however. :)

You really think we should just post people's real names, IP information, and private e-mail accounts?
If you can find, anywhere, where I have intimated this, I really would like to see it. Mayhaps I might have forgotten. I know how important it is to erase all the sensitive stuff. After all, we wouldn't want to let out all our privileged information, now would we? ;)

My guess is the rest of the release will happen when it was regularly scheduled for..Feb 18th, I think...but I am not certain of the date..I don't keep track of it.
Ahhh...this is very helpful. Thanks a bunch, hun. I hope your health is well. :smooch:
WordInterrupted said:
Oh, quit bawling like a little baby. TBBS permabans people at the drop of a hat. It's one of the most repressive BBS's I've ever visited.

I agree.
Tamar_Garish said:
You really think we should just post people's real names, IP information, and private e-mail accounts?

I find this ironic considering you were responsible for nearlly all of the intel gathered on the Trek mods, knowing full well it would be made public and was potentially harmful.

Then again, I have read enough of your posts over there lately to realize you made everyone think you jumped ship. At least T'Bonz isn't fake. Have you confessed all of your sins to your new master, or do you only backstab when it suits you?
Executor said:
I find this ironic considering you were responsible for nearlly all of the intel gathered on the Trek mods, knowing full well it would be made public and was potentially harmful.

Then again, I have read enough of your posts over there lately to realize you made everyone think you jumped ship. At least T'Bonz isn't fake. Have you confessed all of your sins to your new master, or do you only backstab when it suits you?

Oh my!!!! What a naughty girl she was.