Keeper of the Nether Eye
It's a cock cosy. Keeps guys' junk warm in the winter, wicks away moisture in the summer. I'm going to assume they used a rib stitch for boner room . . .
^Looks like it was knit from wool. How. . .uncomfortable. :smflaugh:
Diamonds are nice, but they're soaked in blood. No matter what the jeweler tells you.
I see vegetarians the same way I see agnostics. If you're concerned for the animals being eaten, you should just go totally vegan. If you're not concerned for the animals being used as by-products, then you should just stick to being an omnivore.
I know some people do it for health reasons, but the ones who are doing it for moral reasons are total looney toons.
Same way as if you protest against power plants you can't go home and turn on the light switch or you can't protest against chopping down trees with paper work... just mine and CM 0.02c
Interesting. How about simply seeing a difference between killing them for meat and keeping them for dairy? How about being concerned about the way animals in the food industry are treated and simply not wanting to support it?
For me, people starting to cry over a horse being mistreated and calling their pets their "babies" while preparing the cheap steak they bought from the supermarket are the loony toons, not those who simply decide not to eat it.
It's always very amusing to me to see how when faced with someone making a so-called "ethical" decision, there are always people immediately demanding full and complete consistency, when we all know that pretty much nobody can ever achieve that. There are more choices than "all or nothing".
One of those things I have to leave to each their own. For me it is health reasons and because I saw an animal slaughtered for food a few weeks back. Made me sick to my soul. Truth is if I had to kill in order to eat meat I wouldn't. There is a difference in me asking people to do something I can't and asking people to do something for me that I won't.
there ya go! it was a really useful gift after all!