beer, I want beer
Fair enough. I had trouble deciphering that too.CoyoteUgly said:That was a typo on my part. I have no idea where that came from.
What point were you trying to make? That any country or nation will invariably act in its own self-interest? Well, thanks for pointing that out, how about convincing us the sky is blue next?So they're not important enough slaughters, or the victims don't have enough political clout? Thanks for proving my point.
Asking both your slacker friends if they care about a subject is not the same as a universal given. There are more things on heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.Actually, no one gives a shit anymore.
In the rules stated in our accords(I think NATO) following WWII one of the factors which would REQUIRE intervention by civilized allies would be to have a massacre labelled as "genocide." Once that term has been applied, we are obligated to act under our own terms dictated after the Holocaust, so that "This will never happen again."Again, the others weren't important enough, or didn't have enough press?
This is funny.
This is why events like Rwanda, et al were carefully downplayed and described as "Ethnic cleansing," "sectarien violence," etc. Because our country and others did not want to be forced into an intervention.
Italics mine. Germany has the right to prosecute their own citizenry how they see fit, and your original rant was aimed at America for somehow being at fault. Nopt part of the original debate and frankly not our business. Germany is a current ally and we tend to cooperate with those. So what?That's a really lame explanation.
To my knowledge, there were no specific laws against holocaust denial in Germany except the one under which he was prosecuted (though I could be wrong), but even if there were he was prosecuted under one passed after the alledged crime took place. That's a democracy we helped put into place, btw.
Reread your own rambling diatribe against the jews brainwashing public school kids etc and try to find a coherent thought in that mess. I wasn't able to and had to dismiss it as the demented mumblings of an indoctrined fool. Sorry, that's your problem not mine.You're kidding.
No, probably not. You're just talking out of your ass.
Nor is it meant to. I'm not sure exactly what "perceived shortfalls in life" you're talking about or how you'd be in any position to observe that I have any, so we'll just mark this down as you talking out your ass again, ok?![]()
I'll never tell.
Keep talking horseshit... I need some for my garden.
Personal insults notwithstanding, you should learn to admit defeat gracefully.