Here is a GOOD piece of advice..............I would like to suggest your DM get her ass in gear and start communicating with our store in a CLEAR and CONSICE manner about what the fuck is going on with our store. We have had too many chiefs and not enough indians since DAY 1..........we have had too many people who want to take the EASY way out.....stand on the floor and sell and trust me on this one......................NOT ONE OF THE BITCHES......with the exception of Mar and I have been willing to do what it takes to stock the floor. The only fucking people who know how to stock are me, Mar and Cash...........Cash has been gone for a week, when he does work it is usually on the floor since we have been short on salespeople from DAY 1, your NO TALENT drunk co-manager is now gone, we are left with one assistant manager who has not been given CLEAR communication what Authoritah she had.........we haven't had a store manager for 2 weeks, we are in dire need of a stock person.
You wouldn't have sales if not for me working stock in addition to sales.........your salespeople wouldn't have sales if not for ME stocking your fucking floor. I have had 6 hours of sleep, am facing stock this morning to prepare the store for another busy day. This mall generates the most traffic Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun............stock should be done Mon, Tues, Wed.
Lets GIT with the fucking program..........we need communciation from headquarters PRONTO. Just tell us what is going way or another because this floating along seeing what is going to happen prove yourself crap is just that..................CRAP. We need to have someone put in a leadership position who can get the job done, a decision needs to be made...........I don't give a damn who it is at this point.