Conchaga said:BTW I live three blocks from Popeyes Fried Chicken. I smell it all day. And, all day there's a line of black people out to the door.
RWC said:If you blame it on some governmental conspiracy and you feel opressed by it, yes.
RWC said:You've already proven to be inferior. Feel free to blame it on your darker half, just like you do with everything else when life doesn't go your way. Boo! Oooga booga!
Then again feel free to addess anything else I've said in the other slightly derailed thread. I feel repetitive, so here it goes again:
Much like in every other aspect of life, a nigger will never succeed here. You lack the intellectual capacity (along with ambition) to perform any task above peeling a banana and touching your penis whilst daydreaming of having the abilities of the human race. Know your role, coon. Hop down, turn around, pick a bale of cotton and erase any notions from the baseball sized gray matter rattling around that granite cranium that you're anything other than a talking chimp. Got it, Coco?
So, do you have a pie graph for my life that you can find on google?
Cause your other thread did sooo fucking well on accuracy right?
And shame on you for blaming it on de-rail. You couldn't back up your shit, even w/ pictures.
Don't blame the rest of america for your faulty, lazy, googling fuck ups.
Conchaga said:So, if RWC makes bad decisions and can't read a graph, does that make him a nigger?
RWC said:Much like in every other aspect of life, a nigger will never succeed here. You lack the intellectual capacity (along with ambition) to perform any task above peeling a banana and touching your penis whilst daydreaming of having the abilities of the human race. Know your role, coon. Hop down, turn around, pick a bale of cotton and erase any notions from the baseball sized gray matter rattling around that granite cranium that you're anything other than a talking chimp. Got it, Coco?
BitchSlapSmitty said:Nah that makes him a douche bag. Cause he KNOWS what that is!
His words, not mine. Check his link. Hah.
RWC said:Well that settles it. Women and jigaboos don't know how to interpret statistical data. I'd show you a chart or graph but you'd only be even more confused.
I should've just started the thread with pictures of blacks indulging in TNB (typical nigger behavior). Even Dicksucksmitty can under stand those.
BitchSlapSmitty said:I thought this thread was about i.q.'s? You're not doing a very good job of representing yourself or your own race here are you?
What's it like owning yourself? Do you usually aim your own pee pee at your face when you whiz?