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Doctor Who fans to lose their shit again (season 14)

At first I read it as all three episodes coming to Disney+ on the 25th but being weekly on the BBC and thought "OH BOY THIS WILL CAUSE OUTRAGE" but I was wrong and they're coming weekly on both. DODGED AN MISREAD BULLET THERE.
One can understand the rationale behind the argument being put forth, yet still comfortably object to the decision made.

Going forward with new characters? Sure. There isn't a shortage of positive representation for those with disabilities in the new season, from what I understand. But pulling this stunt with a character as iconic as Davros is an over-correction, to put it mildly.

What's more - at least from the various sources I've gleaned today - retconning Davros from a "disabled" character to able-bodied has gone down like a cup of cold sick with those not able-bodied. I'm buggered if I can see who wins from this.

I'd be curious how many individuals not able-bodied were consulted. Davies spoke of the production staff's reservations; many of them are not able-bodied?
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I was thinking of other examples where this treatment could be applied.

Perhaps a re-re-re-release of the SW trilogies addresses longstanding concerns over the portrayal of burn victims as villain-types.

Anakin respected the high ground, after all.
I never even thought of him being crippled. I thought he'd just turned himself into a half Dalek over the years.

Same here. I came across a tweet from a wheelchair-bound man known for his Davros cosplays. He commented on how much he loved connecting with other fans and how it had been a real boost to his self-esteem. He went on to say he never once came across negative feedback from fellow wheelchair users. Most of the time, they expressed their jealousy of Davros' chair and wished they had a similar pimped-out ride.
This kind of ruins Davros' character. If he, as a result of the war, winds up horribly crippled, blind, and in a wheelchair, it makes sense that he would be driven to create machines to provide mobility and survival to what he thinks is going to become of his race. I won't go so far as to say he's a sympathetic character, but you can at least understand his motivation and how, from his perspective, he's doing the right thing. But if he's completely able-bodied, then he's just a "MUWAHAHAHAHA! EEEEEVILLL!!!" cardboard character who wants to cripple and disfigure his own people because, reasons.

I say again, the reason Khan is such a good villain in TWoK is because Montalban played him as the hero; in Khan's eyes, he's doing the right thing.
Twelve gave him some regeneration energy, I guess they could use that, the writing was on the wall once he opened his eyes.