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Alright. This dream is from 2008.... and it is a doozy.

It all starts when I'm in my basement, preparing a firing test for some ray gun that looks almost identical to the shrink ray from "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids". As the ray gun is just about to fire, some woman who I've never seen before in my life walks down the steps, and right in front of the gun. Which fires, and turns her into a lizard. Said lizard begins scuttling away, and I give chase, Benny Hill-style.

Eventually, I chase the lizard into a cornfield, and grumble because this chase has now become that much more difficult. But then, I get help! The Doctor shows up! Specifically, the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant). So, the Doctor and I are now chasing this lizard through a cornfield, when we come to some house. Full of hillbillies. Seeing that we have no other choice, we barge into the house.... and find that the lizard has become a centipede. Just great. So, the chase continues, but in the hillbilly-fueled chaos, we lose track of the woman-lizard-centipede. The Doctor and I then retreat to some random room to rethink our strategy, when this robot with a huge chin barges in, holding a purple crystal, and says "My lords! We've found her!"

And just before I can fix this mess..... my alarm goes off.
Please do.

The other night I had a disturbing dream where 3 of us got our heads chopped off. Somehow I was still able to see, or I had eyes in my neck, I don't know. I recall my uncle showing up and I ran out of the room saying "They can't see me like this!"
I wasn't even watching heroes.
I've been watching Downton Abbey, Mrs Maisel.
I have no idea what would make me think of my head being chopped off.

Last night
another dream with the 3 of us (not same ones this time however)
We were laying on a bed, in a party, so there were others-but mostly it was just the 3 of us
one girl wrapped her leg around me
and then they both decided to take off their shorts
at first they just undid the buttons and zippers because that is what we used to do
but then they took them off completely
I had silk shorts on underneath
One girl left for a while
then she came back and we all switched positions
I think one of us kissed
Last night
another dream with the 3 of us (not same ones this time however)
We were laying on a bed, in a party, so there were others-but mostly it was just the 3 of us
one girl wrapped her leg around me
and then they both decided to take off their shorts
at first they just undid the buttons and zippers because that is what we used to do
but then they took them off completely
I had silk shorts on underneath
One girl left for a while
then she came back and we all switched positions
I think one of us kissed
I'd still Inception that dream any night. My dreams are so boring.
Speaking of Inception, I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but the time disparity in that movie is 100% right. I realized it when I started writing down dreams here. Probably 90% of these dreams happened in less than 15 minutes--and they're always huge and involved.
Another one, tucked between the alarm and the snooze. I think the better ones happen when I'm interrupted an hour or 2 before the alarm (or maybe I just remember those ones because I'm not in as deep a sleep state). Dog wanted to go out at 4:15 or so. Set a timer to check on her 15 minutes later. She didn't want to come in, so I spent some time trying to get back to sleep. Ultimately this was short-circuited by my cat, about to puke on my expensive rug. Finally managed to get back to sleep--couldn't have been an hour before the alarm was supposed to go off.

Dreamed some kind of military school scenario. It wasn't Boot Camp. It was the first follow-on school. Our class advisor was unhappy with me about something but I was sick so there was nothing he could do. But then I eventually screwed up something else so he took away my bed and personal effects--possibly in some kind of "Officer & a Gentleman" effort to get me to voluntarily drop out (which doesn't jibe with the idea of a follow-on school, where I'd already be commissioned, but I digress). But the bed was this futon I had between 1992 and 2002-ish. It was this sad college futon that bore more resemblance to a few pallets, hinged together, than a couch.

I know some other stuff happened too that made the dream more involved, but I've been busy lately so I didn't have the luxury of writing it down as soon as I woke up.
Pretty boring and obvious, but this morning I dreamed I needed to get up and that I should be old enough and responsible enough to get up on my own, but my Mom had to make sure I got up.
2 significant dreams last night. The second was less exciting and, unsurprisingly, more quickly forgotten. It revolved around estimating or grades or scheduling or something. The one before it, I was a mercenary in some kind of revolt or something. The revolt was in some underground futuristic 1980s TV movie city. For some reason, everyone had to wear respirator masks. And for some reason you could have a regular mask or they could have various designs on them. One of the options was that they could print your nose and mouth from your photo ID onto your mask, so you essentially looked like yourself. As an added wrinkle, a lot of the people were clones and/or double agents, so you didn't know who you could trust. So someone would pull the fire alarm and tell you it would get reinforcements but really it would bring the people you were fighting.
I had the usual "back to school" dream but this time I was in the new school buidlin built where the one I used to go to was, and we found the ruins of the old school and I started to unravel seem secret conspiracy through hidden documents I found.
Been having dreams, but not getting enough sleep to remember them. Or having the time to jot them down here. Got a decent night's sleep last night.

I seem to have a double feature. The early dream has me as woefully incompetent and the second dream has me competent. Usually has a kind of James Bond theme.

Ironically, I don't remember the second dream as well as the first.

Last night I was in the Marines again, but maybe my actual age. Reserves? I dunno. It was definitely going to some kind of training scenario--I think. Somehow I hadn't gotten notice so I had to go in jeans and a flannel shirt. I may or may not have been wearing red "Wellies" that I bought for a Captain America Halloween costume that I've never gotten around to finishing but have taken to wearing when walking The Dog on rainy days. Practicality (and dry feet) wins out over style. I did wind up explaining them to someone and I'm pretty sure that didn't happen IRL.

Anyway, we're on a bus. Of course everyone else is better prepared than I am. No one is fully equipped--it was some kind of short-notice drill--but pretty much everyone but me at least has a uniform on. I borrowed a book from an old friend, but he took it back because he was appalled that I was folding back the (paperback) cover while marking my place. I apologized and resolved myself to sit and be bored.

We got to where we were going and of course they didn't have any uniforms or gear there. They only had a handful of rifles. I grabbed what looked a lot like an M16, but it wasn't. And it was very heavy. Put it back and picked up some kind of AK47/submachinegun that seemed a bit handier. Only after all the real guns were gone, I realized it was a prop/dummy. But another friend took it from me and cycled the action. It just had a stiff bolt that I couldn't get to move. And it was painted yellow.

Pretty soon we started getting our orders. I was supposed to take my platoon/company to defend a bakery. It was simulated(?) urban fighting in a Vietnamese city--against Chinese troops, played by midgets and/or children.

Oh, and I'd never worked with--or even met--the unit I was taking command of, and they were a communications company/platoon, assigned an infantry mission. And I was in civilian clothes with no gear and a bright yellow AK47 that may or may not have been a toy.

I wasn't particularly happy with any of this.

Luckily this is around when I woke up.

And actually, I know pretty much what this dream was about. [marathon]
Last night had a Main Dream that wrapped up before 6am. It had little subdreams after that in an attempt to make sense of it.

I was in the reserves. There was an exercise/operation in Illnois, a bit south of Chicago. This is problematic because of the posse commitatus act, but I digress. It was apparently a period dream, because I wanna say I was in 20th century BDU cammies instead of the MarPat digital cammies. And I wanna say I had a venerable Nokia 8260.

Anyways, we were doing some huge operation in Illinois and I was in some matrixed role. I had to go to HQ to do...something. And when I got back the whole unit was gone. My only means of communication was my cell phone and I knew I couldn't use this because the Bad Guys could be monitoring. Or if I'd been captured, they could've taken my phone and said "Hey, were are you guys?" and could find out where my unit was and/or where the command was. And because I was in this pickle, I'd obviously done something wrong.

So I spent the rest of the dream trying to figure out how to get back to my unit so I could eventually go home/get paid/stay out of trouble for being grossly incompetent.
Last night's main dream theme was a variation on the military dream. When I was little, my dad was a counselor at Boy Scout camp. Ran the rifle range. So for 2 summers, we lived at Scout Camp. And of course I spent a week there for many summers after that as a Boy Scout.

So we were doing a hike at the Boy Scout camp. But the person in charge didn't have any kind of plan or map. So I whipped up a map. Another adult who was along to help liked my map so I let him copy it. Then the person in charge saw the map and tried to take it but we told her that she couldn't have it. We'd make her one, if she had a piece of paper to draw it on. But she didn't.
Huh. This time I actually remember *more* of my dream than when I woke up. I often wake up around 4-5am for a bathroom break. Today I looked at the clock: 2:15?! That's when it started. I spent most of the night dreaming I couldn't get back to sleep.

I was back at the parent's house in a holiday format. There wasn't a tree, but I was laying on the couch and the living room was full of people. A couple friends from high school. I'm complaining about how tired I am and that I haven't been able to get to sleep. For some reason there are also a couple lawyers/detectives who were explaining to my Dad, who they needed to talk to. (None of this tipped me off that I was dreaming, BTW.) One of the people wasn't someone I knew, but had my first name. So the guys start asking me questions. Pretty soon it is apparent I'm the guy they want to talk to. So I explain to them that isn't my name. This doesn't phase them and they keep asking questions. I'm trying to figure out if they've got my name wrong or if they actually want a different person but they just keep going. On top of that, they're just speaking unintelligible gibberish so it is impossible to answer them.

Eventually I get out the door and I'm with assorted friends from my early 20's. Only the door is, like, the service exit of a store/restaurant at a strip mall--you know, unmarked faded grey steel door that locks behind you, blank beige concrete wall with no windows, drain pipe, trash can/dumpster, etc. I move to walk somewhere and as I try to avoid a water-filled crack in the pavement, I get jostled into it. Only it goes down and down. I'm about up to my thigh before I can extract myself (again, this still hasn't tipped me off that I'm dreaming). One of my friends also gets wet as I try to get out.

I immediately go for my phone, to try to shut it off before it gets wrecked and so does my friend. Only somehow I've got his iPhone (which now has a cracked back) and he has my phone. I mostly get his phone shut down, but it does some quirky stuff in the process. He gives me my phone back and, of course it doesn't work. But it also has a white case now, not black. I'm finally starting to suspect I'm dreaming. Later on, my friend takes his phone out and expresses worry about it but now it looks completely different. At this point I tell him not to worry because I'm almost certain this is all a dream and our phones will be fine when I wake up.

Oh, and earlier, in the house, my dog and another dog and assorted cats were chilling there. Eventually I found my dog snuggled up with a bunch of kittens, which also should have tipped me off it was a dream. The dog may or may not have talked to me. I forget.
Had a weird one last night. I was stuck inside a Waffle House after hours. Might not have been that exact chain, specifically, but I had the overwhelming sense that I was somewhere rural, in the south, Tennesippibamasaw, you get the idea. Anyway, stuck in a restaurant after hours and trying to find my way out, except for some reason this restaurant has stairwells all over, and every time I walk past one looking for the exit, Danny DeVito comes rolling down the stairs at me going, "HEHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" After a while, I start anticipating this and punting his ass back up the stairs.

Most annoying dream I've had in a while.
I was watching alien space ships arrive. They were coming through portals or something. I knew, as you do in dreams, that they were going to turn all humans into dinosaurs to give the dinosaurs another chance. I was scared that I'd forget who I was when I turned into a dinosaur. I watched dinosaurs appearing all over Earth then presumably turned into one myself and "died" (woke up.)
Dreamed I was stranded in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. First I saw an LED billboard outside a hotel and used my phone to make it read, "OMG HOT PEWP!"

Then walked down the street and saw a... I don't know what it was. It was called the "Hard Time Play Room." Maybe a bar, maybe an S&M club, because there was one entrances with big windows showing what looked like a bar full of dominatrixes. Walked past that and there was another, smaller entrance, like a side door, and some kind of rhythmic, "Whomp...! Whomp...!" coming from there, but looking in, I just saw a guy walking around a pool table by himself. So I take a few steps in and look to the right hand side of the room, which had been slightly obscured by the door.

It's a sort of buffet table, and on it there's cats sitting in a line. In front of each cat is a mouse, smacking the cat in the head with a mouse sized beach ball.
I dreamed I left work, which was in the center of town and there was a foot of snow, cars were crashing all over the place so I didn't want my wife to pick me up, I went to a flat I used to live in (in the dream, not reality) I hadn't been in the flat in months but four fish in my tank were just fine despite noone feeding them, I looked out the window and flood waters were rising, then I woke needing the toilet.
That's usually how I wake up from the shorter but more vivid dreams. The bladder alarm pulls me up through the REM layer of sleep, and on the way up through that, I dream the weirdest and most vividly real-feeling shit.
Last night I remember a lot of it. But I don't think it really fit together in any coherent way even when it was happening. I had...some kind of job? Like in a gravel pit or at a construction site or something. But something I thought it might be that I was there when everyone else went home--and left when they got there. But not really. It just wasn't entirely right. And I may or may not have been a cat. There were no mirrors so I couldn't check. Then someone offered me a ride home. I passed on it because it was kind of out of his way but then some college age girls who...lived right near me?...offered me a ride. Next think I know I'm at this house where a shirtless young David Bowie looking guy--who has a blue face and possibly feathers and a beak--is apparently up to no good. And may or may not be me. I'm going to take him into custody and bring him to the...courthouse? But he has to go inside to get his mask and a shirt so we don't cause a scene. Then there's some unstable guy who is out to get ...a couple witnesses? So we've got security for them and the judge calls to check up on them, at which point I realize we didn't arrange security for the judge. And then it's basically a 1980s horror movie--POV camera angle following the judge around his house while he is talking on the phone and getting ready for bed. Eventually the crazy guy gets spotted and doesn't attack/kill the judge right away, but he's talking crazy and is probably going to off camera--or after I wake up.
Had a dream that was animated. Whole thing was a cartoon, animated in the style of Rick & Morty. I was an animated version of Dr. Gregory House, but seeing myself from the cartoon-watcher's perspective. So I was doing all the usual House shit, i.e. being smarter than the other characters and annoying them thereby. Then a cartoon Baby Yoda uses force lightning on House/me, causing me/him to convulse on the floor. But in, like, a forward direction. So then it's Cartoon Baby Yoda standing on a prone and convulsing Cartoon Gregory House, riding him down a hospital hallway like a human surfboard.