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Blood and apples

My sister and I were driving apples across the state.
There were cops
People taking photos
And some sort of car chase
Military dream last night. I forget all the details of it, but for some reason I was going to be shot by a firing squad, but I kept delaying it by running back and forth to make sure all the firing positions had good aim because I wanted to make sure I died quickly. Also to distract and confuse people, and at one point I just buggered off. They eventually caught me and brought me back and we all had a pow-wow and someone said they would resign rather than be a part of it and the person in charge said that was fine so then I asked if I could just resign and not be executed and they said that was fine so I'm like, dumbfounded, this wasn't an option in the first place and say "I resign." I didn't even want to be in at that point in the dream. There was other stuff but I forgot it.
Tonight's was the sketchy communal living dream. Good sized building. Dunno if I anyone actually lives there or we all chipped in to get it to have parties at. Anyway, I'm sharing a space with another...guy? couple?...I don't really enjoy it but don't want to deal with the hassle of ending the contract. But then someone else really wants the space so it looks like I have an out.
Tonight's theme was dickhead bosses. Only really remember the first (and most involved) one: I'm working for a gunsmith--brand new hire. He's working on some amazingly accurate lever-action Winchester-style rifle for some bigshot customer. He's finally got it done and ready to test it, but he loses his nerve and won't shoot. So offer to shoot it and he immediately tells me no. There were some other little things like this, then eventually we're going into production on a rifle. It's getting around quitting time and there's no sign of things slowing down. So I ask one of the other (of about 4-6) employees (including, for some reason, my brother) and the guy I ask says once the boss gets going, the schedule just goes out the window and they'll work 14-16 hour days nonstop. I'm just like, "yeah, that's not going to work for me, I'm done," and walk out. So then the boss starts getting really petty and starts shouting out "$9? $7? $3? What did we agree your hourly rate was? I'm trying to remember." At this point I don't even care about any back pay but he continues to mock me from a window up above in the building as I walk off down the street.
Amazingly, I haven't forgotten last night's dream yet. And it doesn't fit any of the standard archetypes I've been having lately:

I'm in college (although I have my current smart phone and laptop, but we'll get to that). Because I'm Catholic, I have to take this vaguely defined course course for 2nd year students that is taught by nuns. And it was like, at 10:42am. (There was a kind of prologue dream that set up this bit.)

So I'm out on the quad on a nice warm sunny day and my phone is acting up but I realize this is because the battery is dying, so I plug it into the laptop, but then I realize the laptop is also almost dead so I get that plugged in. But then the PA announces me and a handful of other students and reminds us we need to be at the Nun Class or get dropped. Now that I'm not in a dream, I realize I could've just shut off my phone and laptop until I got to a power outlet, but it was a much more difficult conundrum in the dream.

Meanwhile, for some reason I'm chewing on grass. And I don't mean, like I've got a blade of grass in my teeth for a rustic farm boy look, I've got a big clump of grass with roots and everything in my mouth, chewing it like a cow. I realize this isn't appropriate and try to discreetly spit it out, but everyone sees. So embarrassing.
I had to go on some training for work out of town, so I went to the train station with where I needed to be firm in my mind, then as soon as I got to the ticket desk I couldn't remember where I needed to go, I tried to remember, but a bunch of people were queued up behind me, and they asked me to leave.

I woke up feeling like it was a premonition of Alzheimer's.
Interesting, last night, because I feel like the 2 dreams I remember were largely just for entertainment and not my subconscious working through anything:

First dream started out with a kind of computer game or streaming TV show feel. I've got kind of long white hair and I'm wearing like, a white bathrobe. I'm following a gorgeous white haired...elf?...who's dressed in a flowing sheer gown-thing. We are apparently a couple. Wind is blowing both our outfits suggestively and I've purposely left mine untied in hopes of a wardrobe malfunction as I play-chase her across this fantasy woodland setting. Then she gets to a kind of cupboard and stairwell in a big hollow tree and decides to make herself breakfast. There's a tall arrogant elf there, second-guessing her food choice and making her up a bowl of what she *should* be having--all the while preaching to her about it (and putting the moves on her). By this point I've caught up and am trying to decide if I should interrupt or just let her handle it. I just watch and try to get some eye-contact, but he's ignoring me. When she eventually gets a word in, she dumps out what he was making and puts back what she had at first. The elf chides her that if she eats that, she could wind up with someone like the grinning idiot behind them (me) instead of some great catch like him. At this point I come over and reveal that we're actually a couple and the elf skulks down to the bottom of the steps into the tree to sulk, along with another elf (I may have been using nuTrek Vulcans for the elves at this point, I can't say). I think there was some more to the...yes. The arrogant Vulcan elf went to some elder or tribunal to appeal this injustice and I started mocking him as being retarded, much to the amusement of everyone there.

Next dream was...a commercial? Documentary? A tank had wound up on top of an armored personnel carrier. It had somehow gotten snagged and couldn't get off, so the APC was driving it around like it was a skateboard. Because it was under the tank, the tank couldn't shoot it. And somehow the APC was also able to block the tanks turret from rotating until it got it boxed into an enclosed space and outwitted it. Then they stopped shooting and everyone got out and the technical experts were pointing out this was just entertainment, in reality the tank had enough power to easily rip loose from anything it had been snagged on, and the turret could've crushed whatever was blocking it from turning.
3 memorable dreams last night. Sadly, I forgot the last one. It had a cute girl in it but I can't remember what it was about. The other two were pretty straightforward narrative dreams with some dream aspects to them. I'm working on a house and the last 2 days have involved moving over 260 concrete pavers (and that isn't hyperbole, I counted them). So the first dream, I had to do something, but I was too weak and tired to move. I was trying to tell myself it was all in my head, but I couldn't get out of bed.

The fire department is behind the house and sometimes police cars will come park in the fire department lot. One was there last night while I was moving and stacking pavers. In the dream, he was watching me work on the house and they wanted to give me an award for being a good community member and fixing up a neglected property. Of course I had to put some clothes on and everything I had was raggedy and dirty (which is accurate to what I was wearing that evening) and I couldn't get the T-shirt right-side out, find the front, and the appropriate holes to put it on. On top of that, when I finally got it on, it was invisible. It was a university athletics shirt from a school that I hadn't gone to, so of course it was invisible if you weren't an alumni. But I got my certificate and shook hands and whatnot and headed back to the house (someone was driving and there may have even been another person in the car). Of course by this point I'd taken off all my clothes. So of course the first thing we see is a police officer looking out of the tower of the fire station. So I'm trying to put on my clothes because apparently there's going to be another PR event with speeches and shit. That's about it. And I forget the last dream.
I had to go on some training for work out of town, so I went to the train station with where I needed to be firm in my mind, then as soon as I got to the ticket desk I couldn't remember where I needed to go, I tried to remember, but a bunch of people were queued up behind me, and they asked me to leave.

I woke up feeling like it was a premonition of Alzheimer's.

I was just going to ask if anyone has ever had a profetic (sp?) dream or an end of the world dream. I have those.

Have you ever been in the middle of your day and then a part from your dream flashes in your head, but then you really don't know if it was a dream or pictures you were looking at before you fell asleep but you feel like it was a dream.
Years ago I dreamed that the girl I was going to go see a film with would give me a hand job during the film and turned out she actually did. The only disaster was that relationship though.

My mum did dream about an oil rig explosion the days before Piper alpha blew up though.

Last night I dreamed someone at work was driving a station wagon full of people and I was hanging onto the open boot trying to get the car to stop, I think Putin was in the car too.
Ahh thanks.

Last night I had a new dream. I can't much remember it, but I recall waking up thinking,"that was new" and I went back to sleep.
The standard "screwed up organization" dreams last night. One I remember, I was checking into some military training and they'd issued us most of out gear. One of the items was some kind of case? Belt pack? At any rate I decided to just tuck my newly issued sidearm into it in front of some of the staff and was met with disapproving reactions so I had to make a nice little speech to reassure everyone and instead carry the pistol in my hand, directly off to some place where it could be stored.

On a non-dream related note, it has always mystified me, how skittish the military is about having warfighters handle dangerous tools. At OCS we carried rifles everywhere but never had any ammo. (IIRC, the guards back in the 1982 Beruit Marine barracks bombing were standing guard without any ammo.) Out on active duty, getting your weapon out of the armory basically happened only for short periods of the day in a 2 week period, once a year. When I was in comm school, I brought my personal military surplus machete to the field because it was really handy for all kinds of things--and was quietly told I should never bring it again. And when I worked in Hawaii I had an engraved fighting knife as a paperweight until the boss told me I couldn't have it at the office. Even the officer's sword is blunt (although I can understand that, given that it is for ceremonial purposes and no one ever practices handling it enough to be proficient with it and would likely cut their ear off). It's absurd. "Hi, yeah. We trust you to defend our country, but we don't trust you to handle anything dangerous." The one exception was being duty officer in Hawaii, post 9/11. You carried a loaded pistol from dusk to dawn. I can't remember if there was any way to lock the office when you took a nap (this was authorized and there was even a bunk in the space).
Been having lots of involved, wild dreams--but not remembering them. One snippet from last night that I do remember, as an example: I may or may not have been Batman (but not so much the comic book Batman as me dressed as Batman) and I had to infiltrate this abandoned(?) building with 3 or 4...women(?). They were just there to get into that building, but I actually needed to get into the building next to it, which may have been some kind of jail or mental hospital or something. It took all night to get into the first building, so I'd have to hide and survive until it was dark--and then I'd be hungry and tired and trying to break into a building with guards and security while I didn't have anyone to help me.
Been going through a cycle of whacky amazing dreams--although I haven't been remembering them until I can write them down.

Two nights ago I had a variation on the military and shared housing dreams: I'm interested in this girl I work with in the military so I organize a cocktail party to woo her. Of course everyone else is interested in her--AND she has a thing for her boss, but she's the best prospect I have. As if that weren't a challenging enough situation, I'm living in a fancy high-rise apartment that has a suite on one floor and then a second living space above it that I don't use much and through some scheduling mishap, a bunch of old military buddies and current peers are in the upstairs suite for a get together. Of course there really isn't much in the kitchen up there, so I'm spending all my time having to run up there and keep them happy and not making any time with the girl down at my party.
I was shooting people in a photo realistic version of call of duty, but even the head shots weren't killing them, I realised they were zombies, one of the women said she was going to eat my brain, I said in that case I'm going to eat your tits, I pulled her top down and started sucking her nipples, and she groaned in pleasure and stopped attacking me.

Seemed like as long as I kept her happy I would be safe, so kept that up. Woke up not long after.