What of that animated avatar you displayed in LoNaf where you are dressed as an animal and you are chasing down that same pink-haired little girl?
That's not me you goon.

Unless the great Luci means my avatar at Lonaf? -- I see, hmm.
What of that animated avatar you displayed in LoNaf where you are dressed as an animal and you are chasing down that same pink-haired little girl?
Mentalist said:Oh yeah, you mention Zodiac a lot as well don't you. Like.. A LOT.
Even at Lonaf your few posts were littered with references to him when he doesn't even post there. Interesting that you angry little man.
And another question: If you're mocking us then to whom exactly are you mocking us too?
Mentalist said:That's not me you goon.
Unless the great Luci means my avatar at Lonaf? -- I see, hmm.
. The more I point out you are all like him with his whiny crybaby ways the angrier you all become
Duh? The fucking genius finally figures it out. You know very well I mocked that avatar whilst I was in LoNaf by claiming you pretend to be that sexual monster who chases down little girls as part of your fantasy.
Mentalist said:I'm not angry.
If we are all such losers then by the very fact that you care enough to stay and tell us why you're so great you are pounding your chest to nothing but a fools court. Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.
Clearly you have a very angry and confrontational attitude to people and it's obvious that you don't have any emotional intelligence and thus cannot build friendships with people so your frustration builds and you shout and shout and prop yourself up with your own words hoping that one day you will believe your own hype and thriving off any attention you can get from just anyone. You're narcissism is major, it's a full blown personality disorder. It's likley that something traumatic happened to you when you were younger, whatever that was I have no idea but you need to gain some perspective of how much you come across as a matchstick soldier with a loud trumpet waving for attention.
Clearly you have a very angry and confrontational attitude to people and it's obvious that you don't have any emotional intelligence and thus cannot build friendships with people so your frustration builds and you shout and shout and prop yourself up with your own words hoping that one day you will believe your own hype and thriving off any attention you can get from just anyone.
*claps*In fact if I recall you did not respond to a single one of my posts.
Mentalist said:Errr? I must be the only one that sees Stephanie from Lazytown playing Halo 2 and shouting down the TV screen after a successful kill.
I'm going to have to tell the 24 year old waitress I've been dating that I do infact have no time for her since she's two years older than me instead of seven years younger. Dayum. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Oh, and Lazytown pwnz. Respeckt!
Mentalist said:*claps*
Congrats. You were banned so fast I didn't even have time to respnd to your usual drivel before you had flamed me and others with everyone of your posts. You then flamed Eggs and he banned you. His call, I didn't ask him to ban you, don't be so quaint. But if it had been me I would of as well and if it had been someone other than you they would of been banned also for the same behavior. Get over yourself.
At least I have the balls to admit I do not at the moment have a steady bitch.
Were you also not the idiot who posted to the effect that you like nothing more than to have a Scotch and a 12 year old girl? I have many witnesses who could attest to this fact. I even recall remarking upon this very fact many a time. Shall we?
Aha! Now the defenses are up. I was banned quite quickly even to the point I have been told it was the fastest ban of all time (big surprise and big fucking deal) but you complained to EGGS and you know it. If I was there for such a monumentally short time how did I get banned so quickly? Someone complained to EGGS and pointed out my posts. That was you and you know it. I will be honest and tell you why you did not take me on in LoNaf. You were afraid to get banned from there because I had taken your anger to levels which you felt you could not control. You knew if you responded to my posts you would be gone. You were correct in this assumption but to go whining to EGGS? That is just pure crybaby! You could have stood up like a man, controlled your anger and taken me on but noooooo. 'Wahhhhh, wahhhh EGGS cock buddy! SaintLucifer is upsetting me in here and I am too skeered to say anything in my defense! Please ban him waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh'. Fucking PWned.
You need to remember that I caused WORDFORGE to deny ALL registrations originating from Yahoo e-mail addresses for one day because I threatened to swamp their site with dual upon dual upon dual. They are too stupid to realise I would not bother wasting my time with such an effort. The threat alone served its purpose, it made WORDFORGE deny true members to the point many were complaining about this in the Help forum. I know because I saw this AFTER I signed up twice via Yahoo and was denied twice. A few friends of mine did the same and they were comletely denied. No explanation. Just denied. That crap about seeing my IP is utter bullshit. How the fuck did I bypass their IP-ban as FascistCanuck and Ghost then? Fucking liars just like you are.
Mentalist said:I wonder why? The reason could be in the sentence.
I'm not going to delve into my personal life too closely with you because it's none of your buisness and whether you believe me or not is so insignificant to my existance that it's pointless either way to talk to you about it.
As it happens she is NOT my girlfriend she's someone who I am currently seeing but we haven't finalized it yet. But if you wish to call me a liar that is fine, don't bother me.
*sigh* You still don't get that do you. I remember trying to explain the quote to you before that was in BDM's sig for over 2 years, it was a classic play on words and funny as hell as well.
Luci, you have no credibility. I'm here talking to you because I'm waiting for something to cook and there is nothing else to do. I do wonder what your motivations are though, I mean, just being angry with everyone while shoving your own god-complex down everybodies throats. Why do you do this?
I'm not going to delve into my personal life too closely with you because it's none of your buisness and whether you believe me or not is so insignificant to my existance that it's pointless either way to talk to you about it.
As it happens she is NOT my girlfriend she's someone who I am currently seeing but we haven't finalized it yet. But if you wish to call me a liar that is fine, don't bother me.
*sigh* You still don't get that do you. I remember trying to explain the quote to you before that was in BDM's sig for over 2 years, it was a classic play on words and funny as hell as well.
Luci, you have no credibility. I'm here talking to you because I'm waiting for something to cook and there is nothing else to do. I do wonder what your motivations are though, I mean, just being angry with everyone while shoving your own god-complex down everybodies throats. Why do you do this?
Paladin said:Yet it was YOU who brought it up. Were you trying to convince ME or were you really trying to convince yourself? I suggest it is the latter because we all know you are a liar. How could you possible be with anyone if you are HERE all the time?
Honestly yes I do remember you trying to explain it to me and I also remember everyone called your explanation 'backpedalling' which is exactly what it was and you know it. You like 12 year old girls. Fine but I would not go around bragging about this as you clearly did that time. The FBI likes people like you. Such people give them an excuse to take out their frustrations and no one would give them a second in jail for doing so.
If I have no credibility then why are you so adamant about defending yourself in here? You are waiting for something to cook yet you have been in here all day? *ROTFLMAO* Another ancient tactic to throw others off. Even I never used that one because it is too transparent.
I shove my god-complex down everyone's throats? You mean they are all helpless little infants (as I am certain you wish the females were anyway) who cannot make determinations for themselves? One cannot 'shove' anything down anyone's throats unless another gives them permission to do so. You are telling me everyone is therefore my bitch? Have I not been saying this all along? Bwaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa! Too easy. No wonder I have been long-absent from Troll Kingdom. It is just too fucking easy here not to mention Troll Kingdom is on its deathbed.
Paladin said:Today your hero SaintLucifer registered at LoNaf and began to post left and right there. Seems yours truly ran into Eggs Mayonnaise of Troll Kingdom who is also known as Loki at LoNaf. Poor Eggs Mayonnaise was just not going to take any futher guff from SaintLucifer. No rules were broken. What happened you all ask? I shall explain. Loki/Eggs Mayonnaise did not like SaintLucifer telling the bitch to go fuck himself so he posted to this effect. Then SaintLucifer in LoNaf was warned by Loki/Eggs Mayonnaise it was not a good idea to tell an Administrator to go fuck himself. Your hero SaintLucifer's response? Naturally I told Loki/Eggs Mayonnaise to go fuck himself and mind his own business since nothing I post is any of his fucking business. Bammmmmm! Yours truly SaintLucifer was a fully-registered member of LoNaf for all of one half-hour and most of that time was spent playing in the arcade. SaintLucifer's terrible crime that got him banned from LoNaf? Telling an wimpy crybaby asshole Administrator to fuck off and leave him alone. Imagine that? Not a single rule was broken other than to tell Loki/Eggs Mayonnaise, an individual who has no life other than to become Admin at a LOSER site, to go completey fuck himself and mind his own motherfucking business. This is all that got me banned? Wow. *tosses some Kleenex to Loki/Eggs Mayonnaise* Here you go fucking crybaby. I have already made Zodiac my bitch by making him cry too. Seems I have done the very same to you. Fucking wimpy suck. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh mommy he told me to fuck off! Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! I have clearly make Loki/Eggs Mayonnaise, Zodiac/Messenger and Tamar_Garish (useless cripple) my bitches. I OWN you all.
Lilac said:Amen to that.
Hey Lucy. Did Ricky Ricardo let you out of the apartment again? You've been away from Ethel too long.
Let me remind you of something here. Mentalist didn't report any of your posts at LoNAF. He didn't even see them until after you were banned.
If anyone let loki in on your posts, it would have been the site admin/owner, who was online at the time. And loki saw your posts anyway, you told him to fuck off, so he perma'd you in record time.
You're looking very small and pathetic here. Keep it up and we'll squish you like the little bug you are.