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EI ups their punctuation stupidity

Rockraven said:
Take it like a man, if you are one.

Let's hear that again.

Rockraven said:
Take it like a man, if you are one.

I wonder if Darthie's been set up by GTC. First GTC pushes for a rule about obscene punctuation, and when it passes, Darthie gets slapped down. It's almost as if GTC planned it this way!
Utahraptor said:
I wonder if Darthie's been set up by GTC. First GTC pushes for a rule about obscene punctuation, and when it passes, Darthie gets slapped down. It's almost as if GTC planned it this way!

LOL, you really are that stupid. I always assumed it was an act. If that was me getting "slapped down" then the way you are treated here, it must be you getting hit by a mack truck while a horse anally rapes you.
Christ Darth

You sure do bitch alot don't ya? Thread after thread of whining about "G whatever pissing you off by calling you "it" and getting under your skin with it and he's such a dumbass and I'm gonna insult him over here because I KNOW he reads the threads"....Here a quarter Darth, BUY A CLUE. You call this G guy a dumbass etc...but he get's under your skin, so who's really the dumbass, him or YOU? To make matters worse, you ADMIT he get's under your skin (even KNOWING he/she reads the threads here) again who's the dumbass, him or YOU? You've just clued him/her in on how to push your buttons.

You whine about whoever the Hell it was making fun of your IQ but in looking at that site and the thread in question, it was YOU who threw that bone out there in the FIRST PLACE, it was YOU talking about your "below average IQ". So now you're pissed off because you set yourself up for it and other people cheerfully gave you the dry run up the ass for it?

Now you're bitching about your punctuation problems??? Jesus Christ Darth, it's bad enough that you're a dumbshit that leaves his own ass hanging out in the breeze but it's inexcusable that you waste everyone's time whining about it constantly. This place is called TROLLKINGDOM, not WHINEY-BITCH-WHO-GET'S-HIS-ASS-HANDED-TO-HIM-KINGDOM. Grow a set of balls and stop complaining that you're getting "out Trolled" by people that aren't even trying to be one.
DarthSikle said:
LOL, you really are that stupid. I always assumed it was an act. If that was me getting "slapped down" then the way you are treated here, it must be you getting hit by a mack truck while a horse anally rapes you.

I have no idea what you're talking about. All of TK except for a handful of fuckwits loves me.

Fuckwits may add their comments here:
LOL, I love when the n00bs swear they know what is going on.

Yes I am a whiny bitch with a low IQ that has been outwitted at every step, turn and dosey dose imaginable by the sheer brilliance that is the Mod squad at EI. Oh woe is me that my soul has been laid bare by "yeahsowhat" and "utahraptor"

Sirs/Madam's, I tip my hat.
Yes I am a whiny bitch with a low IQ that has been outwitted at every step, turn and dosey dose imaginable by the sheer brilliance that is the Mod squad at EI. Oh woe is me that my soul has been laid bare by "yeahsowhat" and "utahraptor"

We didn't lay anything "bare" as usually you do it for us with all your candyassed whining and pointing to all the dumbshit things you've done. Any Noob with an IQ above their shoe size (which apparently beats yours) doesn't need to know the whole damned history of that place to read a thread and figure out who handed who their ass (with a pretty bow on it no less).

The sheer stupidity of calling someone else a dumbass (while going on to admit that said dumbass managed to piss YOUR dumbass off) illustrates quite nicely what the problem is...YOU being a bigger dumbass (and a whiney one at that) than the other dumbass you're bitching about.

At least be a man about it and spare everyone else your pussy assed whining about it constantly. As for the Mods over there...who gives a shit (especially when you advertise what your doing with that pathetic "look-at-me-I'm-a-troll" bullshit). If you wanna be a troll, than BE one and quit the boo hoo bullshit everytime you telegraph that fact and get nailed for it.
*yawn* who pissed in your cornflakes? I must really be getting under your skin for you to type such a diatribe. only thing to say is:


Now, please commence with a minimum of two paragraphs explaining why you are not.
Oh please Dark, are you so desperate for one in the "win" column you'll attempt to invent them out of your latest ass shellacing? I find your endless whining tedious (as do others). Here's a clue sparky, in order to have "PWNED" someone you have to have a peice on the board son, you ain't got one. All you got is alot of tiresome crying and complaining. So how about you come back when your balls drop, your Huggies need changing or better yet... You might find the trolling easier at or one of those Harry Potter forums where juvenile angst and complaining are the rule not the exception.

In the immortal words of Apu "Thank you, come again".
DarthSikle said:
LOL, I love when the n00bs swear they know what is going on.

N00b = Newbie? Whatsamatter? "Newbie" not slang enough for you? Speaking of newbie, I've been here longer than you, junior. You may have more posts, but that just means you have no life.
YeahSoWhat said:
Oh please Dark, are you so desperate for one in the "win" column you'll attempt to invent them out of your latest ass shellacing? I find your endless whining tedious (as do others). Here's a clue sparky, in order to have "PWNED" someone you have to have a peice on the board son, you ain't got one. All you got is alot of tiresome crying and complaining. So how about you come back when your balls drop, your Huggies need changing or better yet... You might find the trolling easier at or one of those Harry Potter forums where juvenile angst and complaining are the rule not the exception.

In the immortal words of Apu "Thank you, come again".

I own you, you prattle paragraphs off about me. You even change your custom title to make it about me. It's so cute.

Now, 30 words on why this is not so!
isn't it cute how they defend each other??

Isn't it pathetic to watch you attempt to turn another verbal beating into a trolling triumph? I'll fill ya in on a secret Darth, you didn't get under my skin, I'm just bored and amusing myself at your expense because it's soooooooooooo damned easy to do but now I'm bored again...You're just like chinky food that way.

As to changing my custom title...Actually I didn't do it someone else did, admin or hacker *shrugs* but since it doesn't bother me one way or another about whoever DID do it, it's all good.
LOL, 2 paragraphs and over 90 words

And you STILL haven't managed 20 words to explain why you ain't the whiney, bitch that you are. Now if complete paragraphs are threating to ya I'll try to keep in simpler...How about this? FUCK OFF ASSHOLE? Is that simple enough for ya. Shame the best you got is fucking with my avatar because you ain't man enough to do anything else. What a pathetic pussy.