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Enkephalen's avatar

Enkephalen said:
Now Luci, just because I turned you down as being too repulsive and, well, woefully inadequate in that department, that's no reason to unleash your rage for being rebuffed. I know you've been turned down many times in your life, and you will continue to suffer such rejections in the future, but you should really learn to accept your lot in life with grace and resignation. After all, if you cannot change the sad realities of your barren and useless life, I'm afraid you're just letting yourself in for more painful comeuppances in the coming years. Right now you are young, ugly and have no future. As the years roll by and take their toll, you will lose whatever edge you imagine you have. Best to be resigned to what you don't have.

*ROTFLMAO* The day an ugly fuck like you 'rebuffs' me is the day I become the first Protestant Pope. You may continue with your fantasies about me. I will not prevent you from enjoying them. Why interfere?
I understand your anger at my ability to mock your ridiculous inanities. Perhaps you find my intellect so very attractive (looks are out of the question since no one has a clue how I look) thus endeavouring to continue posting to me in the hope I may perhaps teach you a few things about this world in which you attempt to 'live'. Yes, yes. Sex is one thing I can teach you alas, you are married! I have fucked only ONE married woman in my entire life and I swore never to do so again. True I knew the bitch long before her husband did but I shall not make excuses. Although she was I daresay a grand fuck there were many others equally enjoyable. I make it my nature to seek out lovely bitches, use their cunts for my own pleasure and then toss them aside like the useless shells they have become. Women are like so much garbage. Consume them and toss out what remains.
I welcome any further posts from you as a means of sating my lust for humour. I find your attraction to me allows for much laughter on my part.
SaintLucifer said:
*ROTFLMAO* The day an ugly fuck like you 'rebuffs' me is the day I become the first Protestant Pope. You may continue with your fantasies about me. I will not prevent you from enjoying them. Why interfere?
I understand your anger at my ability to mock your ridiculous inanities. Perhaps you find my intellect so very attractive (looks are out of the question since no one has a clue how I look) thus endeavouring to continue posting to me in the hope I may perhaps teach you a few things about this world in which you attempt to 'live'. Yes, yes. Sex is one thing I can teach you alas, you are married! I have fucked only ONE married woman in my entire life and I swore never to do so again. True I knew the bitch long before her husband did but I shall not make excuses. Although she was I daresay a grand fuck there were many others equally enjoyable. I make it my nature to seek out lovely bitches, use their cunts for my own pleasure and then toss them aside like the useless shells they have become. Women are like so much garbage. Consume them and toss out what remains.
I welcome any further posts from you as a means of sating my lust for humour. I find your attraction to me allows for much laughter on my part.
SaintLucifer said:
*ROTFLMAO* The day an ugly fuck like you 'rebuffs' me is the day I become the first Protestant Pope. You may continue with your fantasies about me. I will not prevent you from enjoying them. Why interfere?
I understand your anger at my ability to mock your ridiculous inanities. Perhaps you find my intellect so very attractive (looks are out of the question since no one has a clue how I look) thus endeavouring to continue posting to me in the hope I may perhaps teach you a few things about this world in which you attempt to 'live'. Yes, yes. Sex is one thing I can teach you alas, you are married! I have fucked only ONE married woman in my entire life and I swore never to do so again. True I knew the bitch long before her husband did but I shall not make excuses. Although she was I daresay a grand fuck there were many others equally enjoyable. I make it my nature to seek out lovely bitches, use their cunts for my own pleasure and then toss them aside like the useless shells they have become. Women are like so much garbage. Consume them and toss out what remains.
I welcome any further posts from you as a means of sating my lust for humour. I find your attraction to me allows for much laughter on my part.

Settle in everyone, it's going to be a bumpy, and long, post. :-)

Okay then, let’s recap shall we? I’ve highlighted the more ridiculous and convoluting diatribes for your edification:

Point 1: “The day an ugly fuck like you 'rebuffs' me is the day I become the first Protestant Pope.â€

This ridiculous remark contradicts your later statement below: “...Perhaps you find my intellect so very attractive looks are out of the question since no one has a clue how I look...†Now how can you call me ugly on the one hand, and then on the other hand state that no one has a clue how you look? (Although that is a debatable point as we have seen your picture.) Have we ever met? Do we run in the same social circles? Have our paths ever crossed? No? Well then, on what do you base your allegation that I am ugly? Obviously, you cannot afford to hire a private detective to trace me, nor do you have the intellectual capacity to find out who I am on your own. Your logic is not only flawed, but contradictory, thus rendering whatever you have to say as being the ravings of a lunatic or very young teenage boy with limited maturity. Only the very young and immature use the putdowns that you use by calling someone ugly in hopes that such a demeaning remark will undermine the opponent’s sense of self-worth. Shall I quote another Luci-ism? "Ah, the tried-and-true defence of name-calling when one has been made to look the fool. Simple diversionary tactic. Old as Rome." Still old as Rome? And still the fool I see desperately trying to persuade the rest of us that you are above it all and untouched by our lack of acceptance of you. I am endlessly diverted, but only by the humor of your antics and ravings.

Point 2: “I understand your anger at my ability to mock your ridiculous inanities. Perhaps you find my intellect so very attractive. . .â€

I find the highlighted portion to be projection on your part. And quite amusing too. I do not recall being angered by anything you have said, but rather endless amused at your attempts to troll this board. The only one angered and mocked is you Luci, and not just by me, but by the legions of TK members who toy with you daily.

While I do find intelligence an attractive quality in any human, I am afraid that what you pass off as your intellectual brilliance is all bluster, self-aggrandizement and self-assessment on your part. I have never viewed you as being a particularly bright point in the Universe, but rather a sad and immature boy who thinks this is the only way he has to deal with others in order to gain acceptance. Your inability to follow through with a logical argument from beginning to end, merely indicates that you gush forth with bits and pieces of rhetoric that you’ve heard, or read, but are unable to fashion into a cohesive opinion that holds up to scrutiny.

Point 3: “You may continue with your fantasies about me. I will not prevent you from enjoying them. Why interfere?â€

And yet, you continue to respond to my posts with ever increasing belligerence, annoyance and vitriol. On the one hand you say I may continue with my fantasies and you won’t interfere, and on the other hand you resort to repetitive illogical arguments to dissuade me from continuing if I so desire. You also resort to derision in a desperate but failed attempt to anger me in return. And yet you say you will not prevent me from enjoying my fantasies. If that were a true statement on your part, you would simply sit back and enjoy the show. Yet, you do not. . .I wonder why? In point of fact, I have angered you, inflamed you, made light of you and your inane rebuttals. I have left you sputtering and spitting in the wind in impotent rage. Impotence is your daily companion.

Point 4: “Yes, yes. Sex is one thing I can teach you. . .â€

Since I have not asked you to give me that “education†I wonder that you offer it at all. First, I don’t believe you have near enough experience to teach anyone anything, let alone the art of sex. One has to have experience to teach another. One has to master a thing before one can train another.

Second, your repulsiveness alone, both in mind and body, would preclude anyone from agreeing to have sexual or social intercourse with you. It does not take anyone with any experience or education to understand that fact of life about you. Indeed, with your personality, I cannot imagine you having had any sexual experience other than for monetary exchange.

Point 5: “I make it my nature to seek out lovely bitches, use their cunts for my own pleasure and then toss them aside like the useless shells they have become. Women are like so much garbage. Consume them and toss out what remains.â€

See Point 4 above as well as: You make it your nature? That smacks of pretending. Freudian slip again?

Also, on this board, misogyny is the last bastion of the teenage boy’s intellectual and verbal arsenal. Lacking anything else to say of importance, you resort to this old petard. I do not doubt that you are misogynistic. And in case you don’t understand, that means that you hate women. You claim to be heterosexual but one has to wonder why you would claim to be heterosexual on the one hand, and yet hate the object of your so-called sexual desires. We are left with labeling you as having an antisocial personality disorder. Did you wet the bed as a child? Do you still wet the bed? Are you cruel to animals? Do you like to play with fire?

Here’s a list of characteristics of antisocial personality disorder. Let’s see how many describe Luci’s personality on this board:

1. Glibness/superficial charm.
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth.
3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
4. Pathological lying
5. Conning/manipulative
6. Lack of remorse or guilt
7. Shallow affect
8. Callous/lack of empathy
9. Parasitic lifestyle
10. Poor behavioral controls
11. Promiscuous sexual behavior
12. Early behavior problems
13. Lack of realistic, long-term plans
14. Impulsivity
15. Irresponsibility
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. Many short-term marital relationships
18. Juvenile delinquency
19. Revocation of conditional release
20. Criminal versatility

After reading the list, and if you are a dual, I have formed an opinion as to who you really are. It should also be apparent to other members of TK.

If you are not a dual, then your performance is rather shaky and easily picked apart.

If you are really what you say you are, then you need to be packed away for incarceration for a very long time. But, living in Canada as you claim to, that should be prison enough.

And, not needing your permission, I shall continue to irritate, harass, annoy, disturb, discombobulate, and generally drive you, my little Canadian Pork Rind, mad with anger. I look forward to being amused by your continued drivel in the vain attempt at stinging retorts.
I'm not usually a big fan of animations, but this one (Enk's av) is an exception. It's much cuter animated than not.
I was intriqued by what you were talking about, so I'm glad I helped spin the wheels into motion a little. Very sweet.

I'm on the hunt for my next one.
Enkephalen said:

What? No response? I did not think so with you PWned in so many respects within this thread. Took your avatar and worked it bitch! *ROTFLMAO*