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Even I piss off MJ fans....



No warning, nothing. Just a blatant ban. One fucking month as well!

I am incensed. just because this twat doesn't like my perspective he bans me? Awful, really awful. Paul is actually a rather down to earth fellow, I hope he oveturns this jumped up ban because it's insane.

They are living in a bubble. They can not accept critisim, I am seen as a hater!!

You have been banned for the following reason:
Ignored board rules from day one.
Date the ban will be lifted: 29th December 2005


Ahh.. I tell ya.. It's times like these that TK feels all the sweeter.
Well I am seething right now. I am still hopefull that the ban will be overturned, but if it isn't... Well, I am sure I can drum up a task force here.

And then it is all out war. A nice mass board war is just the thing to re-invigorate TK.
Thanks to both of you for the support. It really is insane. Now I can be an asshole but this is a sheer knee jerk reaction.

Just because I don't worship the ground he walks on I am seen as some sort of enemy. The Mod is a complete twat, he claims I have ignored board rules but I don't see how.

Apparently board rules include not talking about plastic surgery because its not our buisness :roll:

Not talking about the true parentage of his snow white children :roll:

And basically anything else that could be construed as negative. Never mind that it's all true. I am seriosuly pissed, a MONTH? I flamed nobody, trolled nobody and this is what I get. I merely stated that Michael is to blame for his own bad publicity. He should never have piut himself into the position of having kids accuse him of all this shit, he is naive and he is to blame for a lot of his current image woes. That is what I got banned for. Oh, and explaining that he shouldn't lie blatantly to people about stuff like having two nose jobs and expect people to trust his word and respect him treating the public like idiots.

Not a positive recap of why he is not popular anymore but totally true all the same. It's not like I am only negative all the time I just refuse to wear daisies in my hair and dance around crying about Michael Jacksons lost childhood :roll:

As I said lads, I am going to give a fair time frame for the ban to be overturned, the E-mail is away. If I get turned down or ignored then the board is in my opinion fair game and it's open season on these wet bastards.

Well I have found the guys real name who banned me.

***edited by mm....... naughty!****

a quick google search may have got me his phone number, real address and email as well. Time will tell. If its his real address then I will ruin his life out of pure spite.