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Cranky Bastard said:
In fact, I tend to view skinny people with a touch of suspicion: are they druggies, looking for what they can steal? Are they wasting away due to personal insecurities and unsociable habits? Neuroses?

Indeed; extreme endomorphy can be an equal indicator of poor health as extreme ectomorphy.

Of course, there are metabolic issues with both, but in my own experience, there are ways to speed up a metabolism to correct for ectomorphy, but I've never heard of one for slowing down a metabolism to solve for endomorphy.
The Question said:
Indeed; extreme endomorphy can be an equal indicator of poor health as extreme ectomorphy.

Of course, there are metabolic issues with both, but in my own experience, there are ways to speed up a metabolism to correct for ectomorphy, but I've never heard of one for slowing down a metabolism to solve for endomorphy.

I know the solution -
get married
have children
get a desk job
I'm an ectomorph, so I appreciate the other side of the coin. Keeping weight on is a pain in the preverbial ass, but it just takes dedication and a will to succeed. In almost every circumstance of either endo or ectomorphy, diet and excercise will get you results. If you have tired dieting and excerse and you haven't had decent results then you're simply not trying hard enough or the amount you want it is not relative to the amount you need to work for it.

It's never about the exception it's about the habitual. Having a high calorie meal every once in a while or stuffing your face with chocolate at christmas isn't going to do anything to gaining weight if you are habitually living a healthy lifestyle all the rest of the time. And likewise, going down the Gym evey day for a month and pushing yourself to breaking point and then giving up will do jack diddly squat in kind.


Nature is not so easily tricked.
Amazingly, if you diet and exercise properly for just three months your body will believe it has been eating right and exercising since day one. Yes indeed, nature can be fooled.

Fat acceptance is a load of crap. I don't find overweight people repulsive, that's ridiculous however it is uncomfortable on an airplane or in a movie theatre but for me that evokes sympathy not rage or disgust.

Nothing is sillier than the argument that being overweight is somehow genetic, that's garbage. Generally, significantly overweight people aren't dieting on lean meats and fresh fruits and vegetables they're eating fatty foods and LOTS of them. Genetics have nothing to do with that mess.

I completely disagree with the notion that all overweight people "hate themselves". It really is processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle and once you're overweight and in a rut it's hard to burn it off and change it around. Been there, done that, thank God for personal trainers and nutritionists.

Now, as far as the hygene of said overweight people...MY GOD! If you're going to be fat at least, AT LEAST, make yourself presentable. There's no sense in being fat and gross. Grooming is everything.
Genetics, lifestyle, personal habits, and mental health all contribute significantly.

That having been said, if you get up off your ass, put down the Ding Dongs and Ho-Hos, get outside, take a walk, ride a bike, do SOMETHING active on a regular basis, not only will you look and FEEL better (helping to stave off any mental issues/"depression" that is affecting you), but you'll begin to lose that weight, too.

And L-G's also right - Have some self-respect, don't be a fucking slob.
Messenger said:
Genetics play a notable part in it, LG. This doesn't mean they can't be overpowered, but they're there.

Garbage. I believe when overweight people say, "Well, my parents were/are overweight, etc." That's more learned behavior than anything. Neither one of my parents are overweight, none of my mom's siblings are overweight nor are any of their children, my dad's sister battled a weight problem but her children don't have weight problems nor did my father's brother or his children and yet my brothers and I have all struggled with our weight to some degree at different times in our lives. It's not genetic, it's learned.
People can be genetically predisposed to be overweight and obese. However, genes are NOT destiny. In most cases, you have a choice.

You may never be Twiggy, but you sure as hell don't have to be Camryn Manhein, either.
Laker_Girl said:
Garbage. I believe when overweight people say, "Well, my parents were/are overweight, etc." That's more learned behavior than anything. Neither one of my parents are overweight, none of my mom's siblings are overweight nor are any of their children, my dad's sister battled a weight problem but her children don't have weight problems nor did my father's brother or his children and yet my brothers and I have all struggled with our weight to some degree at different times in our lives. It's not genetic, it's learned.
What you choose to believe is your business. This is scientific reality. Genetics play a role but can be overpowered. One example was a predisposition of Native Americans in one part of the country to gain weight like no tomorrow. Fat children skipping along, in their jolly way, to an ice cream truck. Turns out that they are the survivors of a group which endured a harsh winter and famine because their bodies were more able to store energy. When they come into contact with today's food, they balloon.
Science shows that genetics plays a role in obesity. Genes can directly cause obesity in disorders such as Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome.

However genes do not always predict future health. Genes and behavior may both be needed for a person to be overweight. In some cases multiple genes may increase one’s susceptibility for obesity and require outside factors; such as abundant food supply or little physical activity.
Of course you can be genetically predisposed to being overweight.

There are literally hundreds of genes that factor into being obese or not. And if you are one of the unlucky to be "afflicted" badly enough then even a strict diet and excersise regiment will NEVER keep your weight down.

That be science.
That be crap.

I truly believe that overweight people can contribute their condition to learned rather than genetic behavior. I'm talking about people that are strictly overweight and normal in every other way. That excludes people with Prader-Willi and Bardet-Biedl.

Overeating is usually emotional and it's over eating that leads to being overweight or obese. In some cases a thyroid condition will be a contributing factor but again, my mother has almost no thyroid and isn't overweight. It's habit, situation, and opportunity and less genetics than anything.

I watch A LOT of the Discovery Health Channel, they do shows on the overweight and obese aaaaallllll the time, I know my stuff.
There are things fat is good for. It puffs out the wrinkles and gives one padding on their ass. A flat wrinkled butt is only slightly less disgusting than breasts turning into sagging-down-to-one's-knees-nightmares because there is no adipose tissue left.

One of the good things about getting old. I can have my ice cream and brownies because I really don't give a rats rear end what anybody else thinks about my eating habits. I'm not going to live my whole life denying myself good things so I can leave a skinny corpse behind.

That being said, I find aquaerobics for one hour three times a week is good for eating happily and still being fit. Being fit is more important than weight.
Laker_Girl said:
That be crap.

I truly believe that overweight people can contribute their condition to learned rather than genetic behavior. I'm talking about people that are strictly overweight and normal in every other way. That excludes people with Prader-Willi and Bardet-Biedl.

Overeating is usually emotional and it's over eating that leads to being overweight or obese. In some cases a thyroid condition will be a contributing factor but again, my mother has almost no thyroid and isn't overweight. It's habit, situation, and opportunity and less genetics than anything.
Again you speak of belief. Genetic predisposition is scientifically documented. Of course people that aren't predisposed who are overweight have eating disorders. Talking about emotional or habitual problems does nothing to refute the contribution genes make.

I watch A LOT of the Discovery Health Channel, they do shows on the overweight and obese aaaaallllll the time, I know my stuff.
I believe that one can be predisposed, through hereditary, to carry more fat than another person. Genetics only plays a part inasmuch as your metabolism and your body's ability to burn or store fat. That being said, it's obvious that not all fat parents will have obese kids, nor will all thin parents have thin kids.

I agree with LG in that mildly to moderate people shouldn't blame genetics for being 30-50 pounds overweight. It's poor lifestyle choices, plain and simple.

Speaking from my own experience, I'm 5'10" and have been as high as 270 pounds and as low as 185 in my adult life. I have a pretty large frame so 185-190 is my ideal weight, BMI be damned. I can tell you that when I was 185 in college, I ran 9 miles a day at a 6-minute pace, I lifted weights 6 times a week, and I ate about 1,600 calories a day. I gave up red meat totally, eliminated as much refined sugar as possible, and ate no more than 20 grams of fat per day. I was in very good shape yet...I still had a layer of fat on my stomach that just would not go away. I could never get the "six-pack" look; at least not without starving myself to the point of emaciation. I believe that part is genetic.
So, we're agreed then: The moral of this story is get off your ass, quit shoving so much shit in your gob, eat healthy, drink in moderation, quit smoking, and be active.

Be happy.

The End.