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Feminists: An Observation

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Didja ever notice that there aren't any hot or sexy Feminists? I don't think there are any that would even be considered "attractive" or "cute" or "fuckable".

No, Feminists are invariably fat, ugly broads with stringy hair, coke-bottle glasses, hair where it shouldn't be, and questionable hygiene. My theory is that all their lives they've seen their pretty friends get the hot guy, the attention, the nice gifts, etc. Instead of putting more effort into being more presentable, these women blame men for not liking their fat, stinky asses. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy because their hatred of All Things Men causes them to have a horrible attitude and personality. Thus, men begin to reject them for who they are rather than just what they look like.

Interesting. Hillary Clinton has fat ankles but she doesn't look like she stinks. there are plenty of okay looking feminists but they're generally a thousand times bitchier than the average woman. Even nice women are bitches, feminists are intolerable.
Laker_Girl said:
Interesting. Hillary Clinton has fat ankles but she doesn't look like she stinks. there are plenty of okay looking feminists but they're generally a thousand times bitchier than the average woman. Even nice women are bitches, feminists are intolerable.

Depends on the stripe of the feminist.

There's a difference between (1) man-hating harridans who cultivate the "Popeye Forearms, Five O'Clock Shadow" image who call themselves feminists, and the (2) no-nonsense women who won't take shit from anyone simply because they're women.

I discount variety 1 as feminists altogether. Those women are angry about not getting laid.

Group two isn't devoid of women who've embraced mullets and biker wallets, but they're not viscious emasculators. They just want their fair deal. And group two has plenty of hot lookers in the mix.

It's the difference between people who need a cause to validate their worth, and people who are thoughtful about a cause, and take reasonable means to achieve their goals. The cause is an end, not a means.

Typically, you don't see members of group 2 trudging their respective ways down Pennsylvania avenue carrying placards and chanting something with the preamble "Hey, hey, hey ho......". These women are entreprenuers, executives and community leaders who've spent their time working to get ahead and proving that you can beat the status quo (or, at the very least, give it a black eye that it'll remember for a while). Generally they are too busy being successful to take time out to bitch about how bad life is, and about how men should be castrated. They live with their eyes on the future, instead of wallowing in a past that can't be changed.
Peter Octavian said:
They live with their eyes on the future, instead of wallowing in a past that can't be changed.
Perhaps some wallow. Perhaps some examine the past, to change the present.
Friday said:
Perhaps some wallow. Perhaps some examine the past, to change the present.

My point exactly.

Examination of something static, like a past which wasn't particularly fair, is something you do once, and then move on. Group 1 focuses on the past, treating improvements and advancements in the name of the cause as though they were inconsequential. Group 2 examined that past, saw what needed to be done, and did it, and spent nary a minute chanting "Hey-hey, hey-ho, the dick and balls have got to go, hey-hey, ho-ho." Group 2 are the ones reaping the benefits of the improvements, and making new ones.
Peter Octavian said:
My point exactly.

Examination of something static, like a past which wasn't particularly fair, is something you do once, and then move on. Group 1 focuses on the past, treating improvements and advancements in the name of the cause as though they were inconsequential. Group 2 examined that past, saw what needed to be done, and did it, and spent nary a minute chanting "Hey-hey, hey-ho, the dick and balls have got to go, hey-hey, ho-ho." Group 2 are the ones reaping the benefits of the improvements, and making new ones.
You make a lot of sense, Peter. To always assume the patterns of the past still hold true in the present is myopic, and indeed dangerous. To automatically dismiss any progress is to deny the accomplishments of those that came before you. IMO, this makes you as bad as what you perceive are the problems.

Progress, and change, can only come with an honest assessment, and a willingness to recognize that a lot of good has been done, and that looking at the possibilities of the future will see far more success than dwelling in the failures of the past.
Friday said:
You make a lot of sense, Peter. To always assume the patterns of the past still hold true in the present is myopic, and indeed dangerous. To automatically dismiss any progress is to deny the accomplishments of those that came before you. IMO, this makes you as bad as what you perceive are the problems.

Progress, and change, can only come with an honest assessment, and a willingness to recognize that a lot of good has been done, and that looking at the possibilities of the future will see far more success than dwelling in the failures of the past.

Well, that, and lingering on the past, dwelling on unjust events that have been remedied, or are in the process of being remedied, perpetuates the 'victim' mentality.
^There are no victims, only volunteers.

I appreciate all my that my "sisters" have done to ensure that I can vote and be a firefighter and be vice-president of a corporation or own my own business and be taken seriously. What I don't appreciate is the stigma that if you're not in the work force you don't appreciate the woman who suffered so you could be. I hate working, I despise it with every fiber of my being, it sucks. I'd give anything to find a man, (a real man that doesn't expect me to make up half the household income) get married, have two or three children and raise my kids and care for my home and husband. I don't agree that my choosing to be a homemaker is what will make feminism devolve. It is possible that not all of those 1950's housewives wanted to be in the work force, I'll just bet that some rather enjoyed caring for their families and they were no less the important woman for it.
Well L_G, anyone who says that taking care of a house and kids isn't a "real job" has never had to deal with either one.

Cleaning and maintaining your home is no picnic, but raising kids in the current climate is hard labor.

Rewarding, but a real task.
Laker_Girl said:
I don't agree that my choosing to be a homemaker is what will make feminism devolve. It is possible that not all of those 1950's housewives wanted to be in the work force, I'll just bet that some rather enjoyed caring for their families and they were no less the important woman for it.

Yay!!! I agree. If Feminism wants to retain any validity at all or any relevance, they have to accept that a woman can "willingly" choose to be a wife and a mother and it isn't the oppression of society or her husband making her do it.

If anything good came out of Feminism, [besides a better pay check which is OK by me] it is that we can now choose to do just what women did so long ago. The key is not to define a 'free woman' by the role a woman finds herself in, but whether or not she chose it for herself.

You ROCK L_G!!!!
And if I choose not to depend a man for anything, fully support myself financially and emotionally, even choosing to become a single parent, and not having a man involved in any way but the biological, those choices should be respected, also.

Right, Friday.

I should say I've known some very attractive young feminists. Of, in some cases, remarkably extreme persuasion. Who most third parties would suggest could beat me up. But still hot.

So, no, I haven't noticed that feminists aren't hot or sexy... because they are, just as other women often are. And did I mention that men can be considered feminist as well?


...BDM, you need to look in different bars when you're trying to pick up chicks. At the least.
TJHairball said:
Right, Friday.

I should say I've known some very attractive young feminists. Of, in some cases, remarkably extreme persuasion. Who most third parties would suggest could beat me up. But still hot.

So, no, I haven't noticed that feminists aren't hot or sexy... because they are, just as other women often are. And did I mention that men can be considered feminist as well?


...BDM, you need to look in different bars when you're trying to pick up chicks. At the least.
I'd give ya karma, but the karma system is screwy lately.

Good points, all. Painting feminists as unattractive and masculine simply because they hold traditionally masculine ideals is very narrow minded.
Wordin, why don't you try staying on topic for once, instead of taking the easy road of personal sniping? :roll:
I don't think Feminism is about unattractive, hairy, man-hating women. I think it was more about how women were, and in some ways still are, treated less than equal than men.
Friday said:
Wordin, why don't you try staying on topic for once, instead of taking the easy road of personal sniping? :roll:

That would be so unWordin like of him.

He's a typical academic. He has two or three tricks he does, and he does them whenever he can.
Friday said:
Wordin, why don't you try staying on topic for once, instead of taking the easy road of personal sniping? :roll:


In a related story:


...just called for you Friday. He wants to know if you can change his spots.
