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Feminists: An Observation

The Question said:
There's a difference between being wronged and having a victim mentality. Or are you accusing women who really were discriminated against of just making that up? You and the broad generalization -- a relationship for all time?

As usual, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. If you would just drop all the posturing and try to put together a few coherent sentences I wouldn't find you so incredibly irritating.
WordInterrupted said:
As usual, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. If you would just drop all the posturing and try to put together a few coherent sentences I wouldn't find you so incredibly irritating.

I see hukt on fonix didn't werk fer yoo. It really amazes me, sometimes, that you manage to attend university courses without university-level reading comprehension. Try reading what I posted again, as slowly as you need to in order to process it. If necessary, get your wet-nurse to read it to you as a bed time story.
My reading comprehension is excellent when there's something there to comprehend. Let's look at your post, sentence-by-sentence:

There's a difference between being wronged and having a victim mentality.

I argued that, given your fixation on your own victimhood, it was hypocritical of you to criticize others for having a "victim mentality." I don't understand how your assertion that "being wronged" is different from a "victim mentality" is intended to refute that argument. It's a vauge assertion that makes no refference to the specifics of my argument.

As best I can tell, you're trying to say that you have been personally harmed by the Jewish conspiracy, and thus do not have a "victim mentality." If this is what you're trying to say, how exactly have your been harmed? You never talk about actual harm here on TK. You just imagine how you might be harmed in the future, such as in this thread, where you imagine what might happen if you asked Bush about the Israel, or in this thread, where you post a letter to the anti-defamation league about the possibility that they might victimize you in the future. If you define "victim mentality" as deriving some kind of psychological satisfaction from fixating on one's status as victim, your constant fantasies of victimhood fit the definition.

Or are you accusing women who really were discriminated against of just making that up?

Now you really go off the deep end. Since I don't even mention women in any of my posts in this thread, I don't know why you'd think I'm accusing them of anything.

You and the broad generalization -- a relationship for all time?

Now you're accusing me of generalizing? What generalization? You just pull stuff out of thin air without explaining what the hell you're talking about.
WordInterrupted said:
I have a question for Friday, Six and Octavian: what do you think of TQ's holocaust denial and constant rants about the Jewish conspiracy? Octavian and Six are oh-so-eager to brand me a crazy liberal, but completely ignore the loony Nazi apologist. Supporting Democrats makes me worthy of abuse, but anti-semitism is A-OK?

I'm going to derail here.

My constant slagging has nothing to do with your politics. You're an ass. That's the whole of it.

As an example, you just called TQ a Nazi. He's not, and if you paid any attention at all to who he is, you'd see that's pretty clear, but you've no desire to do that. It's inconvenient for you. It's this kind of over-simplification and ad hominem which is a staple of all of your arguments. If there's not a way to denegrate your opponent in a debate, you just don't enter the discussion. You provoke with condescension and "verbous" (is that the "dilletante-pretense" for verbose?) name-calling, then cry foul when you get as good, or better, than you give.

It wouldn't matter if you voted John Kerry for president, or wrote in Pat Robertson I've made my judgement about you because of personal experience with you, and observing how you interact with others. While I don't speak for 6, I can say unequivocally that it's not your politics which make you worthy of abuse. Your behavior in this very thread should be an ironic reminder of why you are.

You asked......
He's not, and if you paid any attention at all to who he is, you'd see that's pretty clear, but you've no desire to do that.

The two main tenants of Nazi politics were (1) beleif that a Jewish conspiracy threatened the well-being of the state and (2) promotion of "national socialism," a variety of hypernationalist facism. TQ beleives that (1) a Jewish conspiracy threatens the U.S. and (2) the U.S. should adopt national socialsim. He embraces the substance of the Nazi movement. He doesn't want to be called a Nazi, obviously, because the label isn't respectable in our society.

I'm curious: do you agree with him about the Jewish conspiracy? Are you yourself an advocate of national socialism?

It's this kind of over-simplification and ad hominem which is a staple of all of your arguments.

I consitently make intelligent, well-reasoned arguments. In my political discussions with you, in particular, I have always been careful to back up my claims with evidence. You have nothing to complain about.
As an example, you just called TQ a Nazi.

Just to be clear, I have not called TQ a Nazi in this thread, although I do think the label is appropriate given his stated views. I called him a "Nazi apologist," meaning that he tries to excuse and minimize the crimes of Nazi Germany. Even if you don't think he's a fell-fledged Nazi, he's clearly an apologist.
Oh, for crying out loud. :roll:

Wordin, most of TQ's holocaust denial is a troll. I'm shocked that you fall for it, repeatedly.

The part that isn't a troll, he simply puts forth theories that might prove his claim. I've read enough of his posts to know he is not a Nazi, or a racist. He just plays one on TV. ;)

Nuance and reading between the lines seem to be beyond you, it seems. Try not to take everything at face value, and you'll be much happier.

P.S. Peter isn't really the devil, either. ;)
Getting back on topic, there was a time when I was against all this feminism stupidity. Longing for the good old days when women truely knew their role as obedient housewives. All that was expected of them was to raise our kids, make us a decent meal and teach the dog to fetch our slippers; and for that we'd buy them a pair of new shoes every week.

Unfortunately the golden age of womanhood is over, and I've come to realize it's very difficult for us men to live off only our salary and we certainly can't afford shoes every week. That's why nowadays women must work and bring money to the home, such privelages as raising our children and making me meals don't come free.

You want to live with me under my roof and mother my children you had better have a decent income.
Friday said:
And if I choose not to depend a man for anything, fully support myself financially and emotionally, even choosing to become a single parent, and not having a man involved in any way but the biological, those choices should be respected, also.


Yes, provided you respect LG's choice, which you clearly don't. And provided you don't hate an entire gender simply because of their gender, which you do.
Oh, for fuck's sake, BDM. :roll:

I've been one of L_G's biggest supporters for a long time now. I truly like, and admire her. I've said, in a previous thread, that I do support her choices, even if they aren't the ones I'd make. Stop being so myopic when it comes to any perceived threat to L_G. Your overprotectiveness isn't necessary. She's a big girl. She can take care of herself. Really, she can. ;)

And I don't hate a specific gender, simply because they are that gender. I was having a particularly trying day yesterday, and everything came out wrong. My over the top reactions were simply my way of alleviating some RL tension.

And I truly like you, also, and don't wish to find you on the opposite side of the fence.

In short, base your judgment of me by the sum total of my posts, not by just one day.
Number_6 said:
Some men are still sexist, yes.

But the vast majority aren't, and the world has changed something fierce since the 1950s.

I don't know where you live, but down here, y'all're out of touch. It's my experience that a very large number of women and men are sexist.

The world has changed, but we've got a little way less to go before we can account for equality, even in terms of basic economics. Education, work experience, training, etc account for only half the gap (see link) between male and female earnings - which has dramatically decreased in recent years.
The rabid gender feminists are unwilling to acknowledge the changes. I think that a large part of this stems from the fact that their continued relevance actually depends upon society remaining sexist. They are also misandrists.
Changes have been made... but we are not yet living in a socially or economically egalitarian society, nor in a society where sexism is a quaint myth.

Sexist views are widely prevalent, and still need fixing... and very few people are running around trying to fix them. Cultures don't change much overnight, however much they might pretend to.
And yet, I still can't give you karma, TJ. I'm going to have to look into that.

And your post made me go, Yay!

But don't tell anyone. Shhhh.... ;)
You're never going to have complete equality, Hairball/Wordin's Bitch. Men and women aren't equal.

Chew on that statement for a bit, and then try and figure out why I'm not saying what you probably think I'm saying.

As for Little Lord Fauntleroy, you are taunted because you are Little Lord Fauntleroy. Drop the persona, come back into the conversation. See what changes.
I'm sitting here. I'm seeing the words. But I'm not going to...

Y'know, I just don't know what to say.

Except...why should I have expected anything different?
Number_6 said:
Then they need to use language more precisely.
What is your point?

And, you fucking well better have a damned good one, because you're skating on extremely thin ice, right now.