Troll Kingdom

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Flamechamp idiots think they can take down TK.

Does anybody else notice these Legendary TK Trolls have to validate each other constantly to remain in denial? Or that they karma each other like it means something?
Or that they attempt to rig call outs by voting for each other? Or that any ten of them don't add up to making one comment worth reading? Or their average age is 14? And then there is the use of avatars and other image gimmicks to make up for the fact they are unoriginal, have no skills, no creativity, no imagination, and basically keep their noses in the troll ass in front of them? HOW ABOUT THE FACT THEY ARE so CLUELESS ABOUT being trolls that they are perpetually being trolled and owned?

Personally I get disinterested after a day of drop kicking these fat low IQ emos into the meaningless zone.But continue anyway just because Im psychotic and favor sadism to the point of overkill.
Gretchen had a good idea. At TK where she is an admin who condones admin panel abuse and punishing anybody who makes her legendary trolls look bad, the Trolltards embrace the concept of a daycare room. The legendary trolltards basically disable the forum users CP and block their ability to post anyplace but in Daycare. Then they are protected from continuously being made to look bad in other parts of their site. Truth is the legendary Trolltards cannot take what the lamely dish out, are easily trolled and owned, and when given a taste of their own medicine they all whine and issue negative karma like little bitches. There is a void of no cognition at TK. They all think alike hence nobody is thinking just like you see here with the TK ilk that has moved in to mentally masturbate in public.

I suggest FC create a room for our visiting TK legendary Trolltards to dwell in. Isolate them there so they can be observed and if anybody wants to jump in with them and waltz them around for awhile they can go for it. Let's face it they are toxic in terms of being mindless dolts. Their dullness rubs off on the unsuspecting. But they are amusing... kind of like watching an ant farm or gerbils in a cage shitting on each other.Not because they actualy make anybody here look bad..they dont and never will..but because they are legendary trolls who deserve their own little FC home to circle jerk in..
They have value as a sideshow or freakshow like watching a geek bite the head off a chicken or a pin head goo goo ga ga ing while grinning like a mongoloid child.

New FC members will have a place to go to see exactly how not to be a troll.TK is chock full of negative role models and minds so fucked up emotionally speaking ..their personality disorders and sexual pathologies alone can fascinate the curious onlooker endlessly. TK is giving FC a gift so lets capitalize on it. It will like like watching the TROLLTARD station. A perfect way to induce sleep or link a friend to the heterodox zone.

Fc can have a contest about what to name the troll isolation room . TK visiters should be quarantined anyway..they are underaged and could claim child abuse . When the TK legends demonstrate some degree of talent or rational thinking they can be put on probation and gradually get their civil rights back. For now their Karma privileges , user cp access, right to call outs [in which they seek to cheat],and ability to post freely any place but in their own special Trolltard shortbus needs to happen. Not because they are really having any effect or are actually executing real trolls but because they need to experience a taste of their own ridiculous medicine. In the meantime hopefully they can be educated about how to be trolls. Their way of being trolls is an insult to real trolls everywhere. They are making trolls look bad and giving them a bad name so lets seriously take a proactive position on this growing problem of trolltardation.

The facts and evidence supporting my contentions are obviously found documented by the legendary trolltards themselves in their posts and threads. I have a vision of a legendary TK TROLLTARD ZOO here at FC... full of fat pimply faced gender confused smiling twatwaffles. We can watch them buttfuck each other, play with their feces, grow big red bulbous exterior sphincters, and groom each other nose to ass in front of them. You know...TK trolltard sees..TK trolltard does....they are all alike when you get past the gay avatars and absurd signature statements/images. They are all legendary trolltards.
You seem tense.
Does anybody else notice these Legendary TK Trolls have to validate each other constantly to remain in denial? Or that they karma each other like it means something?
Or that they attempt to rig call outs by voting for each other? Or that any ten of them don't add up to making one comment worth reading? Or their average age is 14? And then there is the use of avatars and other image gimmicks to make up for the fact they are unoriginal, have no skills, no creativity, no imagination, and basically keep their noses in the troll ass in front of them? HOW ABOUT THE FACT THEY ARE so CLUELESS ABOUT being trolls that they are perpetually being trolled and owned?

Personally I get disinterested after a day of drop kicking these fat low IQ emos into the meaningless zone.But continue anyway just because Im psychotic and favor sadism to the point of overkill.
Gretchen had a good idea. At TK where she is an admin who condones admin panel abuse and punishing anybody who makes her legendary trolls look bad, the Trolltards embrace the concept of a daycare room. The legendary trolltards basically disable the forum users CP and block their ability to post anyplace but in Daycare. Then they are protected from continuously being made to look bad in other parts of their site. Truth is the legendary Trolltards cannot take what the lamely dish out, are easily trolled and owned, and when given a taste of their own medicine they all whine and issue negative karma like little bitches. There is a void of no cognition at TK. They all think alike hence nobody is thinking just like you see here with the TK ilk that has moved in to mentally masturbate in public.

I suggest FC create a room for our visiting TK legendary Trolltards to dwell in. Isolate them there so they can be observed and if anybody wants to jump in with them and waltz them around for awhile they can go for it. Let's face it they are toxic in terms of being mindless dolts. Their dullness rubs off on the unsuspecting. But they are amusing... kind of like watching an ant farm or gerbils in a cage shitting on each other.Not because they actualy make anybody here look bad..they dont and never will..but because they are legendary trolls who deserve their own little FC home to circle jerk in..
They have value as a sideshow or freakshow like watching a geek bite the head off a chicken or a pin head goo goo ga ga ing while grinning like a mongoloid child.

New FC members will have a place to go to see exactly how not to be a troll.TK is chock full of negative role models and minds so fucked up emotionally speaking ..their personality disorders and sexual pathologies alone can fascinate the curious onlooker endlessly. TK is giving FC a gift so lets capitalize on it. It will like like watching the TROLLTARD station. A perfect way to induce sleep or link a friend to the heterodox zone.

Fc can have a contest about what to name the troll isolation room . TK visiters should be quarantined anyway..they are underaged and could claim child abuse . When the TK legends demonstrate some degree of talent or rational thinking they can be put on probation and gradually get their civil rights back. For now their Karma privileges , user cp access, right to call outs [in which they seek to cheat],and ability to post freely any place but in their own special Trolltard shortbus needs to happen. Not because they are really having any effect or are actually executing real trolls but because they need to experience a taste of their own ridiculous medicine. In the meantime hopefully they can be educated about how to be trolls. Their way of being trolls is an insult to real trolls everywhere. They are making trolls look bad and giving them a bad name so lets seriously take a proactive position on this growing problem of trolltardation.

The facts and evidence supporting my contentions are obviously found documented by the legendary trolltards themselves in their posts and threads. I have a vision of a legendary TK TROLLTARD ZOO here at FC... full of fat pimply faced gender confused smiling twatwaffles. We can watch them buttfuck each other, play with their feces, grow big red bulbous exterior sphincters, and groom each other nose to ass in front of them. You know...TK trolltard sees..TK trolltard does....they are all alike when you get past the gay avatars and absurd signature statements/images. They are all legendary trolltards.
LOL wut?

Oh it's El Machorro! That's where our karma crybaby went to.

I might have to join in now.
What, that amazingly simple moron is their boss?

Fuck it. Just let them be. With 'brains' like that in charge, it'd be like Macauley Culkin taking on Micky Rourke in a boxing match.
Grammour Boy said:
Gretchen is an admin at TK? :wtf?:
LOL that's me :D

Note that I never told him that. The dumbfuck jumped to his own - wrong - conclusions :P

I laughed long and hard at that :D
Tyrant said:
Just another pisspoor Havok troll.


TK doesn't rely on HTML.

He trolls himself very well is all.
[quote author=HAVOK_DS link=topic=6310.msg167696#msg167696 date=1181671927]
Ene, let's play like TK tards ;)
Hahah you really showed them Machorro - they suck and couldn't flame to save their life.

yeah and you all really showd us you could shut a board down.. it is not like you took a screen shot during a scheduled maintenance or anything.. :rolleyes:
[quote author=HAVOK_DS link=topic=6310.msg167759#msg167759 date=1181677913]
will you be doing maintenance at 10 pm PST tonight?

I dunno.. ask them.. I am not admin there..
GTC said:
El Machorro! I'm sorry I negged you and drove you off of TK. I didn't realize karma was such an important part of your board experience. I promise I won't do it again if you provide another meltdown for us.
HAPPY DAY! I trolled the TK admin panel abusing canuck cowpie into posting a frivolous damage control attempt. Now that I have your ass in position again I 'll be candid with you. I disagree with your statement and insist you either prove what you are saying is the truth or admit you my bitch. If you are posting a perception, wishfull thinking, or lies of omission ment to manipulate others please say which.

I am anybody left over at TK? You continue to flatter me with all the attention and attempts to negate me by degrading me with your ridiculous thinly veiled personal prejudice. You are jealous no doubt. I mean I am so much more of a creative mind than you are. I exposed you at TK for being an admin panel abuser. You disabled my ability to issue KARMA after I BEGAN TO BREAK SOME OFF IN YOUR ASS. You disabled my ability to post freely after I repeatedly trolled the legendary trolls at TK into a whining tardfest during which I ran amuck fucking them around like pissing on ants. You disabled my user cp. You effectively banned me for feeding your crappy forum some of its own game. You cant take it what you dish out and you just posting proves that.

Why not tell the truth about how you created a thread just to showcase my creativity as an example to your dimbulb copycat troll wannabes. Your thread exhibited my karma comments to draw new traffic. I was exciting admit it. But when I karma-ed your weak ass just for kicks bam you abused your admin panel. Laughable.

Ill admit I see alot of canucks down here and they all suck cock.

But Ill clue you in to exactly why your post is rejected for being worthless.
Around here we never allow the admin panel abuser to define admin panel abuses.
If you deny it cowpie after you have been accused then the burden is on me to prove you are a liar or Im telling the truth. Guess what? I already have. Scroll around. Do some home work. You have been proven to be exactly what I say you are. The evidence was posted.

You may want to prove what your are contending here about me is the truth lest you admit to being my little bitch again. Meltdown, me, please....How can I meltdown flaming the snot out of your legion of TK losers. NOBODY HAS LIFTED A GLOVE, replied effectively, or done much more than smite my karma like pwned little girls. Face it , boss up like men, dykes, and confused bisexuals guys love the attention so much you subject yourselves to humiliating abuses most real human beings would be ashamed of taking so far up their asses smiling the whole time.

Thanks for coming over to ride my coattails
in hopes of deluding some poor soul to visit TK.
Dopeman and I sure had fun the last time we visited.
Sorry your reaction was to ban me.
I thought trolls never banned anybody for trolling.
It must be different when legendary trolls of TK are trolled like
bitches into mass whining because they did not have a clue what
trolling is to begin with.

The only thing TK drives off is talent and intellect, creativity and imagination.
TK does that by controlling the forum.
You all think alike. Thats been proven here in the last 24 hrs.
No argument.
You all think alike and that is proof nobody is really thinking.
So step off or stick around ..its of no matter to me..
I am loving the masculinity is magnetic
and your trolltards are beginning to copy my style.
I am flattered.Thanks ..I regret you are so jealous you attempt to degrade me instead of striving to be like get to my level thru hard can do it..ill give you some pointers..ill even advise you how to bring TK back to life if you ask politely and show respect as my subordinate.
But I alreadly know I have talent , a quick wit, personal power,
your ass any time I want it, and a superior intellect so quit embarassing me.

[quote author=The Bra1n link=topic=6310.msg167931#msg167931 date=1181687569]
Let's see you pic, hun. I take it it's not the animated one on your sig from the cindysbeen site either. PM it to me an I'll give everyone my honest assessment of just how fine you are and it will be widely accepted or rejected, depending on how much subjective praise I give you.
You too, Gretchphony.

I have no pics of myself on line and that is a fact.. I set up pics for your PPL to find and the ones posted aren't it... so I dunno if she looked at some photo bucket shit I jacked and posted it or not.. no matter... accepted, rejected.. either way, I am not ignored.. that is the way of a real troll.. I don't mind long set ups.. and PPL usually do bite when I troll, eventually...
BTW, welcome back...
[quote author=El Machorro link=topic=6310.msg167984#msg167984 date=1181691770]
Basically I own Tk so Ill leave it at that. I proved my point. Let the weakminded TK trolls now discuss me amongst themselves. NOBODY LISTENS TO TO TK TROLLS BUt tk trolls! PWNED!
I did try to follow this but the fluffy hyperbole began to tire me.

I think Hambil did a better job of taking the forum down.