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Game of Thrones season 8

Maybe she was so filled with rage she couldn't even see them. I DON'T KNOW!

I think Jon's gonna kill Dany.
Arya takes her face when the Dragons not around, and it flies off. Then years later after some fierce sex with Jon she pulls the mask off, and yells "TA-DA!!"
It ends with a pullback from Bran's face and he says "...and that's what would have happened if you'd brought Dany to Winterfell, Jon!" revealing the whole season has just been a Brancomputer simulation. Jon says "well I won't do that then!" and it shows the Night King still marching south. The words "SEASON 9 - 2021!" appear on screen.


In the aftermath of the devastating attack on King's Landing, Daenerys must face the survivors.

Memes tomorrow!
Young Hodor wakes up from his fit with his faculties restored. It turns out he just had indigestion from too many hot dogs.

Nothing after that actually happened.
The final episode is dedicated to a flashback detailing the Sand Snakes’ childhood. The part of Oberyn will be played by Ruby Wax.
Nice to know that, after 8 seasons, the message of Game of Thrones turns out to be: "Trying to change the world for the better makes you a despot, actually. Just keep things as they are (make sure the men are in charge!)."

Fucking Christ.




The guy who has done literally shit all for the last two seasons??? The guy who has said over and over again just how much he doesn't care about the current world, to the people that the person who ACTUALLY DID MOST OF THE STUFF TYRION WAS TALKING ABOUT walked away from him?

What I'm saying is Meera Reed for queen.
So the reason for Fucking Bran being King is that he "has the best story." And they give this big speech to Dinklage to try to convince you it makes sense (when it doesn't, of course.) Ask literally any viewer which character had the best story and one of them would say Bran.

Why didn't Yara (or whoever the Dorne guy was) ask for independence too when Sansa did? Didn't she demand that from Dany when agreeing to fight for her? And why did she laugh at the idea of democratically electing the King when that's how the Iron Islands actually do it?


Arya randomly becomes an explorer having shown no interest in it before. Okay.

Bronn being made Master of Coin was almost more unbelievable than Bran being King? Was it just because he pointed a crossbow at Tyrion a few weeks ago? Couldn't Tyrion just have him arrested or something.

They totally added Jon petting Ghost at the last minute, right? Like the shawarma.

Jaime and Cersei would have survive if they'd just stayed in the map room?

Why did Grey Worm actually wait for everyone else to show up at King's Landing instead of just killing Jon right away? Like he was fine with genocide last week but JON DESERVES A TRIAL?

Remember when Arya got a horse.
I was prepared for the final episode to not be that great. It's almost impossible for the final episode of a huge series like this to be great. Since I wasn't expecting it to be great, I wasn't too disappointed. I think it would have all been better if they'd spent less time on Dany burning the city, and more time on the build up to her madness. I also think it would have been better if they'd given a little time to Jaime struggling to leave Brienne for Cersei, so that his death would have been more meaningful, or something. I don't know. I hope Brienne has a page in that book!
Sansa brought up a good point by asking how she's meant to feed anyone. Then no one answered it. I suspect they'll just not mention it for the rest of the season but they just put it in there to say "see we still pay attention to details sometimes!"

OH HEY I WAS RIGHT. And now she's gotten independence for the North so they won't be getting food sent to them from the South like they usually would during winter and everyone will starve. Unless winter's supposed to already be over or something (it really wasn't clear what the status of "winter" was by the end.)