Troll Kingdom

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Hambil launches scathing attack on TK

Grammour Boy said:
You will have to ask the author what it means.
Oh, I'm sorry. I must have misunderstood. You voiced an understanding of the guidelines thru this statement:
Grammour Boy said:
I don't expect anyone will ever be banned for having differing opinions. Their views will be challenged, yes, on their own merit by the membership. But banned for your opinion? Never!!
Now you are saying you can't, or won't, explain the guidelines. That doesn't do much for your credibility, does it?
Friday said:
Seems to me, GB, that you're hesitant to explain that excerpt. Why?
Why do you believe I am obliged to explain guidelines which I didn't make?

Like I said, if you need an explanation you best ask the author of the guidelines. Skip the middle man...go to the source.
Friday said:
Oh, I'm sorry. I must have misunderstood. You voiced an understanding of the guidelines thru this statement:

Now you are saying you can't, or won't, explain the guidelines. That doesn't do much for your credibility, does it?
Wrong again!

Here is what I show me where I said that my statements were an explanation of the guidelines:
Grammour Boy said:
I don't expect anyone will ever be banned for having differing opinions. Their views will be challenged, yes, on their own merit by the membership. But banned for your opinion? Never!!
Grammour Boy said:
I don't expect anyone will ever be banned for having differing opinions. Their views will be challenged, yes, on their own merit by the membership. But banned for your opinion? Never!!
You definitively state that no one will be banned due to their opinion. You are attempting to explain board guidelines.
Grammour Boy said:
Why do you believe I am obliged to explain guidelines which I didn't make?
Because you insist on using those guidelines to defend your arguments.

If you don't, or can't, explain the premise your arguments are based on, your agruments lose credibility. And so do you.
If you enjoy arguing with him over stupid bullshit then great. Personally I find it disgusting and degrading to see a grown adult person palming his meat to negative attention.

I see why Rhiannon dumped him from SW.
Friday said:
Because you insist on using those guidelines to defend your arguments.

If you don't, or can't, explain the premise your arguments are based on, your agruments lose credibility. And so do you.
No, it is you who used the guidelines as the basis of your arguments that Laker_Girl was pressured to leave due to the "tone set" by the guidelines. You made that argument. Not I.

I only stated that in my estimation no one will be banned for their opinion. I never said I was basing that judgment on the guidelines. You merely assumed that I was.
Who is this GB guy, anyway? Do you have a history with him, Jack?

And you're right. I'm done spinning his wheels.
Friday said:
Who is this GB guy, anyway? Do you have a history with him, Jack?
I am not a troll.
Friday said:
And you're right. I'm done spinning his wheels.
Good for you because you had no leg to stand on. The guidelines have nothing to do with Laker_Girl choosing to leave the board due to not finding much support for her views on there. And that's the whole story.
Friday said:
Nah. Most of their traffic, ironically, are TKers who want to point and laugh. Without us, the hits over there would be negligible.

The balance of hits consist of SC members logging on in the *hope* something interesting is going on.

That's the truth. Look it in dead in the face. ;)

Too true. I keep going over there to check the most recent posts... and crickets chirp back at me. The only thread I was really interested in... the Lost thread... gets no traffic.
CoyoteUgly said:
Too true. I keep going over there to check the most recent posts... and crickets chirp back at me. The only thread I was really interested in... the Lost thread... gets no traffic.
Oh my gosh! We agree on something. It's the end of the world as we know it. ;)

I honestly hope that board stays afloat. I really do. I like that some of the people over there...*are* over there, and not here.
Grammour Boy said:
Laker_Girl is just too fragile to hold her own when confronted with logical arguments that discount her own. So she stormed off because they didn't agree with her. Sort of like a kid taking her/his marbles and going home because she/he didn't like the outcome of the game.


I did not, repeat, did not storm off. I said this board wasn't the board for me. So now I can't not care for the board with out it being some hostile fit? Gee, don't wonder why I left.

Sc, is a fine board but it's for the liberal crew.