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Has anyone looked at the "economic stimulus" package in-depth yet???

Thanks for at least being honest about your reasons for supporting this 'stimulus' package.

I'm supporting it because I believe our current president and his cabinet are about 100 billion times smarter than the last president and HIS cabinet. And because what we've been doing obviously hasn't been working. I don't claim to have all the answers like the neo-cons, but I do now that doing the same thing over and over and hoping it will work is senseless, so I'm giving Obama's ideas a chance.

Meanwhile the failed republican party keeps yelling for more tax cuts (which I'm sure has made all the current senators and congressman nice and rich but sure hasn't 'trickled down' to anyone I know yet).
Obama might be giving me $15000 instead of $7500 of Hambil and Sarek's money for buying a home.

Thanks, guys. :ramen:
OK. Let me make sure I'm getting this right. Basically the argument is that this may very well be a terrible, pork-laden thing that destroys our country but hey--at least Bush is out of office! Right?
OK. Let me make sure I'm getting this right. Basically the argument is that this may very well be a terrible, pork-laden thing that destroys our country but hey--at least Bush is out of office! Right?

No, the argument is that I don't believe you know any more than I do about what is right. We both have ideas. You've had a chance for your party to practice your ideas and they failed. Now my party is going to practice mine.

In addition, I believe the president and his cabinet to be very intelligent capable people at the moment, which gives me some hope that if said ideas don't work, they'll change and try new things, instead of just doing more and more and more of the same no-working thing and repeating the same dogma louder.
Fair enough. Although I suspect we'll just get a different flavor of non-working dogma rammed down our throats. Meet the new boss. The same as the old boss.
Obama might be giving me $15000 instead of $7500 of Hambil and Sarek's money for buying a home.

Thanks, guys. :ramen:

Unlike you I have no illusion that my tax dollars are being spent on bullshit and will continue to be spent on bullshit.

I can at least stomach the ideal that they may be being spent on helping the have nots try and get out of their current circumstances versus being used to help the have plenty's amass more wealth and personal fortune. Which has been the trend for the last 8 years.
What tax dollars? These certainly aren't tax dollars. I'd go so far as to say they're being conjured out of thin air.
Meanwhile the failed republican party keeps yelling for more tax cuts (which I'm sure has made all the current senators and congressman nice and rich but sure hasn't 'trickled down' to anyone I know yet).

Actually what I'm seeing from the Republicans in the Senate is a recognition that there is going to be spending and trying to get the spending in the STIMULUS package to be actual stimulus (ie infastructure) and not just Dem pork projects.

Which is right up my ally! If we're going to spend the money, spend it on something that creates jobs and provides me something! I LOVE public transit. Put in there help for Calis High Speed Rail and have it go all the way to Portland and Seattle I say! I'd much rather pay for that, than for programs designed to poke the republicans in the eye! :lol:
Obama might be giving me $15000 instead of $7500 of Hambil and Sarek's money for buying a home.

Thanks, guys. :ramen:

Tell me more, this excites me! Yeah, I know I could look it up myself, but my internet time is very limited right now. ;)
Tell me more, this excites me! Yeah, I know I could look it up myself, but my internet time is very limited right now. ;)

It's kind of iffy at the moment (the amendment could be changed of deleted at any time before it's passed and signed) but it looks like if you buy a home you can claim a $15,000 tax credit.

That's straight cash, baby. No interest free loan shit. You keep it.

Of course, this is stupid because people selling homes aren't as likely to lower prices or negotiate as much now, so it may be a wash.
What tax dollars? These certainly aren't tax dollars. I'd go so far as to say they're being conjured out of thin air.

Yeah, kind of like Bush's WMDs.

But you guys were quick to sip from that cup of Kool-aid.
Spending too much is what fucked us up in the first place so what does the new admin decide to do? Spend more!

Great fucking Idea. :huh:
There is a difference between spending money and investing money. Invading Iraq and creating a useless department of Homeland Security is spending money. Building our infrastructure, schools, healthcare system and scientific advantage back up is investing money.
There is a difference between spending money and investing money. Invading Iraq and creating a useless department of Homeland Security is spending money. Building our infrastructure, schools, healthcare system and scientific advantage back up is investing money.

Just watch the people who get the money to build all this great infrastructure will be the same fuckers who give them campaign contibutions.

They will build half a bridge and claim they are broke and want more money, Real bridges to nowhere.

I dont trust them we will end up with a shipload of $900 hammers and $500 toilet seats,, again.
There is a difference between spending money and investing money. Invading Iraq and creating a useless department of Homeland Security is spending money. Building our infrastructure, schools, healthcare system and scientific advantage back up is investing money.
So you don't consider preventing terrorist attacks a wise investment?
We can prevent terrorist attacks by withdrawing financial and military support for Israel. That would accomplish the same goal while saving us money.
Yeah right. That would be almost as smart a move as pulling all support for the Shah, back during the Carter Administration. :cylon:
Oh, seriously. Yeah, I can see that. Oh, wait -- we weren't Muslims before the late '60s and they weren't trying to blow up American people and American stuff before that.

When did that shit start? When we started giving Israel weapons and shit-tons of cash.