beer, I want beer
Enkephalen said:A big brain usually does.
And mine is the wrinkliest. Too many people at ExIsle have brains that are on the smooth side . . .
Enkephalen said:A big brain usually does.
If I may interject with a little more depth than "Ooh, that got me hot" (no offenseNumber_6 said:Let's see--what types of societies need to be trolled? Well, for starters, any totalitarian societies. And ExIsle is turning out to be just that.
I'm not a fan of tin-plated dictators on the internet who make it their business to try and control the words and thoughts of others. Too many ExIslers fit this category, both on staff and off. They deserve to have their faces rubbed into just what they are, to see whether or not the self-recognition will result in an acknowledgement of their totalitarian tendencies and a loosening of the rules.
You see, I don't like it when people decide that some ideas cannot be expressed and some words are unutterable. In fact, I find this incredibly dangerous, and so should you. I find it particularly dangerous when people bring these attitudes with them into real life, which it appears several ExIslers have done.
So far from peddling horse manure, what I'm peddling is freedom of expression.
If it takes trolls to reveal a society for what it is, so be it.
You just want everybody to play nice and not make anyone feel uncomfortable. A laudable concept, in the abstract. Unfortunately, people need to be made to feel uncomfortable if any change is going to take place.
Friday said:If I may interject with a little more depth than "Ooh, that got me hot" (no offense)...
Number_6, I can agree with this. This is, in fact, one of the reasons why I pursued trolling in the first place. The squelching of ideas is abhorrent to me, also. I, like you, feel the need to fight the good fight when I see a "totalitarian" attitude.
However, the type of trolling I'm addressing is the type that RobL copped to...fucking with people's minds for sport. That's just plain unnecessary.
Someone keep track of how many times she’ll have this conversation with us once.Rhea said:I'm probably only be having this conversation with y'all once, so listen up:
When I find a publisher I’ll be sure to consider the effect my troll bible will have on the world. Posts on a message board are not world changing so give up the false analogy.Words have power. Do I really need to cite a few? The Bible, Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses, Mein Kamp....
I know that from your point of view it's just a little fun and after all, it's just a message board..blah..blah..blah. It's never just a message board - it's a community. Human beings form communities - it's what we do. TK has no rules, EI does.
The Internet is not a refuge or a safety blanket or whatever else makes you feel safe. Its an environment or near anarchy, one where I can kill as many fish as I want.If every person who ever joined an online community were reasonably healthy and well-balanced, then trolling would be an amusing pastime. But the internet is also a refuge for people who have very real problems in their lives, and when you bait somebody who can't fight back, it's not only cruel, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Boo fucking hoo. The dumb box got all emotional over her shitty computer. If it was me I would have trolled the future baby factory into the ground because of her reaction.RobL, I know you were just joking about shooting the fucking computer. But Psyche's a kid, she loves that computer, and it should have been obvious to you that you were upsetting her. But instead of having your fun and moving on, you made a big joke about it in AQG and just kept right on plowing ahead. Do you get my drift here? Picking on people who can't fight back is childish and malicious. Period.
You’re both fucking stupid fat cows. She’s a stupid fucking fat cow for challenging us to try and troll her board then after two accounts were registered on her board she threatens legal action against Troll Kingdom. If she ever shows her fat ass on the board I’ll fucking troll her as hard as I can. You’re a stupid fucking fat cow for pretending to know what you’re going on about.I came here to read the threads about EI because it was obvious from Natolii's posts that you had sent her off the deep end and I wanted to know why - I rightly figured that it had to be TK threads that did it. You can call me a fat fucking cow and I'll figure that you just have an extremely limited vocabulary.Calling Natolii one is just not O.K.
Don’t like it? To bad.The gist: Taking potshots at people who can ignore you or who are capable of fighting back - cool. Taking potshots at people who obviously have problems - not cool.
At least my kids won’t be crying on a message board about how much the Internet is destroying their lives.I'm amazed that some of you are old enough to have kids, because I would have thought it would have caused you to develop some empathy. Guess the empathy gene is missing for you guys.
Yeah I saw a retard once too. That bullshit doesn’t work on us.I work with special needs kids all day, and if there's one thing that makes me see red, it's people who hurt my kids - either consciously or unconsciously.
And that makes you a bunch of giant festering pussies.What you've been doing at EI is making a mess, and going after the weakest in the bunch.
That, in my book, makes you juvenile morons.
As if anyone ever liked G to begin with.If you've noticed, I finally had my say with G1223 too. I don't think it will do any good, but I tried.
My goal is now to make EI an inhospitable posting environment. If it hurts a few people’s feelings I couldn’t care less.You can try to justify your actions by saying you're just goofing around and having fun, but it's not fun anymore when you hurt people.
Oh look you got your facts wrong again. How surprising.And CoyoteUgly, I have nothing but contempt for the fact that you used you used your wife's brother to post rape porn and then whined when you got banned. I didn't say anything because I figured the whole thing was self-explanatory. You both deserved to have your asses kicked out.
LOL Who was at Slipstream? You don’t even know that Darth and I joined TK long after Slipstream.I'm sorry that y'all have a hard-on about Rovvie and Slipstream and what happened there. Tough shit. Grow up, get over it, and move on.
Yeah what category of EIer do you fit into? The young emotionally fragile virgin teenybopper or overweight stay at home woman with no possible future?Any questions?
Number_6 said:Let's see--what types of societies need to be trolled? Well, for starters, any totalitarian societies. And ExIsle is turning out to be just that.
I dare you to try something that hasn’t already been done before.Utahraptor said:TK needs to be seriously fucked with.
Utahraptor said:TK needs to be seriously fucked with.
Utahraptor said:If I had the expertise, I'd take you up on that dare.
Utahraptor said:If I had the expertise, I'd take you up on that dare.
Utahraptor said:I'm a bit too involved in the real world to waste time trying to figure out how to destroy interweb sites.
But it is amusing watching all the chest-thumping here. You really are full of yourselves.
I came here to read the threads about EI because it was obvious from Natolii's posts that you had sent her off the deep end and I wanted to know why - I rightly figured that it had to be TK threads that did it. You can call me a fat fucking cow and I'll figure that you just have an extremely limited vocabulary.Calling Natolii one is just not O.K.
I work with special needs kids all day, and if there's one thing that makes me see red, it's people who hurt my kids - either consciously or unconsciously.
If you've noticed, I finally had my say with G1223 too. I don't think it will do any good, but I tried
I'm sorry that y'all have a hard-on about Rovvie and Slipstream and what happened there. Tough shit. Grow up, get over it, and move on.
Any questions?