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Hezbollah Human Shields - photos


New member
Australia's Sunday Herald Sun has these pictures showing Hezbollah fighters posing in a residential neighborhood.

For those who castigate Israel for firing back into locations like this, don't you feel like ROYAL SUCKERS for siding with Hezbollah? Hezbollah thinks you have rocks for brains, keep proving them right:


Suburban warfare: Hezbollah fighters are ready for action in a residential area.


On guard: A militant watches over a no-go zone.


Anti-aircraft gun: these pictures were taken by a visiting journalist and smuggled out by a friend.,,19955774-5007220,00.html
Another surprising news story on how Hezbollah terrorists are not following 'International Law'.

-gasp!- What's the world coming to, when terrorists don't play by the rules Israel is required to?

No positive response from Hezbollah on Israeli prisoners:
Fri Jul 28, 6:48 PM ET

GENEVA (AFP) - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said it had not received agreement so far to its request to visit two Israeli soldiers abducted by Hezbollah guerrillas.

"To this day we have not received a positive response," said Pierre Kraehenbuehl, director of operations at the ICRC.

The approach to the Lebanese Shiite group was first when the soldiers were seized during a border attack on July 12, he told reporters.

The Geneva-based humanitarian agency carries out visits to detainees captured in conflicts worldwide, including in Israel, to ensure they are treated humanely.

Kraehenbuehl said the ICRC had also reminded Hezbollah of its obligation to ensure proper treatment of its prisoners.
Since the first Egytian/Syrian/Lebanese tank rolled across the border back in '48, I would imagine.
For those who castigate Israel for firing back into locations like this, don't you feel like ROYAL SUCKERS for siding with Hezbollah?

This sentence shows you for the fool you are. You think by condemning Israel for bombing sleeping children one must therefore support Hezbollah. Yeah, water tight logic you got there.

Nice of them to blow up 60 more civilians today wasn't it?
Uhm...I would think that anyone who cares about such geopolitical issues would know that "guerrilla warfare" is fought by "civilians", hence the name "guerrilla". That the guerrilla forces of Hezbollah are organized within and fight from civilian areas should come as no surprise to those who know or should know about such matters. The IDF is not facing a legitimate army in battle. Rather, they are battling against a well-organized but small, nonetheless, guerrilla force with wide support from the civilian population of Lebanon. The IDF should have known by now, as the Russians found out in Afghanistan in the 80's, that wars against guerrilla forces almost always end in failure.

This latest incursion into Lebanon by the IDF has been nothing but a miserable failure politically and from a public relations standpoint. Weeks of bombing campaigns on the obviously inferior guerrilla forces of Hezbollah has not had the intended effect of diminishing Hezbollah's influence in the region nor its ability to fire missiles into Haifa. Rather, they have brought shame on the IDF for killing innocent civilians by raining down laser-guided bombs on apartment buildings in Lebanon.

The U.S. should end the war between the IDF and Hezbollah now before more innocent civilians on both sides serve as sacrificial lamb in this ill-advised conflict.
Mentalist, the louder Hezbollah complains, the more the Israelis must be doing something right.
Ogami said:
Mentalist, the louder Hezbollah complains, the more the Israelis must be doing something right.

I think Grammour Boy said something in your general direction. Maybe you should address that.
Gladly. Grammour Boy wrote:

Uhm...I would think that anyone who cares about such geopolitical issues would know that "guerrilla warfare" is fought by "civilians", hence the name "guerrilla". That the guerrilla forces of Hezbollah are organized within and fight from civilian areas should come as no surprise to those who know or should know about such matters.

Every Israeli soldier has to pause being a civilian into order to put on that uniform. You expect Hezbollah to be applauded because they don't put on a uniform when they go out to kill the enemy? It takes real courage for an Israeli soldier to put on that uniform when his enemy does not. Get it straight.

The IDF is not facing a legitimate army in battle. Rather, they are battling against a well-organized but small, nonetheless, guerrilla force with wide support from the civilian population of Lebanon.

Since you don't mention the massive funding of Hezbollah by Syria and Iran, I wonder just what you think those two countries are doing fighting Israel by proxy.

The IDF should have known by now, as the Russians found out in Afghanistan in the 80's, that wars against guerrilla forces almost always end in failure.

Then you argue Israel should surrender. After all, Grammour Boy, you've got plaudits from The Question, Zodiac, and Mentalist on your BRILLIANT essay, let's hear your answer as to what demand of Hezbollah Israel should meet. Oh wait, that's right, Hezbollah wants Israel to die! They have no other demands, Grammour Boy, so if Israel is doomed to defeat against the Guerilla foe, then Grammour Boy argues they should just lay down and die. I know this because this issue has been on the news for weeks, and you haven't offered a different solution to Israel defending themselves.

This latest incursion into Lebanon by the IDF has been nothing but a miserable failure politically and from a public relations standpoint.

From a P.R. standpoint, you already supported anyone fighting Israel. That's a given. So what from a P.R. standpoint changed from your long-standing hatred of Israel? Nothing. Israel knew this perfectly well, which is why they are not fighting a P.R. war. They know that impressing Grammour Boy or Question or Mentalist isn't going to happen ever, so they fight to win, and to hell with what you think. And they would be perfectly justified in such an attitude.

Weeks of bombing campaigns on the obviously inferior guerrilla forces of Hezbollah has not had the intended effect of diminishing Hezbollah's influence in the region nor its ability to fire missiles into Haifa. Rather, they have brought shame on the IDF for killing innocent civilians by raining down laser-guided bombs on apartment buildings in Lebanon.

So it's your brilliant analysis that Hezbollah shares none of that shame in deliberately basing their operations in apartment buildings and anywhere else they can use the innocent as human shields. Not even a teensy bit?

The U.S. should end the war between the IDF and Hezbollah now before more innocent civilians on both sides serve as sacrificial lamb in this ill-advised conflict.

The U.S. should support the IDF, and Hezbollah should saw through your neck and put your head up on display as a warning to other gullible, willing dupes of the west.
