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Hezbollah parades corpses (graphic)

I don't think mislabeling flares really matters. That Eu blog has a "Director's Cut" on the Qana affair. I guess time will tell whether they're right or not:

Qana - the director's cut

I have called this post, "the director's cut", as that is what it is. The narrative here is of how the combination of Hezbollah's media management and modern photo-journalism has turned the recording of a tragic event into theatre, in the best tradition of Michael Moore.

As best we can, we have pieced together the jumble of evidence which surrounded the production of the iconic photographs which were published around the world, and put them in perspective. Many of the photographs have been used before, some are new to this site and others are video "grabs". But it is not the pictures, per se, that tell the story, so much as their ordering and analysis. Make of this what you will, but I can assure you that you are not supposed to see them in this light.
jeez Ogami - the guy even provides a link to another blog, scroll down and this is what the News Editor of the Daily Telegraph says:

As I've said before, facts do nothing to discourage conspiracy theorists. North has posted again, collating all his theories into one handy rant. The t-shirt claim, clearly shown above to be false, is repeated: "And it is in this frame that we see the teeshirt (inset) which seems to have writing on the chest. An expert has contacted us and agrees, telling us that it seems to have been electronically blurred to obscure the message it conveys."

Did North check the credentials of his so-called 'expert' or did he believe him simply because the expert's views matched his own? No matter, the 'expert' is wrong. The question is, what else among North's barrage of claims is built on similarly shaky foundations? North's claim centres around the notion that the journalists at Qana did not check their facts. It seems he's not so good at that either.

The Daily Telegraph is the most right wing paper in the UK BTW
It's my mistake for expecting you to read all the way through the blog. My apologies, it's long, but it mentions a very interesting interview that France 2 television conducted with the "rescue worker". He's Hezbollah. And those kids are dead because of his stupid ass:

While the dead rest at last, we now see why "White Tee-shirt" was so anxious to get away. He has to return home to be interviewed by a France 2 reporter. He starts by showing the reporter round the house, well furnished and far from modest. This is no poverty-stricken man, embittered by deprivation. Even by European or American standards, the house is well-furnished and comfortable.

But what is so evident are the pictures of Sheik Hassan Nasrallah - even a calendar. This is not a dwelling - it is a shrine to Hezbollah, the party of God. But "White Tee-shirt" is not Hezbollah, oh, no! That is what he tells the young reporter, saying that it is the Israeli aggression that is radicalising Muslims and driving them into the arms of Hezbollah.
The "Green helmet guy", identified as a Hezbollah supporter via a France 2 TV interview, ran from Qana to Tyre to be at the side of another dead body. This guy really gets around, weirder and weirder:


And the Israelis have captured one of the Hezbollah fighters from the original raid that sparked this war. Interesting training:

Speaking in Arabic, Suleiman told his interrogators he attended military maneuvers in Iran with 40 or 50 other Hezbollah guerrillas in 2003. He gave no details on the parts of the tape made public.

He said the trainees drove from Beirut to the Syrian capital, Damascus, in Hezbollah cars and from there took a special flight to Iran without passing through passport control.

Suleiman said his first operation was in late 2005, apparently an attempt to take Israeli prisoners. His task was to manage anti-tank missiles.;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGVna3NhBHNlYwNzc3JlbA--

This would seem to clinch the impression that Hezbollah is clamoring for a cease-fire not because they want peace but because they aren't fully ready for their planned war. Good job, numbnuts!
