Troll Kingdom

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1) Lauren - She's just a bundle of cuteness.
2) Adam - He shuts fools down.
3) Deana - She can argue well.
4) Luke A - He IS a bit snappy sometimes.
5) Scott - He's amusing.
6) Sara - She's okay but still kind of pointless.
7) Luke S - I liked him when he was arguing with Arron.
8) Becky - I did not like the evil smile she gave after makign Scott cry.
9) Ashleigh - Moving up the rankings thanks to others being so awful!
10) Shievonne - She's just insane.
11) Caroline - She is possibly the most evil person to ever live.
12) Conor - Fucking evict him this time!
1) Adam - He's a good man.
2) Luke A - So is he and he should win but Adam had a better week.
3) Scott - Agreed. He's amusing, even when he's a bitch.
4) Lauren - Haven't heard much from her lately. EDIT: Just saw the proverbs task. Well done!
5) Shievonne - She can be saved! But it gets harder as the wrong people keep going home.
6) Becky - She's a petty cow but at least she has a pulse.
7) Deana - Has she laughed once all season? Right can be boring.
8) Sara - Just go home, no one knows you're there.
9) Luke S - Has his moments, but he's still Lushleigh.
10) Almost anyone from Glass House, except Mike, Kevin, Holly or Andrea.
11) Ashleigh - Not interesting enough to be on the bottom
12) Conor - Gets saved from the cellar for losing his playmate, and shaving his legs.
13) Caroline - If she floats, she's a witch. But we should burn her anyway just to be sure.
Does Caroline always wear a towel because she has Lord Voldemort on the back of her head?

(Joke stolen from somewhere else.)
1) Laruen - She's adorable.
2) Luke A - Yes sometimes he gets a bit angry but only at things that are worthy of being angry at!
3) Adam - He's good!
4) Scott - He's very entertaining.
5) Deana - I wouldn't smile either if I was being treated like she was!
6) Becky - Sometimes she's funny annoying and sometimes she's annoying annoying.
7) Sara - Who?
8) Ashleigh - Durrrrrrrr
9) Luke S - Still an annoying asshole but not as bad as:
10) Shievonne - Literally insane.
11) Caroline - A horrible person in every respect.
12) Conor - Everything Conor does, thinks about, or might do in any possible future is bad.
1) Lauren - I like her.
2) Luke A - Poor Luke A.
3) Deana - There was a good shot of her breasts tonight (sorry.)
4) Adam - He seemed to overreact to the Dean thing at the end.
5) Scott - He can be funny.
6) Sara - She's generall pointless.
7) Ashleigh - Amazingly actually rising in the rankings by being the least nasty of her group.
8) Luke S - Fake relationship!
9) Becky - I can't stand her.
10) Conor - A THUG.
11) Caroline - She's not human.
1) Luke A - It's not you, it's the universe.
2) Adam - I think he had reason to be mad at her, she's thoughtless.
3) Lauren - I like her too.
4) Scott - I love him, but he worries about the wrong things, and he wastes his nominations, and likes too many of the wrong people.
5) Deana - This is the Deana I've seen all along -- thoughtless, entitled, nice when she needs to be. But I can't rank her lower because the rest of the house are garbage.
6) Becky - Bothers to try and make me laugh, points for that.
7) Luke S - Had an entertaining week. Enjoy #7 while you can, superstar.
8) Sara - Someone please hold a mirror up against her nose.
9) Ashleigh - Trapped in a pit of evil sludge.
10) Conor - Needs to be pushed through a glass door.
11) Caroline - The cause of the French Revolution. Also, she is HITLER.
1) Luke A - Too nice for the house. I hope he leaves and lives a wonderful life.
2) Lauren - I hope she stays and wins the money and spends it all on bacon.
3) Deana - I really like Deana now she's actually standing up for herself and growling. Also she looks adorable in a onesie.
4) Adam - He did overreact at what Deana said but overall still good.
5) Scott - He's really good when he's not surrounding himself with terrible people.
6) Sara - She sometimes seems to get in people's faces when it's really not her place to, but she's not evil or anything.
7) Ashleigh - My feelings for Ashleigh vary between hate and just pity.
8) Luke S - Still a prick, but he's been a better prick this week. Still a prick.
9) Becky - You know what the worst thing about Becky is? Over the bitching, the overreacting, the fakeness, the obsession with food? Her use of English. She speaks in baby talk. She is a baby.
10) Caroline - 24 hours ago she'd be bottom, but MAYBE she's finally seen her terrible self? It's still like Hitler having a big cry on Goebbels' shoulder after realising he killed all of those Jews, though.
11) Conor - Scum.
It's that point again where I HAVE to note that my number one housemate has gone and I'm obviously refering to Lauren as FOR ME she was FAR AND AWAY the best housemate in there and no one can compare and I feel her absence every episode and I honestly enjoyed watching her answering questions about Adam on BOTS tonight more than the entire highlights show.


1) Adam - It's what Lauren would have wanted.
2) Deana - She is cute.
3) Luke A - I liked it when they were praying to survive and Deana said "save Luke" and he added "say Luke A."
4) Sara - She's nice. Bit weird.
5) Scott - He can be funny sometimes but also greatly disappointing at others.
6) Luke S - Is his personality in his giant testicle?
7) Ashleigh - Like oh my god or something I dunno I DUNNO fucking fuck fuck fuck you fancy Lauren just because she's better than me in every way or something I dunno like oh my god fuck shit cock golden showers fuck I dunno what are shoes I'm so thick me like oh my god I dunno.
8) Caroline - She hasn't changed.
9) Conor - I'm happy that I disliked him from the very start.
10) Becky - The worst person to ever live.
1) Luke A - Kind of awesome.
2) Adam - Kind of cool.
3) Deana - Kind of adorable.
4) Sara - Kind of okay.
5) Scott - Kind of funny sometimes.
6) Luke S - Kind of a twat.
7) Ashleigh - Kinda fucking fick mate y'know?
8) Becky - Kind of unbearable.
9) Conor - Kind of a safety risk.
10) Caroline - Kind? Of course not.
1) Luke A - He'll need a big hug from his wife once he's out (and that penis)
2) Adam - He'll need an agent and a personal trainer once he's out (and some baby wipes)
3) Scott - He'll need lots more condoms once he's out.
4) Deana - She'll need to be tickled once she's out.
5) Sara - She'll still need to make a name for herself once she's out.
6) Luke S - He'll need a 10-minute head-start on Ash once he's out.
7) Ashleigh - She'll need to be held back by her family once she's out.
8) Becky - She'll need therapy once she's out.
9) Conor - He'll need a lawyer once he's out.
10) Caroline - She'll need a new identity once she's out.
Lauren still number one in my heart (she was good on BOTS owning Caroline IF YOU FUCKING CARE) etc.

1) Deana - OH, WHY NOT.
2) Luke A - The BMI line was pretty funny!
3) Adam - At laest he got a gigantic tv out of BB!
4) Sara - Her mum would probably make a good housemate.
5) Scott - Getting boring again.
6) Luke S - He sometimes shows signs of being a decent person then when he's alone with Conor he has to remember to say "oh, I still hate Adam and Luke A, don't worry mate!"
7) Ashleigh - Fucking fucking...fuck...
8) Conor - His stupid fucking face.
9) Becky - I wish she was "literally" fuming (I wish someone would set her on fire.)
1) Adam - Whenever he goes off track, I remember what he's been though before making it where he is.
2) Scott - His "predators" monologue hit me where I live, man. Also, he defended the WOMYN's honor against a malevolent flying house insect. RESPECT!
3) Deana - Do it for all the WOMYN! Plus her drunken "soldiers" rant was classic.

4) Luke A - After seeing his DR contrition about the BMI remark on BOTS, and then the extended coverage of his remorse the next day, it's obvious that the show wants him to win. Also, hello, bisexual much?

5) Sara - It's sad, but it's too late for her.
6) Becky - She made the Chinese delivery possible! She should wear her mascara runny all the time. It's lovely!

7) Luke S - He should have been nominated too.
8) Ashleigh - I think she can be saved after the show is done, as long as she drops LukeS like a huge bollock.
9) Conor - People who cheer for him on eviction nights should be shot.
1) Luke A - He's the man.
2) Deana - Adorable.
3) Adam - Sometimes he gets a bit worked up over some things but hey.
4) Sara - She's okay.
5) Scott - Still in that grey area between "Entertainingly Annoying" and "Annoyingly Annoying".
6) Luke S - Only cares about Luke S.
7) Ashleigh - Sometimes I honestly wonder how Ashleigh remembers to breathe in and out.
8) Conor - Conor, to rhyme with 'scum'.
9) Becky - She's not even a good actress!
Lauren should be in the final.

1) Adam - He's been consistent all the way through, if you think about it. A nice man.
2) Luke A - He would also be a worthy winner.
3) Deana - She's gone mad with power.
4) Scott - He did very well in the task tonight.
5) Sara - Bit weird that she nominated Scott. She's okay but there's so many better housemates who could be in the final.
6) Luke S - It is quite impressive how he managed to purge all emotions before entering the house.
7) Asheligh - She's bad in every way.
Since this is statistical in nature, I'll post this here:

Big Brother 2012 public vote percentages announced

Channel 5 has announced the percentage splits of almost all of the public eviction votes from Big Brother 2012 on spin-off show Bit On The Side.

Other than a select few details, the broadcaster had not officially released voting data for any of its series of Big Brother to date, breaking with the Channel 4 tradition of announcing evictees’ percentages as they left.

A show spokesperson told bbspy last August that bosses decided they did not “want the figures to reflect on the other housemates who were facing eviction”.

However, in a change of heart, they have now decided to follow ITV’s lead by releasing a complete set of figures for this year’s run following its conclusion.

Significant results include the first eviction, when just 0.94% of the vote seperated Lydia from eventual evictee Victoria. The opposite occured during the sixth eviction, with a difference of over 60% backing Conor to stay over Shievonne.

Presenter Emma Willis also revealed that Luke S was consistently bottom of the vote for the eighth eviction. However, a decision to feature voting freezes in the live show prompted a last minute surge of votes for him once Ashleigh was saved, resulting in Caroline leaving the house.

The full list of results given is as follows:

Eviction 1 – Conor vs. Lydia vs. Victoria

Conor – 65.04%
Lydia – 17.95%
Victoria – 17.01%

Eviction 2 – Arron vs. Chris

Arron – 61.63%
Chris – 38.37%

Eviction 3 – Benedict vs. Lauren

Lauren – 62.36%
Benedict – 37.64%

Eviction 4 – Deana vs. Lydia

Deana – 65.61%
Lydia – 34.39%

Eviction 5 – Arron vs. Becky vs. Conor vs. Deana

Deana – 45.46%
Becky – 21.30%
Conor – 20.44%
Arron – 12.80%

Eviction 6 – Conor vs. Shievonne

Conor – 80.33%
Shievonne – 19.67%

Eviction 7 – Lauren vs. Luke A

Luke A – 53.80%
Lauren – 46.20%

Eviction 8 – Adam vs. Ashleigh vs. Caroline vs. Conor vs. Deana vs. Luke A vs. Luke S vs. Sara

Freeze 1:
Luke A – 23.23%
Deana – 19.69%
Adam – 16.66%
Sara – 14.87%
Conor – 12.10%
Ashleigh – 5.80%
Caroline – 4.56%
Luke S – 3.08%

Freeze 2:
Conor – 14.05%
Ashleigh – 6.07%
Caroline – 5.15%
Luke S – 3.73%

Final Freeze:
Luke S – 7.85%
Caroline – 6.65%

Eviction 9 – Ashleigh vs. Becky vs. Deana vs. Luke A

Luke A – 54.56%
Deana – 33.72%
Ashleigh – 6.41%
Becky – 5.31%

Eviction 10 – Adam vs. Ashleigh vs. Deana vs. Scott

Deana – 40.11%
Adam – 35.14%
Ashleigh – 12.46%
Scott – 12.30%

The Final – Adam vs. Deana vs. Luke A vs. Luke S vs. Sara

Freeze 1:
Luke A – 30.79%
Adam – 25.92%
Deana – 21.78%
Sara – 15.44%
Luke S – 6.07%

Freeze 2:
Luke A – 31.14%
Adam – 26.29%
Deana – 21.24%
Sara – 16.62%

Freeze 3:
Luke A – 32.73%
Adam – 28.16%
Deana – 21.47%

Final Freeze:
Luke A – 35.27%
Adam - 30.89%

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