Friday said:Would you want a relationship with someone who has shown no desire to have one with you?
See, here's the problem, though, and the reason why atheists want proof before they'll believe.
Let's use a little analogy, here, between your average evangelical on the street and some dude on the street that says there's this really hot chick that likes you.
"Um... dude," you point out. "I don't see this hot chick you're talking about. Where is she?"
"She's -- " *wistful look* "everywhere, maaaan..."
"Uh. Right. Moving on, then."
"No, really! Dude, she's totally into you."
"That's great, but I don't see this hot chick you're talking about."
"Well, she left you a note, man!"
"Eh. How do I know you didn't write this yourself?"
"Well, 'cause it says right in the note that she left the note for you."
"I'm gonna smack you now."