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How To Get To Heaven When You Die

Paddington, He Who Crawls Out of Goatse, apparently doesn't know about Christianity's bloody past. That, or like so many Christian hypocrites, chooses to ignore it.

And there is evidence for the Big Bang. The only 'evidence' for Biblical creation is a document written down thousands of years ago by desert people who didn't know jack-s!@# about the Universe.

Bloody past in the way that Millions of Christians have been murdered for thier faith. Yes I know all about that.

Where did the matter come from for the Big Bang to Bang?
So, what you're saying is that you have FAITH that someday, somehow, it will be discovered where it came from and it won't have been God?

I believe that God created all things and that the evidence is very clear about it. While I cannot prove it 100%, there is enough evidence to where it is the only logical option that you will be left with.

Nice try, cutiepie. I don't give a fuck about it, so I don't waste my time in having faith in anything. But please, do continue to try and trap me into a logical fallacy. Make it convincing. Give it your best shot. It's been ages since the last person at least attempted a good show round here.
Bloody past in the way that Millions of Christians have been murdered for thier faith. Yes I know all about that.

Where did the matter come from for the Big Bang to Bang?

Well, once the Christians came to power, they were the ones doing the persecution, murdering, and other bloody shit. Ever hear of the crusades? During the First Crusade, the Christians rounded up all of Jerusalem's Jews, put them in the synagogue, and then set it on fire. That's right. It wasn't the Muslims. It was the Christians. Also, ever hear of the Inquisition? The Thirty Years War? The Salem Witch Trials? Chris-Chan?

As for where the matter came for the Big Bang, all of it was condensed into a tiny point, called a singularity. Like the ones at the centers of black holes. That singularity was everything wound up into an unimaginably tiny point. We cannot say of what happened before the Big Bang, because time itself started then.
Well, once the Christians came to power, they were the ones doing the persecution, murdering, and other bloody shit. Ever hear of the crusades? During the First Crusade, the Christians rounded up all of Jerusalem's Jews, put them in the synagogue, and then set it on fire. That's right. It wasn't the Muslims. It was the Christians. Also, ever hear of the Inquisition? The Thirty Years War? The Salem Witch Trials? Chris-Chan?

As for where the matter came for the Big Bang, all of it was condensed into a tiny point, called a singularity. Like the ones at the centers of black holes. That singularity was everything wound up into an unimaginably tiny point. We cannot say of what happened before the Big Bang, because time itself started then.

First of all, those men who murdered calling themselves Christians were disobeying what the Bible actually said to do. None of that stuff jives with God's Grace.

Secondly, I didn't ask WHAT happened to the matter, I asked WHERE did the matter come from? It had to come from somewhere?
And I told you where it came from. The Singularity.

So you believe that it merely "Popped" into existence on it's own, Contrary to all of the laws of Science?

That's not Science, that's faith.

I believe that God, who exists outside of the laws of Science and outside of time and has power over them, created it from nothing as the Bible says.

Remember that this isn't the only piece of evidence for the existence of God, but you have no evidence that matter can pop into existence on it's own.
Anything traveling faster than the speed of light, tend to go Backward in time. As we go away from the Big Bang, the Andromeda galaxy races toward it. At the center of our galaxy is a singularity. It's not only an accumulation of of matter, it gives off energy. I'm getting into quantum mechanix here. I know how it works but words fail.
Yes we have seen evolution with our own eyes. These were discovered in 1929. Bonobo Chimps aka Pan Paniscus Garacile. Their legs have made the quantum leap toward a human leg. Their heads show a more human, head to body proportion. They also mate face to face.
I really encourage you all to post so that I might get to know you a bit better. I am enjoying this discussion, but its out of context.
Exactly what god would say. Let me tell you something that is true. As soon as you stop looking at God, he will show up. That's rule one in Quantum mechanix.
God is real and true. I know Him. He has been there for me more times than I can count. He has spoken to me and directed my life.
They have medication that will help get rid of those tiny voices in your head.

I already have a doctor for that. His name is Jesus Christ. When you die and are Judged by Him, don't be one to whom He says:

Mt 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

I KNOW Him, do you?
We got drunk at a strip club and played poker the other night. The guys not as staid and uptight as you guys portray him.

He also asked me to pass on a message from him to you. He said " Tell Paddington I hate bible thumping little whiners. Those people are just nuts."