Well, if the "bad guys" are only doing exactly the same shit the "good guys" are doing -- and they are -- then what makes them the "bad guys"?
Ogami said:Rafterman wrote:
1.We sold Saddam tons of shit over the years to use against his buddies in Iran. Ever see the pictures of him and Rummy sealing the deal?
This is why I asked you this just to be sure. Donald Rumsfeld has been Secretary of Defense since 2001. At what time during 2001 through present did "Rummy" sell Saddam anything?
Rumsfeld had the same job for President Ford in 1975, but unless he had a business on the side, I don't know of him selling anything to Saddam even then.
2.How do you think Saddam came to power to begin with?
"Rummy" hand-selected him? I'm not following your chronology here at all.
3. Zarqawi really meant alot considering the last few news cycles out of Iraq.
Considering the thousands of innocent Iraqis Zarqawi has murdered, I would think your natural reaction would be one of celebration at his demise. That is, unless you consider yourself on the same side. (Judging by your signature, that's a fair question.)
HeroicFool said:The good guys just want to exist...
The bad guys want to blow the infidel to hell, regardless of the consequences.
One would have thought that would be self-evident.
The Question said:And take as much of the "bad guys' " land as they can get their hands on, while abusing the living fuck out of civilian "bad guys" in their own (former) homeland, following "bad guys" around inside our borders and then just letting 'em blow our shit up, "graciously" accepting billions of our dollars and our military technology to blow up apartment buildings and beaches (which they claim were full of "bad guys", but only after we hear about it.)...
The Bad Guys just want the "Good Guys" to stop fucking with them. Seems to me the Good Guys are like a little playground Napoleon, picking on other little kids and then screaming their heads off to Teacher when their victims fight back.
Only if you're only listening to Little Napoleon instead of actually watching the playground.
HeroicFool said:Hmm.. I could have sworn that Irael gave a huge chunk lof their land to the bad guys in an attempt to appease them not too long ago. An attampt that didn't work btw...
We were fucking with them when we were hit on 9/11?
Israel isn't attacking or bombing anyone that I know of, unless it's in retaliation. Israel is the geeky looking jew that's surrounded by a bunch of muslim bullies in the playground my friend. The only twist is that the geeky little Jew is one bad motherfucker that won't take their shit.
Toxic weapons too old to use
Unconventional arms found in Iraq predate Gulf War I
Knight Ridder Tribune News
WASHINGTON - A new, partially declassified intelligence report provides no new evidence that Saddam Hussein had stockpiled weapons of mass destruction on the eve of the U.S.-led invasion, as President Bush alleged in making the case for war, U.S. intelligence officials said Thursday.
Derided as desperate claim
Rep. Jane Harman of California, ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, charged Thursday that Republicans' release of the report was a last-ditch effort to justify the war. "Rolling out some old fairly toxic stuff sounds to me like a desperate claim by those who wish that we could find some new way to rationalize the ongoing devastation in Iraq," she said.
The report was written by the National Ground Intelligence Center, an Army unit, and its key points were declassified at the request of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich. He and Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., released it during Senate debate this week over the U.S. troop presence in Iraq.
Ogami said:Thank you, Rafterman. Nice to see some content from you. Even if I'm still an idiot.![]()
Toxic weapons too old to use