Troll Kingdom

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I believe I'm permabanned from SDN now... it took me less than an hour. Beat that!

I'm more inclined to believe him than you, I'm afraid. Who hides on a board for 3 years to make one post about how brilliantly educated you are after getting a double major from a second tier university?

Was that your whole master plan? Did it fulfill you?
CaptainChewbaca said:
I'm more inclined to believe him than you, I'm afraid.
In which case you should follow the link instead of skimming the material. You'll see Wong lied. It's as simple as reading the actual checksheet and comparing it with the substantially abbreviated version he posted. 122 credit hours minimum, with <30 hours of that discretionary, 30 core (44 listed - 14 included in the major course of study), and a minimum of 62 credit hours of coursework within the major.

The concentration checksheets show that he also spoke falsely regarding the number of classes involved in a concentration.

If you do any background research, you'll see that he's misrepresented Appalachian State, which - far from being a community college, is consistently rated one of the top master's institutions in the region.

Nor is the physics program the only thing I completed. My undergraduate program involved slightly more coursework than a typical bachelor+master's degree combination in a single subject ... yes, that included a senior thesis and 60+ semester courses actually taken (and passed.)

I'm just that damn good at school, Chewie.
Who hides on a board for 3 years to make one post about how brilliantly educated you are after getting a double major from a second tier university?

Was that your whole master plan? Did it fulfill you?
No master plan. I actually didn't intend to use that account anymore.

And it was actually a double degree, one of which had a double major on it. Total of three major programs completed. The computer system fucked up a bit when I switched my program from a triple major BA to a double major BS plus single major BA.
ChrisG76 said:
Obviously. He has huge self-esteem issues too. Otherwise, why spend large amounts of money to build a community when:

A) You will not let that community express an opinion directly in contravention to your own.

B) Publicly castigate & exclude any individuals who do express an opinion directly in contravention to your own.

C) Falsify, bend & warp evidence in your replies to individuals, in an attempt to force your opinions & beliefs upon that community, and belittle anyone else who disgarees with your views.

The Nazi's used to do things like this. You mark my words. Wong could be the start of a new Fourth Reich consisting solely of 'net-enabled insecure North American-Asians with severe self-esteem issues.

Sieg Heil, Padawan!
sounds like a guy I modded for..
It's funny these versus debaters display such a high level of appeal to authority in members who claim to have an engineering or physics degree. They're talking about two fictional universes that constantly shit on science throughout.

I guess it takes a science degree to make it sound plausible.
TJHairball said:
Nope, I was definitely banned after making that post, else I would have replied there. I got a banned message on attempting to login. Got the banned message and everything using different IPs, so it was definitely the useraccount.
I'd like to see a screenshot thank you. I have no problem believing Darth Wong kicked you to the curb however he's never been afraid to admit to a banning, hence my skepticism.
Grandtheftcow said:
I'd like to see a screenshot thank you. I have no problem believing Darth Wong kicked you to the curb however he's never been afraid to admit to a banning, hence my skepticism.
Sorry, I didn't take one - and it looks like I haven't been permabanned, as when I just went over now to take one, it didn't direct me to the banned screen. He's playing games again.

However, if you like, I can take you a lovely screenshot of the correspondence in which I pointed out that I had been banned and him not denying it.
Since he has unbanned me, but is liable to dishonestly edit or remove from public view, I am continuing the conversation here and linking to posts.

There are several dishonest claims Wong has made about my education. First, he has engaged in a blatantly obvious lie:
Requirements for a BS in Physics from
(A heavily edited version of the BS Physics Checksheet)
I count six core courses, plus 18 semester hours in an "emphasis area" (that's 4 or 5 courses) and three Calculus courses. By way of comparison, University of Waterloo's physics program has thirty core courses, plus elective requirements.
As you can see from actually reading the requirements, there are an additional 2-3 physics "electives" included in the physics core, and he has heavily edited the checksheet requirements. As can readily be seen from the concentration checksheets, concentrations include a minimum of 6 courses.

Total, this is a minimum of 62 credit hours, i.e., the equivalent of just over 10 standard yearlong courses or a minimum of 18 out of 38 (corresponding to 21 out of 41 in "standard" three credit units) semester courses.

In addition to this, physics majors take an additional 30 hours of discretionary courses, which often mostly consist of courses related to the major. I was no exception in spite of my additional majors; there were easily at least a half dozen additional courses on my transcript that could have gone on my checksheets but didn't. The total program thus generally includes 10-15 yearlong course units related to the major.
his alma mater is so lightweight that it wouldn't get him out of second year at a better school.
Bullshit. Technical colleges do cover more, but not that much more. There is, at best, an additional year's worth of physics being covered.

Review, in detail, the courses taken by a physics major at Waterloo, and - let us say a mathematical physics concentration. What Wong didn't mention was that these were not the minimum requirements for the physics program in general, but the recommended complete course of study for "Honours Physics" seen here.

CHEM 120/120L, 123/123L: These are equivalent to an introductory chemistry sequence. Not required, but not physics either. Equivalent to Appstate's CHE 1101, 1110, 1102, 1120 sequence. (This is incidentally required for physics BAs, and which I had credit for before I moved over to the BS program.)

MATH 114, MATH 127, MATH 128, MATH 227, MATH 228: Curiously enough, these are the exact same math courses we see on the Mathematical physics checksheet at Appalachian. I've taken all of these - and, of course, many more.

Seven elective semester courses of any type. Appalachian's program includes ten.
Two elective 300 or 400-level half-normal credit physics labs and two elective physics courses - corresponding, credit-wise, with the 6-8 hours of "physics electives."

PHYS 10 Physics Seminar A series of guest lecturers, films, et cetera physics students are expected to attend for their entire career as a Waterloo student. That this is a credited course is why the Waterloo course count is unusually high. Honors physics students at Appalachian are "expected" to attend such.

PHYS 121/131L 122/132L These courses partially correspond to PHY 1150/1151 at Appalachian.

PHYS 252/252L Electricity and Magnetism/Laboratory This partially corresponds to the PHY 1150/1151 (mainly in the lab work) and partially to PHY 2010/2020.

PHYS 139 Scientific Computer Programming: This course in C++ scientific computing has no precise equivalent at Appalachian. There is a course not yet on the official checksheet which, nonetheless, all recent mathematical physics graduates have been "advised" to take, PHY 4020 Computational Methods in Physics and Engineering, but PHY 4020 requires strong familiarity with differential equations, and PHYS 139 does not.

PHYS 232L Measurement Laboratory This is roughly equivalent to PHY 2210 in position and actual laboratory work, although the course description makes it clear this is mostly intended to teach material that students taking PHY 4210 cover as part of the incidental work for a course that regularly consumes 20 hours per week. The lecture content of PHY 2210 actually corresponds to material covered in PHYS 239, an elective course.

PHYS 234 Quantum Physics 1 Partial overlap with the Modern I/II 3210/3220 sequence and partial overlap with PHY 5640/4640 Quantum Mechanics. However, Diff Eq is a coreq for PHYS 234, and a prereq for PHY 4640.

PHYS 256/256L Geometrical and Physical Optics/Laboratory PHY 4620 Optics
Seven electives which are not required to be anything in particular (as opposed to ten.)

PHYS 258 Thermal Physics Corresponds to PHY 3230 Thermal Physics.

PHYS 263 Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity This is not, reviewing the syllabus, actually equivalent to PHY 3010 Classical Mechanics, which includes Hamiltonian, Lagrangians, and calculus of variations, and therefore corresponds to PHYS 363. The special relativity unit is tucked in with PHY 3210 Modern Physics I, and the remainder of this material is found in PHY 2010/2020.

PHYS 334 Quantum Physics 2 Partial overlap with Modern II 3220 and Quantum Mechanics 5640/4640. (Expectation values, Zeeman effect, et cetera.)

PHYS 360A Modern Physics Laboratory 1 Included in PHY 4210.

PHYS 363 Intermediate Classical Mechanics PHY 3010 Classical Mechanics.

PHYS 364 & 365 Mathematical Physics 1 and 2: Junior level course. About half this material is covered in MAT 3130 or PHY 4020 at App. Of course, everything in the course descriptions sound strangelyfamiliar to me, with my substantial additional work in mathematics.

PHYS 335 Condensed Matter Physics: Junior level course. Not covered in a normal M.P concentration at Appalachian..

PHYS 359 Statistical Mechanics: Junior level course. Should cover material more advanced than found in PHY 3230 Thermal Physics, which includes introductory statistical mechanics.

PHYS 441A/B Electromagnetic Theory: 441A (electrostatics, magnetostatics, and macroscopic descriptions of dielectrics) corresponds mostly to material covered in PHY 2020 Intermediate II. 441B corresponds by description to PHY 3020 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, which deals with magnetodynamics, electrodynamics, Maxwell's equations in full differential glory, and plane waves.

PHY 434: Senior-level quantum course including material not covered at Appalachian. And that rounds out the requirements.

What's not covered in a typical Appalachian's mathematical physics program that is required at Waterloo? A semester of statistical mechanics. About a semester of quantum mechanics. About a semester's worth of "mathematical physics" material. A semester of condensed matter physics. A couple semester-courses of additional lab-work. 2.5 units, as Waterloo measures it, or about a semester's work in physics.

As I pointed out, it's generous to call it a year of material covered at Waterloo but not Appalachian, and saying "less than two years" is complete and utter bullshit.

He has also claimed:
Appstate's physics program is a pale imitation of a real physics degree. It's a glorified community college program.
Which a cursory look at community college programs dispels, as does the rate at which Appalachian physics graduates successfully go on to complete their master's degrees and doctorates.

brianyeci also said something interesting and worth replying to:
That is 10+ hours per week per course. I know because they assign a problem set every week, and you need ten hours to do it. If you collaborate, good luck, physics and science majors aren't as forthcoming with their huge group sharing thing as engineers. So with five courses that's fifty hours a week: you'd need to be a bookworm with no interest in anything at all except school to even survive. Ahahahaha goddamn, every time I think of this compared to a philosophy degree I almost rip my lungs a new one.
10+ hours per week per course is very typical of physics courses at Appalachian. The 3 credit hour standard is supposed to correspond to about 10 hours of work.

10+ hours per week per course is also very typical of students in any 3000 or higher level philosophy course at Appalachian.
8 guests viewing this thread!

we'd better brace ourselves for another Fanboy attack.
VKD said:
8 guests viewing this thread!

we'd better brace ourselves for another Fanboy attack.
I would be willing to bet that the very board I meantioned has this link pasted on it.. or the board owner has passed the link to his posters.. he is just sure that I have been messing with his board.. and thinks I actually post there.. and he follows my user name.. to watch me... and is probably too stupid to know who is actually me and the 'modified' copy cats..

Can you say owned?
Uh, TJ posted the link himself. He made a brand new thread just to cry about how much Wong doesn't respect him.

You know, like a mature person would.
CaptainChewbaca said:
Uh, TJ posted the link himself. He made a brand new thread just to cry about how much Wong doesn't respect him.

You know, like a mature person would.
I just happen to know that this guy follows me and snoop around, proclaiming we are planning attacks on his forum on our 'secret' boards.. and the kicker is.. he posted links about it, where we talked about it, on open forums..
EV1L1 said:
I just happen to know that this guy follows me and snoop around, proclaiming we are planning attacks on his forum on our 'secret' boards.. and the kicker is.. he posted links about it, where we talked about it, on open forums..

Fool! You are only supposed to discuss that on our secret boards!
Master of Ossus said:
To demonstrate how fucking lightweight his program is, my ECONOMICS degree required me to take a course equivalent to every single thing on his little checklist except for 6 (out of 15 total courses).
Bullshit. You can't even figure out how to go through the checklist. That's the concentration checklist. There are three different checklists to refer to for each program - the general checklist, the degree checklist, and the concentration checklist.

The total minimum core requirement in-major is 18 courses.
Master of Ossus said:
And I also took Physics I, which I assume to be comparable to his "Classical Mechanics" course.
Nope. Classical Mechanics is a junior level course with a corequisite of differential equations, and requires as prerequisites the four course introductory physics sequence.
Master of Ossus said:
How much extra weight do you think we should afford people who graduated cum laude, rather than squeeking by with the 2.0 GPA required at App. State?
Beats me. I graduated with honors.
Mike Wong said:
Those are the source documents, straight from the horse's mouth. No spin-doctoring, because unlike you, I don't need it. I invite any and every reader to go check them out for himself, without any need for helpful "explanations" from hairball.
And anybody who reads them will see precisely that you have omitted very real coursework from your edited version.
Mike Wong said:
But he had to come at me with this "lofty vantage point" bullshit and claiming that he actually managed to acquire four separate quality bachelor's degrees in five years
Bullshit. I told you a bachelor's in three subjects - with two degrees, a BA and a BS.

You'd be lucky to get a single program at Appstate done in four years if you didn't start with any credit.
Alien Carrot said:
Went to the appstate website, looked at the classes you would have to take to get your degrees, and found that they were exactly as wong posted.
What, you didn't read the lines he cut out? Go back, read more carefully.
Terralthra said:
The truly hilarious thing about his post on trollkingdom is the massive backpedaling. He's gone from claiming he has 3 times the relevant education you do, to saying that his degree almost certainly covers the first 3 years of UW's degree.
No, that my physics program covered most of what UW's physics program covers. Not that Wong has an actual physics degree.

The fact that it's a physics program, and that I also completed mathematics and philosophy programs, is what makes my saying I have three times the applicable education as Wong not only accurate, but an understatement only justified by assuming that Waterloo is a very good school.
Darth Wong said:
Funny how you suddenly have such good recollection about a particular post from "a couple years ago" (which you conveniently can't point to), when I confronted you via E-mail about your "release the binding energy" bullshit that you aggressively debated people on and you suddenly became a Bush Administration official: "I can't recall".
I have no idea what it was that I said that got edited out. However, I remember having a long conversation with C'tan about the fact of positive editing and the fact of negative editing. He said that the latter isn't supposed to happen, but some of the choicer things I had to say about Wong after the positive editing started got cut out.
Darth Wong said:
anyone can go to appstate's website or my posted links and see for himself that I'm telling the truth
Anyone can go to Appstate's website and see that you lied about the size of the core by omitting the line about 6-8 physics "electives" included within it, and lied about the number of courses needed to meet the 18 hour minimum for the field of concentration (6, not 4-5), further ignored the fact that the actual number of courses doesn't carry over very well (as indicated above, the 1150-1151/2010-2020 sequence is equivalent to six standard introductory courses), and completely ignored what the courses are actually in.

Read the fucking course catalog, folks.
How is a philosophy degree at all applicable to discussions of scientific mechanics?
Well, Chewie, philosophy programs teach about things like this:
  • Critical thinking.
  • Consistency and the big picture.
  • Logic.
  • Argumentation.
  • How we can claim to know things.
  • How to uncover bias.
These are absolutely crucial, and Wong fails horribly because of his inability to put together the big picture, work logically, pay attention to consistency, or put forth serious claims to knowledge.
You seem to have issues of inferiority and insecurity. Are you sure a trek vs. wars forum is the right place to work that out?

I've seen the math on his page, its consistent throughout. I don't like him (I think he's a dick half the time and he probably thinks the same about me) but he's not dishonest. You're the one screaming about a vast conspiracy to defame your character and education.
TJHairball said:
Beats me. I graduated with honors.

Which is more than Wong did:


I guess he graduated Moron Cum Laude and it was written in invisible ink.
CaptainChewbaca said:
You seem to have issues of inferiority and insecurity. Are you sure a trek vs. wars forum is the right place to work that out?

I've seen the math on his page, its consistent throughout. I don't like him (I think he's a dick half the time and he probably thinks the same about me) but he's not dishonest. You're the one screaming about a vast conspiracy to defame your character and education.

Excuse me if I don't turn to a Geologist to double check math of spaceship fights and ...hell...

Listen to your fucking selves!!

You are arguing the physics of make believe fights of make believe people in make believe universes with make believe powers in it!!! With deadly serious intensity and measuring your mental e-peens by comparing degrees.

Jesus Christ...get a life! Or get laid! Anything but this sad, sad waste of precious life.

Fucking A!