At least with roads I can score a job relatively easy once I graduate.This certainly beats roads(Bickendan) and football stats(Tom) for autistic obsessions.
You're lucky I'm sick.
This was me foreshadowing the very first Wacky Hot One Hundred. Someone should have stopped me.Let this post MARK THE DAY I fully commit myself to nothing other than ranking women based on their attractiveness. My full design shall not become clear for about a month, but today is the beginning. I will succeed in reducing an entire subset of humanity into nothing more than numbers. Kind of like Hitler, but on a much larger scale. If you think I was autistically obsessed before, you ain't seen nothing yet. Heed my words.
Stop you? It's why we love you.This was me foreshadowing the very first Wacky Hot One Hundred. Someone should have stopped me.