Troll Kingdom

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I'm taking over Troll Valhalla

Ha, ha, ha ... my account is still active and I found my password. Been a member since September 2, 2006 and never posted. Chatted some with a few members via pm there and that is all.

Why does anybody want to take the place over?
Why does anybody want to take the place over?

I was the first tech admin doing the software and shit, was member #6.

Let that shithole die, it is a special kind of stupid now.
Well, they haven't reached rock bottom until they start doing family members. Right bad dog?
Speaking of... big changes afoot over at WF AND at Starscape.


"I replied to this here post in the WRONG THREAD!:frusty: What Bickendan says about WordinForge & Farscape is 100% true:yes: I learned of it from Babagadoosh in my last fight with him in the Negative Magnetic Corridor."
Take over? I ruled the roost there for quite some time. They have IP-banned me a record 6 times, but always let me back in, such was my import there. Alas, they have once again IP-banned me, contacted my ISP for 'trolling' their site and being a general nuisance, to which my ISP laughed and told them to 'fuck off and leave our customers alone'. As I have become rather bored of that dump, and the fact that there are probably a grand total of 3 members there (the 'other' members are all nickswitches). In short, the place is dead. Ask JACK/EDNA about that.