The Legendary Troll King
I made her take a shower before I fucked her tits.
Didja cut off her arms after?
I made her take a shower before I fucked her tits.
Didja cut off her arms after?
Last night I went out to dinner at Olive Garden - had lots of salad and spaghetti and meat balls. It was what I was craving.
Anyway, late in the night my body decided to abruptly and forcefully expel gas. I know this because one of my cats woke me up when he tried to stick his whole head up my ass hole. I don't know if he was attempting to sacrifice himself for the good of his furry friends or if he just thought it would be fun to go against the flow. You know how cats are - they just do weird shit at weird times. Needless to say, he isn't allowed to sleep in my room anymore.