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Important news

Shal said:
Giggles quietly over A Karas's so very inaccurate suspicions...

I am glad you find all this amusing, Shal. :)

In any case, I can't help BUT be suspicious since it seems like only the ones that the staff prefers get in, and not so much who would really do the job well. I just can't bring myself to trust Specs.
Show of hands: how many think that a position of watchdog (a position designed to make sure the average poster isn't getting fucked in the SL), chosen by secret nominations over PM to the staff and then chosen by the staff is a good idea?

Let's be honest. Even you EI staffers that scamper over here and wax sarcastic, in an objective light, does this sound even remotely sensible?

We've been talking about this for...what...a year or so now?...about how stupid it is. Bring the subject up at EI, and you'll get a flood of posters intoning "we trust the staff." Well, if you trust the staff, then why have watchdogs?
Aww, someone actually thinks I'd make a decent WD. I'm flattered! Now if only those people were... y'know... on the EI staff.

I'm not sure how I feel about Specs as WD, I haven't really had any contact with her and she hasn't really made an impression on me I guess, because I don't remember any of her posts that I may have read. I'm withholding damnation until I read a few more of her posts.
chipper730 said:
Aww, A Karas...I'm almost blushing. :p ;)

Ya, well, I'm sorry for posting the PM you sent me. Hope you enjoy TK, and not see it as some wicked place where everyone spends every waking moment of their day plotting EI's demise.
G1223 keeps referring me as "you and your pals/friends" from TK blah, blah, blah. It's so freakin' annoying. It's not like we eat sleep and breathe trying to think of ways to fuck up Ex Isle. I have a life, and besides, I never have, or ever will have any intentions to mess up the place. Just the opposite, I'm trying to make it better. Of course I still like the board, otherwise I wouldn't be posting in it. Jeez.... I like TK too. What's the big deal? So do others from EI.

I need a fucking aspirin.
A Karas said:
Ya, well, I'm sorry for posting the PM you sent me. Hope you enjoy TK, and not see it as some wicked place where everyone spends every waking moment of their day plotting EI's demise.

It's ok...I was in a mood that morning too. Besides, the hugs made up for it. ;)
S. SaDiablo said:
They sure know how to pick 'em don't they...

Wait a minute. It just occurred to me that I still can't even get into EI. Was I banned or something?

I'm not the only one it's happened too! Ha those fuckers