FWIW, I've never had the impression that Lanz was a RINO. AFAIK, he's a "capital L" Libertarian, which with their open-borders, anti-law-enforcement positions are just, "the other Democrats" at this point.
Not that I'm against some libertarian positions -- malum prohibitum laws and regulations should be struck off the books with all possible haste and all applicable righteous anger -- and that's to start with, the endpoint being that each and every law and regulation not expressly authorized by the Constitution is done away with, and any lawmaker who proposes such a law or regulation in future is immediately ejected from any public office and thereafter barred on penalty of imprisonment from even seeking another.
But 'small l' libertarianism -- and for damned sure "capital L" Libertarian politicians -- have all but abandoned minarchism (aka the "Night Watchman" model) in favor of anarcho-capitalism in a shrinking minority and anarcho-communism in the majority.
It's strayed a long night's walk from the principles of the movement that gave birth to it, and has become a party for kooks and crackpots.