Troll Kingdom

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Hey, everybody! Time for some lit'rature!

[02:02] *** chewbacca95 has joined the chat.
[02:03] chewbacca95: boo
[02:03] Einhander Sn0m4n: yo
[02:03] Einhander Sn0m4n: what's with TK?
[02:03] chewbacca95: I'm looking at the Rep McKinney thread
[02:03] chewbacca95: what about TK?
[02:03] Einhander Sn0m4n: Mal Reynolds...
[02:03] chewbacca95: you mean about RDJ being Malcolm Reynolds?
[02:03] Einhander Sn0m4n: ja
[02:04] Einhander Sn0m4n: I'm assuming you had nothing to do with any of that crap
[02:04] chewbacca95: I havn't been there in a while
[02:04] chewbacca95: I just looked today when I found out who Mal was
[02:04] Einhander Sn0m4n: oh ok
[02:05] Einhander Sn0m4n: and I notice they love necroing EXTREMELY old threads!
[02:05] chewbacca95: he's claiming he "bitchslapped" Nitram and Mike
[02:05] Einhander Sn0m4n: HA!
[02:05] chewbacca95: he really didn't
[02:06] chewbacca95: he posted a .zip file of his "exploits"
[02:07] chewbacca95: I'm downloading it
[02:07] Einhander Sn0m4n: kool
[02:07] Einhander Sn0m4n: oh, on filefront
[02:07] Einhander Sn0m4n: anyways, bedtime
[02:07] chewbacca95: yeah
[02:07] chewbacca95: TK has gone way downhill
[02:07] Einhander Sn0m4n: oh, and kill Imperium for me
[02:07] Einhander Sn0m4n: ja
[02:08] chewbacca95: its mostly just RDJ cursing the darkness
[02:08] chewbacca95: who's Imperium?
[02:08] Einhander Sn0m4n: no one gets to call me faggot if they want to live an anal virgin
[02:08] chewbacca95: who?
[02:09] Einhander Sn0m4n: (Link:
[02:09] Einhander Sn0m4n: (Link:
[02:10] chewbacca95: I don't know Imperium
[02:10] Einhander Sn0m4n: anyways nite *hug*
[02:10] chewbacca95: he's probably someone's skin
[02:10] Einhander Sn0m4n: as well I thought you wouldn't
[02:10] Einhander Sn0m4n: LOL
[02:10] Einhander Sn0m4n: aka sockpuppet
[02:10] chewbacca95: seriously,
[02:10] chewbacca95: 60% of TK is now RDJ blathering to nobody
[02:11] Einhander Sn0m4n: you've really outgrown TK anyway
[02:11] Einhander Sn0m4n: LMAO
[02:11] chewbacca95: also, he's not really Missmanners or Storm Rucker
[02:11] Einhander Sn0m4n: mind if I post that 60% thing in that HoS thread?
[02:11] chewbacca95: there's a HOS thread?
[02:11] Einhander Sn0m4n: yeah
[02:12] chewbacca95: feel free
[02:12] Einhander Sn0m4n: Surlethe found the thread on TK calling for invasion within seconds of it getting posted
[02:12] chewbacca95: I hope people see that I mocked RDJ in his "I trolled SDN" thread
[02:12] Einhander Sn0m4n: they did
[02:12] chewbacca95: I believe pretty much everyone involved in the "invasion" has left TK
[02:13] chewbacca95: mostly we didn't really hate SDN, we just hated RDJ and you guys defended him
[02:13] Einhander Sn0m4n: and he's now a paper tiger
[02:13] Einhander Sn0m4n: to Ex Isle?
[02:14] chewbacca95: what's Ex Isle?
[02:14] Einhander Sn0m4n: some site mentioned at tk
[02:14] chewbacca95: is it a forum?
[02:14] chewbacca95: I think they might troll there
[02:15] chewbacca95: I've never been there.
[02:15] Einhander Sn0m4n: it's a happy-huggy-touchy-feely forum
[02:15] chewbacca95: ok,
[02:15] chewbacca95: you should really dig through the TK-archives from the invasion
[02:15] chewbacca95: they dug up a LOT on RDJ
[02:15] chewbacca95: like how he has a scissor-leg fetish,
[02:16] chewbacca95: and beat up a homeless guy for a donut
[02:16] chewbacca95: also his real name
[02:16] Einhander Sn0m4n: ROFFLE!
[02:16] chewbacca95: its all true
[02:16] chewbacca95: he really pissed off "Queen Tamar Garish", and she's quite the cyber-sleuth
[02:17] chewbacca95: she's our "Lady Tevar" if you will
[02:17] Einhander Sn0m4n: hmm, if Tev ever saw you draw that comparison, she'd have you broken on the wheel by sundown
[02:17] Einhander Sn0m4n: (Link:
[02:18] chewbacca95: bah
[02:18] chewbacca95: we love our queen, is all
[02:18] Einhander Sn0m4n: it's all good
[02:19] chewbacca95: that is by far the least active forum I've ever seen
[02:19] chewbacca95: besides that guy who made the BSG vs Star Wars forum
[02:19] Einhander Sn0m4n: although I wouldn't mind if some of the ex-TKers came back to SDN reformed
[02:19] Einhander Sn0m4n: LOL
[02:19] chewbacca95: they can't come back, you banned them all
[02:19] chewbacca95: who would you want to come back?
[02:20] Einhander Sn0m4n: point
[02:20] chewbacca95: Storm Rucker has sorta retired from the internet
[02:20] Einhander Sn0m4n: I guess its my sense of forgiveness
[02:20] Einhander Sn0m4n: oh ok
[02:21] chewbacca95: a few of the "good behaved" ones got banned without actually doing anything wrong
[02:21] chewbacca95: just by being a part of it
[02:21] Einhander Sn0m4n: ouch
[02:21] chewbacca95: I had to email Mike and formally request to be unbanned.
[02:21] chewbacca95: ah, memories...
[02:21] chewbacca95: "Crucify Captain Chewbacca" is one thread title I won't forget.
[02:22] Einhander Sn0m4n: ah, I had Shep with his Anti-Ein Brigade a long time ago
[02:22] chewbacca95: too bad all the really interesting stuff was gone
[02:22] chewbacca95: I got shep with the PERFECT zinger
[02:22] chewbacca95: he made a big rant about how I was a troll, and he hated me, and he'd devote every waking moment to making me pay.
[02:23] chewbacca95: To which i said "Good. Goal-oriented people live longer."
[02:23] Einhander Sn0m4n: LMAO!!
[02:24] chewbacca95: I think the difference was,
[02:24] chewbacca95: during the invasion I was also participating productively in threads while arguing/fighting/trolling
[02:25] raxmei: (Link:
[02:25] raxmei: sidewinder going nuts about the army again
[02:26] chewbacca95: This is what Mike said about me the day of the invasion:
[02:26] chewbacca95: In all fairness to CaptainChewbacca, I must say that so far, I have found him to be reasonably sincere. Certainly different from GC and Storm Rucker, neither of whom look particularly good based on their conduct here.
[02:26] Einhander Sn0m4n: LOL Henry
[02:26] Einhander Sn0m4n: kewl
[02:26] *** raxmei has left the chat.
[02:27] chewbacca95: Oh the memories,
[02:27] chewbacca95: someday I'll finish writing up the "TrekBBS/TK invasion"
[02:28] Einhander Sn0m4n: make sure to include copious amounts of privileged info about RDJ too
[02:28] Einhander Sn0m4n: BTW you may call me Dale
[02:29] chewbacca95: is that your name?...
[02:29] Einhander Sn0m4n: yup
[02:29] chewbacca95: or some sort of homo code-word?
[02:29] chewbacca95: *dun dun dunnnnnnnnn!*
[02:29] Einhander Sn0m4n: I prefer a bit of glasnost
[02:29] Einhander Sn0m4n: LMFAO
[02:29] Einhander Sn0m4n: you can post this chat in HoS if you want, too
[02:29] Einhander Sn0m4n: and on that note, bedtime
[02:29] chewbacca95: nah, I'm gonna go to bed also
[02:30] chewbacca95: feel free to post it yourself
[02:30] Einhander Sn0m4n: k
[02:30] chewbacca95: I gotta go to the doctor early, get all my STDs and gout cleared up
[02:30] Einhander Sn0m4n: ouch
[02:30] Einhander Sn0m4n: Godspeed, Chewie
[02:30] chewbacca95:
[02:30] *** chewbacca95 has left the chat.
That is certainly one of the more reasonable chats to read. I really must visit this SDN sometime.
Oh. My. God.

chewbacca95: I hope people see that I mocked RDJ in his "I trolled SDN" thread

"I'm one of you, guys! I am! I am! Can you take me for a walk later? Huh, guys? Huh? That wasn't me chasing the neighbor's cat! No! Nuh-uh! I'm a good dog! I am! I barked at the troll! Didja see? Huh? Dijda! I'm a good dog!"

Oh, God, the disgust...
The Question said:
Oh. My. God.

chewbacca95: I hope people see that I mocked RDJ in his "I trolled SDN" thread

"I'm one of you, guys! I am! I am! Can you take me for a walk later? Huh, guys? Huh? That wasn't me chasing the neighbor's cat! No! Nuh-uh! I'm a good dog! I am! I barked at the troll! Didja see? Huh? Dijda! I'm a good dog!"

Oh, God, the disgust...

What do you have against Chewie? He's an ok guy, he just likes to be liked where he likes to be.

Besides, I've seen the pictures. He's more of a bear than a dog. Or maybe a moose...