The Legendary Troll King
I think that as a response, all adult males who smoke should switch to using nasal snuff. Because, see, one of the really fun side effects of snuff is, it coagulates le snot in le nose and turns it the color of poo.
Then, when we go into restaurants, we can reach up into the schnozz and pull out rust-colored booger battleships right in front of everybody, and eat 'em.
Like public suckling, it's "not indecent". And, like public suckling, it's perfectly natural. It's just also, like public suckling, utterly, appetite-killingly off-putting.
And we won't give a shit about anybody else in the public space, either, then we'll act offended when that selfish, entitled attitude annoys others.
So! Is public booger-eating okay?
Only when you don't get caught.